Sept 8
7:00a- overslept forgot to set alarm
7:30a- prednisone seems to be helping. Neck on both sides seem to be a little less swollen than yesterday.
8:30a- choked on my drink. forgot to raise hands to ease it waving my face with left hand until my husband reminded me to. still didn’t raise hand. done choking by then.
9:00a- that I can’t wear heels right now and put the wrong shoes on. back started throbbing when I walking at church. had to take shoes off.
10:00a- lost & confused in SS. Not understanding sheep & goat analogy (Matthew 25:31-46). Gave me headache. Magnified brain fog I already had. Ugh!
11:00a- can’t seem to get hands, brain, & eyes to coordinate to play piano. Gave it my best effort. I know importance of music in service so I will continue to do my best until God supplies another pianist to take my place. I will not be offended in the least – I love to sing.
11:30a- both legs from knees down shooting throbbing pain. Top of left foot & toes partially numb. Toes tingling in rt foot. Rt hip hurtd. Tingling in arms & hands. Neck hurts. Low back throbs.
It’s hard to follow preaching. Hardly ever get all the points down. I try to take notes to help understanding and comprehension.
Just realized I forgot to notate about confusion & trouble comprehension of atty call on Friday. Had to have her explain to my husband. I think I frustrated her.
Sometimes (maybe a lot) I not know how to explain pain. I don’t remember how certain pains feel. Memory is a whole other issue.
Like pain shooting in my legs right now are like a dull stinging pulsating shocking pain. Makes it hard not to focus on that instead of what’s going on around me. I have no clue what syntax would cover that type of pain. It radiates up and down from knees to feet up lft side then down rt side.
Center of chest feels like I’ve gotten frost bitten.
2:00p- face & upper chest area super flushed – looks like a sunburn. Face kind of feels like it too. I’m so tired. Need to rest a while. Stressed out about next Sunday’s event.
4:00p- attempted to finish bulletin board by putting letters up “Thank You For Your Sacrifice”. Got them pinned up but had to ask Dezirae to help finish bc arms and chest started hurting.
6:30p- trouble getting brain & hands to coordinate playing piano.
Chest starting to really hurt. Ugh!
It’s almost like when I get this bad that I have to treat myself like a fragile ceramic doll.
11:30p- low back throbbing, neck hurts, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness up to midcalf area, toes tingly, headache, sinuses draining, stuffy nose, hands swollen and achy, muscles randomly spazzing thru body, muscles in midsection cramping, center of chest aches, tired but still awake
Sept 9
6:15a- feels like I just fell asleep. Rough night. Fell asleep sometime after midnight. When I shut all lights off, I saw spots like disco lights all over room. It was very strange kept me from falling asleep for quite some time. Woke again at 2am and 4:30am.
Taking Joe to work. Car still down. Hopefully take to mechanics tomorrow and not cost too much or it’ll be sitting longer. This stresses me bc I have lots to do this week for Sunday preparations.
7:00a- stomach hurting bad thru to back
8:00a- Jordon suggested I lay back down for half hour to rest.
Stomach hurting bad. Hands swollen and achy. Sinuses congested making it hard to breath. Face hurts. Chest center aches & icy. Pain pulsating in upper left back. Feet like ice-put socks on. Legs ache. Muscles randomly twitching/spasming thru body. Tush hurts.
12:45p- going to friends house to get help with finalizing plans for Hometown Heroes Sunday. Stopped at produce market and post office on the way.
5:00p- Think mtg went well. Have to stop at store on way home to pick up items for dinner.
6:00p- Joe & kids helped bring in food and put it away while I started dinner. I’m exhausted and hurting.
10:15p- Have several businesses on hook for donations. Had to type up letter on letterhead. Will have Joe sign in am. I’m exhausted and hurting.
Back throbbing. Headache. Lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with partial numbness from knee down to foot. Hands swollen and achy. Eyes watery. Brain fogged. Dizzy. Lips parched. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Lft leg aches. Feet hurt. Center chest aches.
Forgot about calling Dr’s today about medical records. Gotta do that tomorrow. Ugh!
Today went good but I’ll be glad when this week is over. Too much stress on me right now.
11:45p- stinging needle pain in hands, arms, legs, and back