August 19
11:15a- hiccups already in day one of homeschool. Desktop CD/DVD player not reading any discs whatsoever. Ugh! Follow all kinds of online instructions to no avail.
In middle of this my Mom pestering me about books I need to mail for my sister. She decides to help by coming over to take them to post office bc I can’t buy media mail postage online. Misplaced a textbook and can’t remember where I put it. Jordon trying to jog my memory by asking questions. Refuses to let me lift anything heavy. I know this is true but my stubborness wants to say No I can do it.
Stress doesn’t suit me. Middle of chest now is hurting and has icy burning sensation.
5:16p- Mom dropped off a store bought lasagna to help for dinner. Made homemade bread but the yeast never rose
11:18p- whole body hurts, hands swollen and achy, low back throbbing, center of chest throbbing, upper back stinging, stuffy nose, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling,
August 20
9:00p- busy day. Food pantry a big blessing. School. Still can’t find textbook I misplaced and don’t remember where I put it. Headboard and footboard given and delivered to us. Answer to prayer. Feel like sinus infection oncoming. Short of breath easily. Lethargic. Severly congested. Blowing nose much. Sneezing much. Homemade Chicken noodle soup. Harvested Greek oregano. Went to store to get rx filled and few groceries. Former student now a store manager there. So happy for him.
Inflammation still much in center of chest. Limited activities. Cut son’s hair…in doing so my rt arm cramped up. Had to rest little bit before finishing up even then rt arm burning.
Stiff body upon rising. Sinuses amuck. Face hurts. Ears ringing periodically. Chest hurts. Lethargic. Exhausted. Hands swollen and achy. Rt ear hurts. Rt hip aches. Low back aches. Upper back stinging. Neck hurts. Limited turning range.
10:27p- trying to wait for oldest son to get home. My skin itches & muscles cramping. Lymph nodes on lft side neck swollen. Difficulty swallowing. Feels like meds got stuck in chest. Miss my little night light. Have to remember to grab it. Teeth hurt rt side. Nerve endings starting to feel like they’re on fire. Headache worsening.
August 21
5:30a- woke to terrible pain in lower back. Whole body achy and stiff. Head hurts but not as bad as last night.
Thinking I may need to add zinc to my routine. Looking for multivitamin that will have most of vitamins I take so I can reduce amount of pills taken at one time.
10:00a- Co-op mtg today. Kids sign up for electives. I’m teaching ASL for 8th-12th grades.
3:00p- wore out trying to figure out where I put that textbook. Daughter’s been doing the lifting. Whole body aches. Upper body tensing. Neck hurts.
9:00p- Costocondritis trying to rear it’s ugly head. Heating pad & ibuprofen. Lower back throbbing. Headache. Whole body achy and stiff. Sinuses congested. Trouble swallowing. No PT exercises tonight…maybe just breathing.
10:00p- whole body hurting. Hands swollen, achy, numbish, tingling pins and needles thru body, feet hurt, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling, shoulders stiff and burning, sharp pain shooting down lft side of torso, skin itchy, stomach hurts. Hey, hey, hey, at least my pain is letting me know I’m alive.
11:02p- becoming more clutsy. Just spilt my water on my night stand. Tripped over my feet getting up from dinner almost fell. Caught myself.