Sept 16
7:00a- fell asleep sometime after midnight. Woke before alarm. Feel like I could sleep longer. Whole body hurts. Sinus congestion. Eyes watering. Both hands and arms numb and tingly upon waking. Hands swollen and achy. Toes & feet achy. Legs ache. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aching.
11:20a- bp 96/68 hr 64. PT said she was okay with Bp but if it gets any lower she’d be concerned.
Three contributing factors to balance: vestibular, central (muscles and joints), sensory receptors (eyes). [Had to google when I got home because the only words I could remember her saying was vestibular and thre contributing factors].
Suggested neuro psychologist for the cognitive issues. (I know I need help in this area but one I don’t have funds right now and two I’m quite leary about trusting my cognitive issues to a secular psychologist. I know it would help with the cognitive reasoning as well as the anxiety. I’m going to pray that God will provide.)
PT did some testing to check progress. Overall I am improving even though it’s not where we wanted me to be but I am improving. PtL!
I asked her what the students thought of their testing & assessing me. She said that they all have said that was their favorite sessions because it was such an eye opener and helped them on so many levels especially with a lightning survivor.
She also asked me if it was okay to have a second therapist join our session next time to see what she thinks; and kind of get a second opinion on therapy and progress.
God is so good!
12:00p- muscles in back and arms pins and needles sensation.
5:00p- Dezirae graciously offered to cook dinner. Feet freezing. Put socks on. Starting to get headache.
6:00p- headache eased once feet warmed up. Took socks off.
8:00p- feet starting to get cold. Headache getting stronger. Stomach hurting.
11:13p- trouble falling asleep. Rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen, achy, and tingly. Feet cold though have socks on. Still have headache. Rear end throbbing. Upper back aches. Legs ache. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Lower lft leg tingly and achy. Center of chest hurting. Eyes itchy and watering.
11:30p- sharp pain in chest. Good it feels NOT!
Sept 17
4:15a- fell asleep from exhaustion sometime after midnight. Woke suddenly shortly after 4am. When I looked at clock it was 4:20ish. Rt hip screaming. Pins and needles crawling up and down body. Muscle spams mid lft side. Read my Bible on my phone. Prayed for people that came to mind. Fell asleep praying.
7:00a- think I finally fell back to sleep sometime after 5:45 only to have nightmare about being stung by giant bees. The bites swole up like giant warts. The only thing that would kill them was some liquid in a 2 gallon pump sprayer. Later found out the liquid was windex. Ugh!
Oddly enough I woke with following song on my mind…
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart. I will enter His courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
He has made me glad, He has made me glad. I will rejoice for he has made me glad. He has made me glad, He has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad.
Think it’s based off Psalm 100:4
Rt hip still throbbing but not like it was at 4am. Whole body hurt when I woke at 7am. Took a while to get moving.
8:00a- PT says I need to try to get back more flat when doing some of the exercises she’s assigned. Decided to try the “legs up the wall” pose while doing them to see if it helps. I’ll try to remember to keep ya posted.
I’ve actually been doing it periodically but it’s been hit and miss.
10:30a- TBI mtg. It amazes me how much people light up when they see Dezirae and myself. Mrs Teresa even took time to sit with us to chat a while.
2:15p- finally home. Need a nap before volleyball game tonight. I’m exhausted. Can feel myself crashing. Rt hip really hurting. Not sure what I did to aggravate it.
3:30p- dumb gps is taking me on interstate. I really dislike interstate!! It is 15 minutes shorter than I remember of route we took in past. I can’t remember route but I know it wasn’t interstate.
6:00p- Dezirae’s team won match. 3-0. On way home, I yawned and my jaw and neck cramped bad. Had trouble shutting mouth. Extreme pain in jaw and rt ear. Took quite a while for it to subside.
9:12p- I’m so exhausted! Jordon suggested I take the pill that helps me sleep so I can get some much needed rest. He thought it was Tylenol.
Rt hip really hurting. Low back aches. Feet cold. Put socks on. Lower lft leg numbish feeling and is icy cold. Neck aches. Headache. Hiccups. Sinus congestion some. Upper shoulders ache.
9:39p- lower lft leg now prickly, burning pins and needles sensation