August 27
6:30- whole body aches
8:00- headache oncoming, rt hip & low back aches, face hurts
12:15p- just folded load of clothes from yday. My arms especially rt arm started cramping pushed thru until load was folded. Rt arm burning cramping, out of breath and exhausted. Time to rest til cramping subsides.
4:30p- put clothes away. Remembered I needed to shred chicken for dinner. By time I get chicken shredded my back throbbing and shoulders burning. Need to lay flat to rest back a while.
6:00p- muscles twitching in lower lft leg outside
7:45p- stomach cramping and hurting
8:30p- lower back really throbbing. Heating pad applying.
10:15p- doesn’t seem as if heat is helping…hard to think strait hurting this bad. Sipping chammomile tea.
August 28
5:00a- stomach and back cramping/throbbing most of night. Fell asleep doing breathing exercises. Tossed and turned most of night trying to get remotely comfortable.
6:00a- cramping has eased some. I hurt horribly from head to toes. Feel like I was beat up. Hurts to move. Sinuses congested severly. Trouble breathing.
8:00a- headache, feet tingly lft more than right, lower lft leg just above ankle tourniquit tighten feeling, hands swollen and achy, eyes watery, center of chest aches
Going to see if hot shower will help.
2:00p- PT study went well. There were 10 advanced neuro physical therapy students in the class today. Their assignment was to do an inital evaluation to determine what was wrong and different injuries. It was quite interesting and challenging at times.
I brought my usual paperwork that I bring to new apts but gave at end of class. They were amazed but very thankful that I chose to participate.
They even challenged me…asked me what my goal was in all of this. I wasn’t sure how to answer. Told them to be able to do more physically bc I’m not able to do half of what I used to and to be able to encourage others to get the help they need.
They will meet with professor (my physical therapist) tomorrow to discuss they’re prognosis and come up with action plan.
Friday they will finish up testing they weren’t able to complete today and discuss action plan with me. I will ve able to give my input as well.
11:50p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Migraine included. Rx taken. Hope to sleep some tonight.