Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-14 Feb 2020

Feb 13

0630 rough night…not much sleep. Headache. Whole body aches. Tired.

0720 read Isaiah 23-28

Isaiah 26:3-4 – Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,  whose mind is stayed on thee:  because he trusteth in thee.   Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength: 

0800a ugh! I finally remembered to show Joe the backwards c on my neck lft side. He asked if it itched. No. Periodically I have sharp stabbing pain in neck. Joe suggested I put iodine on it and bandaid. Thought it was stinging a little when I applied but thought nothing of it. I had allergic reaction to bandaid and c looks no different. Nice.

1230 putting dinner in crockpot. Using new recipe. Beef and potatos au gratin.

0100 lower back is throbbing almost to tears. Need to rest a while.

200 How a Sibling struck by lightning became a source of inspiration

0315 Jordon wants to stop at store on way to church. Works for me. I need a t-shirt. Making Joe’s present for Valentine’s if I don’t flub it up. Lord, I want it to be special for him.

0330 friend called to check on me to see how I was doing. She has health issues herself…actually dealing with cancer. Lord, please lay Your healing hand on her. Makes me feel loved when a friend calls to check on me. I know I need to do better but that’s partly why I try to check in on so many bc I know how it makes me feel though at times I really don’t know what to say about how I’m doing.

0400 purchased item and walked away. Got to door greeter and realized I forgot my purchase. Sweet door greeter heard me ask Rae to go retrieve it for me. She kindly asked why I’m always forgetting something. Had to blessed opportunity to share that I was struck by lightning 2 yrs ago. She replied, “Bless your soul. God has something special in store for you.” I thanked her and agreed that He certainly does.

Walking out to car told Rae that I must have made an impression on her for her to remember me but I didn’t think I forgot that much. Lol.

0430 stomach hurts not nauceous but just hurts.

0629 I’m plumb wore out.

1130 headache. Low back throbbing. Stinging needle pain in shoulders and upper back. Feet hurt with tingling sensation. Hands ache. Center of chest hurts. Wore out feeling. Prickly needle pain in legs.

Why is the phrase pins and needles? Aren’t they the same?


Feb 14

0700 whole body hurts. Tingling in upper back, hands, arms, and feet. Middle back throbbing. Headache slightly. Congested. Very tired. Hard to keep eyes open.

0715 read Romans 9 & 10

Thankful for my Father’s everlasting love.

0750 Tingling chilly semsation in center back that feels almost like frost bite kind of burning. Feet and hands hurt. Just want to sleep it off.

0830 eating breakfast. Stomach hurting something aweful.

0850 Mom, Kids & I going to church to spruce up mission house for guests abd and paint bookshelf in office.

0100 had to pace myself. Arms fatigue quickly. Back throbbs. Have to work then rest a while before continuing. Decided to start small projects back up around church with help of course to keep moving forward. I know I will hurt afterwards but the feeling of getting things accomplished is good.

0530 going on a dinner date with my hubby. I love spending time with him. I miss working with him 24/7.

My stomach is hurting. Took 2 ginger capsules before leaving.

0600 back muscles are stinging. It’s hard not to focus on it. Can’t handle pain anymore. Taking pain pill.

0645 I asked for frozen yogurt instead of chocolates. Joe made it happen on way home. He’s so sweet.

0745 need heating pad

1000 pain rx not helping. I believe the little I’ve done today was too much. Frustrating but I won’t know my limitations unless I try.

Center of chest throbbing. Short breaths. Back is stinging. Arms and hands hurt and sore. Feel bloated. Tired. Feel beat up. Hurts to move. Indigestion. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg. Headache. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 11-12 Feb 2020

Feb 11

0620a I am definitely not a morning person.

Read Psalm 12-14 The Lord truly is!my strength and my song.

Some people would like to scare you into thinking that you need to take vaccinations against the flu or pneumonia to combat the viruses being spread (ie. Corona virus). Truth be told you don’t need to fear. There’s a simple remedy to boost your natural immune response. God has created wonderful masterpieces to heal themselves if given the proper rest and nutrients.

0700 interesting that neuropathy means sick nerves.

B vitamins, specifically B-1, B-6, & B-12, Vitamin E and niacin are crucial to nerve health.

I think I’m going to have fun snooping around on this website. The information is backing up my perceived theories to help me.

Currently taking 1 TBS of Diatomaceous Earth. I’ve taken it daily for a week now. Notice that my hip pain has decreased.

0730 Don’t understand it but lately if I take my morning meds before I eat breakfast it makes me nauceous. Ugh!

On positive note, I’ve been swishing with the Dr Tinchers Peppermint mouthwash at least once a day and my tongue is almost back to normal!!!

0745 meeting friend at church to go over book working to try to figure things out and do some filing.

1200 going to do some grocery shopping on way home. Produce at lil Brian’s and groceries at Walmart. Jordon’s helping me.

0500 thankfully Dezirae is making dinner tonight. I like her sautéed green beans.

0830 Rae suggested Epsom salt bath. I told her that would be nice but at this point I’d probably drown bc Id fall asleep in tub. lol

0915p crashed about 630ish for 20 minutes or so. Couldn’t push myself anymore.

Only able to do two things today. They wiped me out. Thinking gave me bad headache, blurry vision, & dizziness. Grocery shopping caused fatigue in muscles, muscle cramping in legs & arms, hands swollen and throbbing, whole body hurts. Center of chest hurting. Pain level 9. It’s hard for me to get up and down. Going to bed early.

1045 pain is keeping me awake. Body hurts like I just did hard core workout or something. I hurt from head to toe. Ringing in lft ear. Don’t want to take muscle relaxer if I can help it. Those pills cause aweful horrid nightmares.

Think I’ll pray  a while and count my blessings  instead of sheep


Feb 12

0600 every ounce of me hurts. It.hurts to move. Think I’ll take a little while to get up.

1000 couple moms talking about feeling depressed in winter. I so wanted to say there’s a natural remedy for that…meditate on Scripture and Vitamins…but my brain went blank and couldn’t remember info.

Include more raw foods in your diet, multivitamin, B12 2mg, & Niacin 300mg daily.

1030 my helper in sign came to share story with me. She’s so intrigued with sign now that she wants to get more involved with deaf community. Her husband and son went door knocking week ago Saturday. They met a lady that works in public school system (Causey) that tries to sign to the deaf students to help them understand what’s going on better. Long story short the two met up and are excited that God directed their steps to meet up.

130p coop so wears me out but it’s one of the highlights of our kids week.

0330 decided to put some clothes away in my room. Low back throbbing, chest hurting, and arms fatigued. Laid down on bed to rest a minute and fell asleep for 30 minutes.

0445 called friend to check on her. Miss having friends to talk with at coop.

0745 center of chest is throbbing like I pulled a muscle. Pain level 8. Lethargic. Feels like storms coming. Wind strong.

0800 question asked in LS support group about having trouble with feet burning? Several chimed in on what they deal with or not. I responded as follows:

My feet hurt horribly with partial numbness, tingling, burning pins and needles depending on how much I do or how long I’m on my feet but not just in my feet. It varies and can be in hands, arms, & legs too.

I’ve tried Gabapentin. It helped ease the pain, but the dizziness side effect just added to the vertigo I already deal with and couldn’t handle it.

For me, I’ve found taking the following vitamins help: B complex, B12, multivitamin, magnesium daily helps for me.

Recently came across following website that is full of information…

1039 dandruff is flaring up

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 9-10 Feb 2020

Feb 9

06.34 woke with migrane. Lights bothersome. Had nightmare.

Bp 133/88 hr 64. Bp is slightly up.  Feet freezing. Low back hurts. Rt hip aches.

1100a stomach not feeling so good.

Kids came and gave me hugs during hand shaking. Made me feel encouraged.

1130a feeling very sleepy all sudden. Had to take migraine pill to ease headache. Don’t like having to take them.

Worked hard on preparing bulletin and signup sheet. Joe decided to change it up to chili cook off. Ugh! Now gotta change it again.

Forehead hurts where I dropped the dehydrator on my head. It’s bruised. Thankfully it’s not visible.

Enjoyed SS this morning though I was a bit slow. Love when people interact that’s where faith grows.

Still need peace about specific Bible Study to start with ladies. Love coming to church even when I’m down bc it gives me the encouragement to keep pressing for the mark.

My body may bare invisible injuries and chronic pain but my faith gives me the hope I need to keep moving forward.

1.30 feel like I’m about to pass out. Going to lay down a piece to rezt.

0330 odd noise woke me from bad dream. Feel kind of dazed. Whole body aches. Woke to arms and hands numb and stinging tingly

0400 finally feel awake enough to do some things at church (work on archiving 2018 files. Need another box for 2019. Need to find my church keys.)

0600 stinging needle pain in upper back.

1150p decided around 0900p to try to start taking s&s nails off it’s been seven weeks. I’m tired of same nail color. Thought soaking nails with acetone cotton balls and aluminum foil would make it come off easily. Not for me. Had to ask Rae to help me. Took at least two hour to get seven off. I’m tired and want to go to bed.

Frustrated decide to wash few dishes in sink. Forgot how much pain that inflicts on my back and shoulders. Ugh!


Feb 10

1230a I am in so much pain!!! Feel like I’m being big baby. Like to tell myself to suck it up and get over it but it’s not that easy. Took pm meds, naproxen, and quarter pill muscle relaxer. Hope pain eases soon so I can get to sleep.

Headache. Congested. Face hurts. Ears itch. Tongue bumpy white patches. Neck hurts. Shoulders and back burning, throbbing pain. Rt hip throbbing. Calves cramping. Toes numish and tingly. Fingers tingly. Sleepy. Center chest hurts.

0800 read Joshua 21-24. If we cleave to the Lord and strive to do His commands, He will fight our giants for us. We must be very courageous.

0900 have list of things I want/need to get done. Input grades, finish posting revival info, newsletter, call cpa, make meal list for week.

1000a almost forgot to put dinner in crockpot -Potato Corn Chowder.

1230p decided to work on starting to input grades. Hard to believe 3rd quarter half over already. Took me most of morning to get Rae’s grades written down. Hard to stay focused even with goals for day written down.

Focusing on things of this sort hurt my brain. It not only wears me out mentally and physically, but also makes me dizzy and gives me headache more than normal. I have headache most days but have learned certain vitamins help minimize and make headache tollerable.

0130 didn’t realize the time. Tell kids to eat lunch. I’m not hungry. Mostly thirsty.

0230 talking with mom while waiting for clothes to wash. She told me about some videos she’s been watching and how certain vitamins can cure alot of diseases but the pharma companies don’t want us little people to know about it. is good website with lots of info on natural healing.

0700 all of a sudden feel grouchy. Wore out.

0724 showers still wear me out and make me short of breath. Ugh! Now have bad headache. Brain hurts too.

0800 need to relax a bit my low back is throbbing.

1043 low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and achy. Legs below knees ache. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness and tingling. Feet tingling. Upper back and shoulders ache and tingly. Bruise on lft forehead itches. Rt groin area hurts like I pulled a muscle. Center chest aches

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 7-8 Feb 2020

Feb 7

1240 finally starting to get sleepy. In Jesus’ Name We Press On repeating in head. Whole body aches aches. Periodic sharp stabbing pain in rt side head or lft side neck. Hands swollen and achy. Lft elbow itches. Tongue has raised lessions again. Headache. Low back and rt hip throbbing. Leg lower lft tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Took benadryl for itchy. Cheeks feel flushed.

0600 too early. Must get up to take Jordon to work. Joe & Rae hunting this morning. Praying they get something. I have such a headache! Lights bothersome.

0711 They got something! Praise the Lord for meat for freezer.

I’m slowly working on packing up Jakob’s stuff he left behind so it’s not in Jordon’s way. Have to push myself in moderation bc I’d rather just go back to bed. Things get done at much slower pace these days not because I don’t want to do it but bc my body hurts and wears down much more quickly. Learning to set small goals. And I definitely have to remind myself not to compare myself to other moms bc that’s a downward slope I don’t want to slip on and definitely not wise (2 Corinthians 10:12).

0800 found mold in boys window. Ugh! Surprised I’m not sick. Spraying it with tea tree & water. Allow to sit few minutes then wipe off. Ended up accidentally knocking blinds down then sat on floor cleaning blinds. Back was hurting anyways.

0900 I’m plumb exhausted and hurting. Time to rest a while and apply heating pad to lower back.

0430 Fell asleep in livingroom for hour or so. Still have bad headache. I think its possible migraine. Felt Joe checking my forehead couple times to see if I was okay.

1050 whole body aches. Bad headache won’t go away. Made same dent in boys room but not get much else done.

Low back and rt hip throbbing. Calves burning. Sharp pins and needles pain in shoukders. Skin itchy. Center of chest hurts. Exhausted. Night rx taken plus migraine rx & muscle relaxer.


Feb 8

0800 woke with headache. Center chest rt side hurts.

0121p still struggling with walking much curious if cycling would be a possibility? Need to try to loose weight. My limited mobility is affecting me greatly.

0400 helping Joe prepare dinner and cutting veggies for the chicken soup. Have two stalks left. Think I’ll prep them for dehydration later tonight. No room on counters right now.

Ouch! I tried to get dehydrator off top of fridge without asking for help and dropped it on my head. Now my head hurts!!!

0600 face started flushing during dinner. Cheeks got to feeling hot like on fire and they look sunburnt. Don’t know cause…just remember it started after LS.

1150p I have such a headache. Oh, bother! I almost forgot about turning dehydrator on for the celery. Must get up and go turn it on.

Headache. Face hurts. Ears ring periodically thru day. Low back and rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg & ankle tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Feet cold, achy, and tingly. Center of chest hurts. Arms ache. Hands swollen and achy. Whole body feels swollen. Shoulders burning aching. Eyes sensitive to lights & periodically watery thru day. Tired. Short breath.



Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 4-6 Feb 2020

Feb 4

9:30 woke up late. Apparently I needed the sleep. Crazy dreams (bit by tick & got lyme.–UXwjzEzSgTQuuJqVym3zk_FeTJm8tplvQYnNdt9GS4KyrhJiIiIhmQuHegf3tf6c-LsTibtkIhutGx-FgBlT3Kdv2sQ&_hsmi=77922038

Today went smoother than yday though I had trouble staying focused on one task. Brain seems to think I’m so far behind in all my tasks that I need to make up for lost time (2.5 yrs). I know it’s not possible…I’d hurt myself. Still learning where my balance is between doing enough and too much without overdoing it.

Rt hip throbbing. Low back aches. Headache. Tired but wired.

Feb 5

0700 woke tired. Hands tingly.

Bdnf deficiency?,differently%20across%20ages%20remains%20unclear.


0616 vision blurry and some dizzy. Cheeks burning feeling. Feel flushed. Upper back & middle of shoulder blades burning. Stressed over getting info ready for cpa. Thankful we have someone certified to do it. I’ve forgotten how


Dizzy. Tired. Whole body aches. Thunderstorm caused anxiety to flare but I think I managed okay. Center of chest costo hurting. Shoulders & in between shoulder blades burning. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hip throbbing – chose to walk behind grocery cart in grocery store for few items. Headache. Skin itchy.

Attempted to brain my own hair for first time. Got it done. Bit messy but doesn’t look too bad. My arms and hands are burning & cramping something aweful. Mixed emotions…I want to cry  bc it hurts so bad and it lets me know that I’m not there yet, but it make me proud  of my progress and glad that I have a daughter who knows how when I want it done next. (Pst I had to google proud emoji. Most of them make no sense to me. Lol).

Current P.T. goal is to work up to 2 reps of 5 each exercise (Chin tuck? Knee rock, Half squat to chair, Clamshells, Bridges, Marker, X to X, Hand to knee push, Rows w/ theraband, & Cat/camel). Feels like a heavy duty cardio workout to me. I’m exhausted, aching, & out of breath by session end but I’m making progress.

Friend shared video of her children singing in church this past Sunday. They were singing “Press On”. I enjoyed listening to uplifting message. I sure can use it from time to time.

It really gets hard to press on towards the mark when you feel all alone in a battle that not many understand nor do I know how to express it in words. How do I help others when or put into words what I’m going through? I just know without the help of my Almighty Father who is with me each step of the way and the loving support of my family I couldn’t have progressed as I have. I lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus. I meditate on His Word. Listen to uplifting, soothing music. I pray a lot. I’m thankful and humbled that God would use me to be a vessel for His glory. I pray that my story will help others to press on and maybe someday the medical field will be interested enough to study this phenomenon out to help others who are experiencing the struggle of surviving being struck by lightning.


“Press On” Lyrics by Selah


  • When the valley is deep
  • When the mountain is steep
  • When the body is weary
  • When we stumble and fall


  • When the choices are hard
  • When we’re battered and scarred
  • When we’ve spent our resources
  • When we’ve given our all


  • In Jesus’ name, we press on
  • In Jesus’ name, we press on
  • Dear Lord, with the prize
  • Clear before our eyes
  • We find the strength to press on


  • In Jesus’ name, we press on
  • In Jesus’ name, we press on
  • Dear Lord, with the prize
  • Clear before our eyes
  • We find the strength to press on
  • To press on


1100 still wide awake


Feb 6

0700 rough night. Awake every couple hours. Whole body aches. Hands and arms numb and tingly. Lower legs and feet tingly. Strange dreams. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Headache not easing up. Ears ringing periodically. Legs & ankles burning. Stomach aches. Tired.

1230 just finished gathering items for CPA. Just need two more items. Brain tired and foggy. Vision blurry. Neck hurts. Its thunderstorming now. Away from electronics for a while. Body tensing. Need a break.

0400 letting Jordon drive for practice. Heading to pickup rx before heading to church. Forgot it’s begin of go home traffic. Too stressed to handle it. Jordon doing good job but explained I can’t handle it right now. Took over after pick up rx.

0630 Mom talked about her Chiropractic apt today. Dr did a cranial adjustment. Asked if she could tell difference. She said she felt more clarity.

0725 brain too fogged and blurry to focus on piano. Flubbed horribly but managed to push through song while yelling in my head help Lord I just want to run and hide.

0730 feeling flushed. Cheeks burning. Headache. Rt hip throbbing. Vision blurred. Neck hurts.

1100 lft elbow itches like crazy

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 1-3 Feb 2020

Feb 1

0130 woke in a sweat. I’m so hot! Had to change clothes but struggled keeping balance

0800 read Romans 5&6 on my Bible app. While it is good that I have learned to adapt by reading my Bible on the app on my phone. Took me long while to figure out why I could do that but struggled reading in a Book I could hold. Due to my eyes skipping from TBI it made difficult to focus let alone keep eyes on same page. Too much reading causes blurry vision and dizziness even today. Praise God I can read little longer now. I sure do miss holding my actual Bible and being able to read it. Goal to start being able to read hand held Bible for few minutes at a time.

1150p wonder if there’s correlation between overtaxing brain and back pain. Only been able to stand maybe five minutes at a time before excruciating pain in back too much. Been sitting on heating pad off and on all day.

Entire back throbbing!!! Headache. Periodic ringing in ears. Hands swollen, achy, & tingly. Skin itchy. Legs ache. Feet freezing. Abdominal pain. Grouchy. Easily frustrated. Blurred vision. Dizzy. Unstable feeling. Lethargic. Left palm itches. Lft inner ear itches. Center of chest hurting.


Feb 2

0600 read Gen 12-15

0630 need to get up to print bulletin. My back is throbbing! It hurts to move.

Putting lunch together in crockpot. Can’t find recipe and can’t remember how to assemble it. Ugh!

0645 printer keeps wanting to jam. Frustrated. Rt hip paining me something aweful! Headache.

0700 oh bother! I just remembered that I still needed to download and print SS lesson for adult class. I’m running out of time. Brain blurring. Leave me alone devil. I’m resisting so flee.

0835 on way to church. Light flashing in between trees are bothering my eyes today…too bright or something.

0900 forgot to pack my music paper. Wrote offertories on it now gotta try to remember them…something about consecration?

Don’t have that book at church? Thought for sure I did. Asked Jordon to go check SS bldg. Asked Rae to help finish getting lunch in crockpots.

0905 Jordon found similar book. Yay! Now to see if something clicks. Finally locate song picked…Zion’s Hill. Brain more blurry & dizzy. I need a rest.

0915 sat down at desk and remembered I need to put SS lesson together. Lord, help me get through this bc my brain is overloaded. Some of papers didn’t copy right. Need to copy back sides. Need to copy whole book and give to teacher to do.

1230 Joe asked me what was matter. Took me a bit to spit it out…I’m so overwhelmed and confused. Not remembering things correctly and it’s upsetting me. Feel like I’m losing grip on hold I did have. Too much stress. Not enough rest time. Don’t need to take on too many monkeys.

My abilities are severely challenged at the moment. Need to rest more. I’m exhausted going to take a nap. Brain swimming.

0350 had alarm set for 3p but I was so tired needed more rest. Laying flat on stomach seems to ease my hip pain some. Suddenly woken by loud chainsaw noise and thump of tree limb hitting ground. Scared me. Hands swollen and painful numb and firey tingling.

0500 worked on writing scripture journaling devotional for blog. This month’s challenging one for me…Peace.

0600 good services and sweet spirit amongst people. Rt hip starting to throb again. Wish I could figure out trigger and learn to adapt better.

1145 rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Rt ankle throbbing with some numbness. Toes tingly. Hands swollen, achy with lft hand tingly. Upper back aches with some burning sensation. Brain cloudy.


Feb 3

0745 had rough night. Yrobule getting this morning. Need more sleep. Woke with lftcarm and hand numb and tingly. Center of chest hurts.

1000 started putting dinner in crockpot.

1030 Joe asked to run errand for him when I go to bank. Decide to take soup to couple widows in church.

0500 stop at store to get milk. Chicken on sale $2.90/10lb. Got 2.

0600 burnt the soup!  Joe came to my rescue and cooked chicken in air fryer with mashed potatoes and mixed veggie.

0730 I’m plumb exhausted. Feel crash oncoming. Short of breath and feeling weak. Muscle in body burning. Brain tired and foggy.

0930 apparently I fell asleep in livingroom. Joe woke me up to go to bed. My whole body hurts. Realize I forgot to take morning meds. Probably one reason I conked out early. Lethargic. Hurting from head to toe. Stinging needle pain thru body. Just want to cry.

Skin itchy. Upper back stings. Calves burning. Thirsty. Abdomen crampibg. Headache. Hands swollen and achy.

Heroes of the Faith Scripture Journaling Calendar

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.  Ephesians 6:18

These men and women, through faith, overcame extreme conditions and lived out their faith to the glory of God.

Scripture Journaling:

Remember that Scripture Journaling is  a tool to help you as you develop or deepen in your walk with the Saviour.  This is a time to meditate upon Scriptures, express yourself, seek out truths of the Scripture, and learn how to deepen your walk with God.

  1. Pray for God to speak to you as you read the selected passage that day.
  2. Write out the specific passage of Scripture chosen for that day.
  3. Write any truths of the Scripture that stood out to you.
  4. Write any questions you may have about the passage.
  5. Write how you can apply the passage to your life at this moment.

This can also be used as an heirloom to leave for your children when they are old enough to appreciate the wealth of knowledge you gained from searching the Scriptures.  Have fun, learn, and enjoy!

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