Sept 5
8:30a- feel a little better but still very weak and lightheaded. Slightest wrong move my muscles cramp/spasm bad. Ugh!
Asked God for extra strength today bc I don’t feel like getting out of bed. Prayed for church family, and hurricane victims.
9:00a- decided to take a shower. Turned to turn shower on and muscles cramped so bad I had to stop. Head hurts. Neck & shoulders hurt & tightened muscles. Wore me out. I’m about to where I don’t look forward to bathing bc it’s such a challenge.
9:30a- need to rest a bit then start working on stuff for appreciation Sunday.
10:00a- finally getting around to eating breakfast. Not hungry but know I need something in belly. Kids started schoolwork on their own.
Don’t recall where I put my lists. Starting new ones. It can get so overwhelming at times. Choose to recruit help from older son and church family.
12:27p- Jordon asks what’s for lunch. Dezirae reminded him of meal menu on fridge. Jordon asks for soup instead. Makes me a bowl. I’m actually hungry for change eat burger & hot dog.
4:40p- found out we are having missionaries tonight. Joe asked their daughter to play piano tonight to give me a break. Blessing because I was going to let him know I needed a break. God knows!
5:00p- realized I forgot to print rest of items for bulletin board. Have to put it on my to do list. Finally have a binder I can put it in to not loose it, hopefully.
6:45- Bro Jerry asked me how I was doing. I hesitated then told him fair bc last couple of days have been tough. He let me know he’s been praying for me. That was an encouragement.
7:45p- realized I forgot to print prayer list for September. I dislike forgetting things so much.
11:20p- not able to fall asleep due to much pain. Scrolling on Facebook momentarily friend in NC posts that they are currently facing effects from Hurricane Dorian. Able to share comforting words and spend time praying for them for a while. Also prayed for missionary in Honduras that had to be rescued from their home bc of Dorian…prayed for their recovery efforts and strength in rebuilding process.
Sept 6
1:18a- still wide awake…getting sleepy…funny how praying can have that affect on you.
Whole body hurts from head to toes – headache, lightheaded, neck hurts, shoulders hurt, back aches, rt hip throbbing, legs ache, lower lft leg from middle to toes numbish & tingling, heels & toes ache, muscles tight, hands swollen and achy, brain foggish, random muscles twitching thru body
5:30a- woken out of sleep abruptly by stomach cramping pain & severe low back pain. If only I could get the sleep I need, I might feel some better. Got the runs. 🙁
6:30a- taking Jordon to work. Forgot where I was going made wrong turn. Had to turn around. Need gas in car. Jordon filled her up.
12:30p- we dropped Dezirae off for her away vball game. Headed to Mostellar to check on medical records for atty. Had wrong fax # will resend.
Asked about making apt bc Costocondritis flare up isn’t letting up. Informed Dr I was seeing isn’t there anymore. New Dr won’t start until later this month. Ugh! Triaged with nurse. Spoke w/ nurse practitioner. They’re calling in steroid rx if not better to call for work in apt. Hope this works. I need to get better asap.
4:00p- Finally home again. I’m exhausted. Mind going 100 miles a minute. Decided to watch a mystery movie.
5:17p- Dad called to check on me. I had just fallen asleep. I’m exhausted not feeling too good.
6:00p- ask guys to cook dinner bc I’m not feeling up to it. They graciously started it while I finished it up. Had them clean up too.
9:00p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Don’t feel good either. Major headache.
Sept 7
12:00a- woke around midnight hurting. Not sure how to explain but like you ache all over when you have flu but with pins and needles at my joints and I don’t have the flu. Kept me awake for some time before I could fall back to sleep. Had migraine and had to take rx.
7:30a- feel like I broke a sweat last night. Joe says it’s just hot in our room. Think I’m going thru premenopause on top of everything else.
Positive note my migraine is gone for now. I hurt all over. Chest too. Finding the right balance is hard to do sometimes.
8:00a- Joe told me to stay home and rest.
5:30p- chest really hurting sharp pain rt side thru to back. Icing my chest, took pain rx to ease pain. Ache from head to toe.
7:00p- horrible hiccups!! Hiccupped consistently for about 10 min.
11:30p- back 2 gargling with Maalox and Benadryl to keep pain & swelling down in tongue. Sores showing up again especially on right side of tongue.
Sharp pain in chest and back easing but chilling burning sensation replaced it. I guess the prednisone is working. Sneezed hard now nose is dripping blood (bled for 5 min). Wish I could figure out connection. Frustrating.