Feb 21
700 woke to both arms and hands numbish & tingling. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Sinuses congested. Calves intense aching. Feet ache. Neck hurts. Hurts to move. Tongue looks like war zone.
Saw a commercial earlier in week that show how different ailment resemble…joints stiff and achy had on metal garb like tin man in Wizard of Oz. I feel like all of the people shown in that commercial sometimes all at one time.
It feels nice to wake up in warm house.
950 enjoyed hugs from the kids today.
1030 took spiritual gifts survey in SS. Vision and brain blurring and tunneling. Headache hurts. Not good mix for playing piano.
1130 piano playing was a mess today. Asked to be cameraman today. Discovered I can’t take notes and watch camera at same time. Ugh! Joe is a wiggle worm more than I thought.
Legs are stinging. I’m a wiggle butt this morn too. Can’t get comfortable. It hurts to sit in pews.
Our how our perception of ourselves vary different from others. Recvd complement on my hair and was told it always looks pretty. Earlier I told Jordon I was having a bad hair day bc it was fuzzy and not cooperating.
1230 As I was watching video on making carmel or colored popcorn in oven, I could actually smell the popcorn cooking. Weird.
1250 smelled the rolls were beginning to burn in oven.
627 I get frustrated at times during services bc I have hard time keeping up. Just dawned on me that we live stream. I can go back and watch again to get what I miss.
Oh man, I just realized I misplaced my notebook…probably left it at home.
930 feet are freezing and feel like ice.
1130 freezing sensation moving up legs. Rt foot to ankle. Lft foot up bottom of calf. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling extending with minor numbness and tingling. Headache. Hands throbbing & swollen.
1159 low back stabbing throbbing. Stinging burning pain in both legs. Neck hurts. Stomach hurts.
♫That name is Jesus Sweet Rose of Sharon Spotless and Pure Lamb of God He’s the Waymaker Miracle Worker Peace Maker…That name is Jesus, Sweet Rose of Sharon Spotless and pure Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lion of Judah The promised Emmanuel, God’s Son, Jesus my Lord and Creator Who witnessed and conquered the brave, Jesus this worlds only Savior, Jesus what a wonderful name♫
I’ll fall asleep with His name on my mind.
Feb 22
515a woke burning up like I was running fever but wasn’t. Sore & stiff all over. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Ears ringing. No energy this morning.
800 read Numbers 28-30, Psalm 113:8, 1 Peter 5:8-10
Could’ve slept longer but need to get up. Exhausted.
200 while visiting with friend today, her legs gave out and she fell. Thankfully she didn’t hurt herself too bad but it’s concerning me. Able to tend to cut on arm and though it was a challenge get her up off floor.
400 I’m really feeling picking up friend earlier. Whole body hurts and costochondritis is trying to rear its head. Took Naproxen. Glad I have easy dinner planned – spaghetti.
500p received Dr notes from neuropsychological testing. Notes were intriguing until I got to the part she thinks I’m depressed and needs a therapist. Yet she said I had a good support system. Some of notes seemed contradictory. Apparently I’m still pretty smart even above average in some areas though it perplexed her that my response time, attention, and comprehension is below normal. But I have to keep in mind that they can only compare me to the average of others my age and education level. She verbally admitted I had a TBI but her notes don’t indicate it. Frustrating. Gives some answers but poses more questions.
What part of the brain controls comprehension? Wernicke’s area?
What damage causes regular headaches & migraines?
700 I’m exhausted and hurting. Ended up resting on couch rest of night.
1000 exhausted. Whole body sore like I did hard workout. Arms & hands ache.