Sept 10
6:15a- woke in a sweat. Burning up.
7:20a- Dad called in earlier for surgery today. Gotta hurry to hospital. I hate rushing…causes me to forget things and hurts my nerves.
8:02a- Dr’s anxious to start surgery. Joe & Jakob praying with Dad before they take him back.
I have this problem
12:30p- talked with firefighters ate foosakley’s. Asked them if they encountered lightning survivors. Not really they said. Heard of them mostly. Joe introduced me. Wow that’s amazing. I really need to designed some type of business card to give to bring awareness.
2:08p- I’m beyond exhausted…about to crash. Dad went thru surgery well. Finally in a room. Ran errands with family picking up donations for big day on Sunday.
Nerves are on fire. Chest throbbing. Legs and back throbbing burning. Took rx. Taking a nap. Phone been crazy busy too. Mechanic can’t see car until next Tuesday. Ugh! I don’t need this now.
Stomach cramping rt side. Brain crashing fogged burned out too much thinking overload. Forgot where I was going with this. Muscles spasming randomly throughout body. Neck hurts mostly rt side. Headache. Lights & loud sounds bothersome.
4:30p- don’t know why I tourture myself going to vball games (except to cheer my daughter on as I’m able). I know it gives me headache with loud noises and the lights and cause my nerves to fire up. Love my daughter
6:45p- visiting my dad in hospital. He’ll be in at least one night maybe two.
Rcevd info from TBI about concussion…
7:21p- center of chest stinging
10:00p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Headache. Muscles and nerves on fire. Muscles in back stinging. Low back throbbing. Calves burning and ache. Toes throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Center of chest icy burning. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness & tingling from mid lower leg to toes.
10:50 feet cold. Getting chilly. Tired but wide awake. Arms ache. Took muscle relaxer. Cramping in lft calf
Sept 11
6:45a- woke up freezing! It’s not that hot in house. Got about 7 hours of sleep. Feel better than I have in a while yet I feel like I could sleep longer.
8:00a- Co-op today. Kept not only messing up my words but also fingerspelling words backwards. Talk about ultimate dyslexia if I had it. Frustrating! Gained student today. Need more chairs.
12:25p- I’m exhausted. Brain feels scrambled from information overload. Lft Hand tingly. Feet tingly. Legs ache. Rt hip hurts. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Need to rest a bit. Dezirae making lunch.
12:50p- lunch eaten. Feel like I’m gonna crash. Laying down for little bit.
7:00p- so don’t like taking showers anymore cuz they wear me out and make me short of breath. Have to rest afterwards before I can do anything else.
9:00p- think I’ll go to bed. I’m exhausted from today. Brain doesn’t want to work right. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Lower back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing.
9:30- feet are like ice. Put on socks. Pm pt exercises. Neck hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft lg numbish from mid to foot. Rt hand throbbing.
Read something recently about migraine trigger indicators. One possibility is ice cold feet just prior. Hoping to prove that wrong. Slight headache I do have. Upper chest aching