Lightning Strikes Journal Entries – 29-31 August 2019

August 29

7:30a- having trouble waking up today. Took a benadryl last night due to severe congestion. Also took pain rx & migraine rx. I guess it made for sleepy combo. Able to breath this morning. Severly stiff and in much pain this morning but at least migraine has eased. Still have slight headache.

Listened to wholetones music for almost an hour trying to calm overactive stinging nerves. Helped.

Lots to do today to get prepared for Joe’s birthday party after church tonight. What would take normally couple hours will take me all day. I’m learning to think outside box in order to get things accomplished.

1:00p- Eclaire cake made and in fridge. Sloppy Joe’s in crockpot. Jordon cut up the broccoli and cauliflower for me. Much appreciated. Broccoli Cauliflower Salad made and in fridge.  I feel like I’m forgetting something. 

I’m really sleepy. Slight headache. Pain level is a about a 4 but I did take pain rx around 9am.

1:40p- decided to wash some of dishes I dirtied. Only got part way before back was hurting too much to stand any longer. 

1:30p- really tired feel crash oncoming laying down a piece 

7:44p- rt hip throbbing, rt jaw aches


11:50p- low back & rt hip throbbing, lft hand and wrist numb & tingling, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness and tingling, headache worse, tired, upper back hurting, center of chest hurting, can feel my heart beating, muscles randomly twitching thru body 

August 30

6a- woke with headache, eyes watery,  toes tingly, 

1;00p- PT with neuro students. Had me walk 6 minutes up and back. Determined that as I get tired from exercises my right side gets more wobbly. About half way thru my legs started feeling like lead.  Toes tingly after walking.

Clothes line exercise showed issues with my shoulders. Wish I could remember the verbage they used.

They did several other tests to check my eyes motor control. Eyes show I’m still having trouble with vertigo. 

Update: yday session went well. They definitely tested my limits (in a good way) and discovered new information along the way. i.e. – I was struck on left side of brain and right side of body  is affected.  Convergence insufficiency in eyes.

*I guess that would explain why it’s been difficult to read since the lightning strike.

Some of the students admitted they were intrigued about lightning survivors and said they went home after last session and looked up information about lightning survivors. 

At the end of session, several had questions about what I deal with now versus prior to strike. I was able to tell them about the lightning strike and electric shock survivor Facebook group that has been helpful. I was even able to share some of the struggles I’ve dealt with regarding finding Dr’s willing to help and some of the things that have been beneficial along the way.

 Some were even intrigued at the lack of medical help for long term recovery. 

They were very appreciative of my willingness to participate. They even gave me a “Thank You” card.

I am thankful they were interested in learning and for their professor’s willingness to help me. God worked in mighty way & allowed seeds to be planted.

11:00p- wore out from today’s events.

Center of back left side aching with stabbing pain. Having troubl3 holding phone in hands – keep dropping. At least my headache is gone. Bloody nose.

August 31

7:30a- I’m in much pain. Whole body hurts. Tailbone feels bruised from sitting on bleachers. Shoulders and arms ache. Hands nd arms were numb uopn waking. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and throbbing. Lowr lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Rt ear hurts. Neck hurts. I don’t want to get up.  Left ear ringing. Bloody nose.

9:00a- started taking bulletin board down to change it out for 9/11 & Hometown Heroes Appreciation Sunday. Had to ask for help to finish taking it down. My arms started stinging & rt arm cramping. 

10:00a- so sleepy today. Joe had me drive car once we got to street to knock doors. Guys able to lead a lady to Christ.

12:30p- Mom, Dezirae, & I work on sprucing up front of church. I was able to rake a wheelbarrow full of pine needles for flower beds before pain was too much to bare. After resting a bit, Joe told me he needed to take me home bc I was going to overdo it.

Dezirae found my biology books! They somehow got put in clothing closet area? Weird?

3:00p- need to lay down feel like I’m going to pass out. Guys working on hunting stuff keep moving bed little. Make me feel like I’m tossed on stormy sea. Decided to move to Dezirae’s bed.

4:30p- still feel tired but need to cook dinner & do bulletin for tomorrow. Really need to start on it earlier in week. Gotta try to get my brain in gear.

11:30p- finished bulletin about 10:30. Got dizzy when going to restroom. Sore all over. Neck hurts. Hairline itches like crazy like allergic reaction to something. Hair touching skin bothersome. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with numbness more than usual, lft hand went numb, lower back throbbing, center of chest tender with mild icy feeling, upper shoulders and back achy with pins & needles sensation, pins & needles sensation in  legs below knees, lower back/butt bruised and painful to touch, bruise on left upper arm (think I fell into dresser but not 100% certain), cramping in middle back region, neck hurts, periodic ringing in ears today, middle toe on left foot throbbing like it was bit, periodic coughing like I’m choking on fluids, tongue still looks odd 

Didn’t drink enough water today. I’m very thirsty. 

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