Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 3-4

Feb 3

530 woke several times in night to use restroom. Woke suddenly from terrible nightmare. Feeling very groggy from migraine ex’s.

700 migraines sure do take a lot out of a person. Slight bloody nose.

230 trip to Wal-Mart. Needed few groceries. Also chose to get needed items for church instead of treking downtown to Sam’s. Able to walk behind buggy, but struggled with pushing and controlling direction of buggy after Jordon put bottled water on bottom.

330 letting Jordon drive home. My anxiety levels are high! I can tell we haven’t been anywhere much lately. Let me clarify, Jordon is overall good driver. I get nervous even if Joe or I am driving. My brain kicks into hyperdrive…I envision defensive driving and what other drivers are going to do or car is going too fast for my liking. So many things could happen. I try to stay calm. I hum hymn in brain or quote Scripture. I pray a lot! Still my nerves are in flight or fight mode.

I have recently by accident discovered a new coping mechanism to help reduce my anxiety levels while riding in car. Joe was driving other day and I inadvertently picked up one of those squishy orange pieces that you plug your ears with to dampen sounds. I started squishing it to see what shapes I could make. This in turned took my focus off the road and helped to keep me calm enough that I didn’t once yell or scream. I noticed it upon reaching our destination. I mentioned I needed a larger one. Dezirae found a Yoda-shaped squishy toy at the thrift store the other day. We washed it and it has become my new riding companion while traveling.

700 chatting with friend via a texting. Discovered our CPA charges a lot more. May try a new one this year. It’ll save bunch of money.

In most cases it’s best to chat via phone, but with TBI it’s easier for me to chat via texting/messaging. I have difficulty comprehending what is being said because it takes all my energy to focus on person speaking and trying not to get distracted on whatever else is going on around me. This way if I don’t understand what was said I can ask Joe to interpret for me. It saves for lot less confusion.

1030 surprisingly had less pain today. Still got tired after activity but not terrible.

Headache it tolerable. Neck hurts. Hands ache. Skin itchy especially neck area. Low back aches. Legs ache. Lower lft leg slight tourniquet tightening feeling with minor numbness down leg to foot. Feet freezing. Toes sting. Ears humming. Muscles stiff.

Night meds taken.

1115 chest starting to hurt something aweful.

Feb 4

530 forgot to hang keys up from yday. Woken to ask where I put them.

700 bad headache. Going to try to sleep it off.

800 bad headache still here. Not sure why so sleepy. BP slightly elevated 128/89. Going to drink some herbal tea to see if that’ll help.

Headache has eased ever so slightly. Wondering if something’s a muck and need to get it back in balance


Info from LS&ES support group…try a supplement called PEA. This helps regulate glial cells in the brain.

A lightning strike can cause these cells to go haywire! I’ll send you a link. I’m (Matthew an ND (Naturopathic Doctor) so this is what I do.

Could glial activation be a factor in migraine?

Glial Cell Activation and Neuroinflammation: How They Cause Centralized Pain

1145 severe pain in center of chest!!!

Bent over to touch toes to pop chest back in place – small pops.

Feet freezing! Putting wool socks on.

300 took longer to help Dezi with her English. Kept getting off topic. Head pounding more. Brain & vision feel blurred. Eyes dancing rapidly.

400 headache won’t quit. Yawning a lot today.

My headache is affecting my speech. Saw a DG bag on side of road and tried to say “DG point for me – bag in ditch.” Instead, I said “DG point for me gab for me.” Ugh.

Heading to church. Have lots to do to get ready for services next week.

720 head hurts so much that my eyes feel like it’s going cross-eyed. Face feels flushed. Cheeks feel hot.

1100 still have migraine. Took night meds. Taking relpax. Only take it as last resort because it makes me drowsy.

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