Hebrews 4:12

Life is hard. Kindness, courage, and love will help you prosper.
Sept 12
8:20a alarm went off at 7am. Hit snooze so I thought and fell back to sleep. So tired. Nightmares. Hence reason I don’t take muscle relaxer very often. Quoting scripture in head to combat them.
Chest & back throbbing. Turned from stomach to back and neck and chest popped loudly. Ouch! Hands swollen and achy. Feet have warmed up but still slight cool. Low back throbbing. Tingling in lft foot and ankle.
9:40a- sharp stabbing pain in center of chest again. I don’t need this right now!!! Frustrating. Had daughter step on back. Popped little. Son lifted me up. Popped little more. Muscles randomly twitching in legs.
11:32a- think I stopped a migraine before it started. last night my feet were icy cold when I had a headache. I ate a bunch of pretzels before going to bed. started getting another headache this morning. ate a handful of pretzels. my headache went away
9:30p- I’m cranky, exhausted, extremely hurting. Laying down icing chest. Hands numb.
Sept 13
6:45a- woke up thinking I overslept. Hands swollen, achy, and tingly numbish. Center of chest starting to get sharp stabbing pain. Stomach hurts.
7:26a- Joe graciously is taking Jordon to work for me.
Ears both ringing. Stuffy nose. Feet hurt. Rt hip aching. Low back aches. Hands ache & tingly. Eyes watery. Center of chest aches.
I guess I have spunk. Was told that yday. Trying to figure out if that’s good or bad in my case. I guess good.
Dictionary says spirit, courage, determination. Example sentence is “had the spunk to overcome a
severe physical disability.” Anyone notice the sentence is laking a subject?
I think that describes me. Cool. I may not look disabled, but I sure do feel it some days while most others I feel excessively challenged. I’ve always having to rethink how I can accomplish things without extra effort because some physical effort causes great pain especially if it involves me arms.
7:40a- hands ice cold (that’s new?), lower legs throbbing, low back throbbing, feet are starting to feel icy. Ears both still ringing.
12:13p- wore out from Sam’s trip. Rt hip throbbing. Low back aches. Chest hurts & icy starting, feet cold, short of breath. Need to go pick up cake & take to church.
1:30p- got shocked more than 13 times in Walmart!!! That really hurts!!! Not like normal people bc it lingers somehow in my body. Each shock feels like it gets stronger. Told me family to keep their distance bc it’s not funny.
2:00p- finally arrived at church. We worked on sprucing up church some (pine needles in flower bed, guys blew off roof, Dezirae & Joe swept ceiling of porch – just spreading pine needles made me short of breath, set up tables in fellowship hall).
5:00p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Center of chest icy.
6:00p- crashed on chair in living room for little bit. Joe jumped in to help.
8:00p- center of chest throbbing. Icing my chest for little while. It helped not hurt as bad still aches.
10:00p- walking down hall to room got very dizzy. Grabbed wall for balance.
10:38p- sometimes deep breathing hurts my chest. Sometimes I don’t know if I should push thru or not.
Box fan making funny noise all of sudden. Joe noticed couple screws missing. Told him I found one on bed this morning or yday. He mentioned that I fell into the fan couple nights ago. I don’t have any recollection of it. Hmm?
Entire back aches and feels tight. Shoulders hurt. Feet ache. Skin itching some. Low back aches. Neck hurts.