Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 9-11

Feb 9

515 deep bone pain from head to toe. The tea helped sleep come quicker. Thankful bc the thunderstorm was getting fierce as Indozed off. Collar bone area feels damp and clammy.  Clammy feeling is moving down across shoulders and down arms.

Read: Numbers 3-4, Psalm 104:34, 1 Timothy 6:12-14

Goal today: put up hunting gear, take recycling to recycle center, start cleaning up/decluttering living room

300 In much pain and exhausted but feel good I was able to accomplish goals.

Now to rest 20 minutes so I can get ready for church.

Exhausted. Feel like I might pass out.

Muscle spasms in back frequent today. Trying not to make spectacule sitting in pew and getting it to stop is difficult.

1000 It so irritates me that I have to have someone in car with me for my safety. Grrr.  I know it’s for my benefit but it’s frustrating at times.

Whole body stings. Both legs from shin down to toes cold, and tingling.

Feb 10

800 collar bone popped while moving in bed. So tired and hurting aweful all over.

1000 thunderstorm rolling through. Bad headache. Body aches to bones.

700 center of chest throbbing

930 having car problems – possible alternator going bad. Joe informed that he won’t get covid pay…that’s a month without a paycheck! I have no clue how we’re going to pay bills. Rt ear throbbing, rt jaw throbbing, legs deep bone throbbing, skin hypersensitive, head itches,

1125 have bad headache

Feb 11

510 tired and exhausted. Ache all over.  Hot like I’m burning up.

645 car died on corner of body & Schillinger

950 all the excitement is too much I need to crash

1130 crashed for 1.5 hours.

920 Info on natural supplements for allergies

A Dr when I was going to Victory suggested Bromelain for allergies. Thinking Quercetin might help too.

Been drinking juice for breakfast or eating 2 eggs for a week now. Reducing sugars. I’m starting to feel better. Bloating and stomach pain has decreased. I’ve lost 4 lbs so far.

1150 muscles and nerves are in hyperactive twitching mode. Deep bone pain from head to toes. Whole body hurts. Bad headache. Hands ache. Exhausted. Car still not fixed all the way. They’re having difficulty with serpentine belt. Lord, please help.

In so much pain!  Took night meds and naproxen 500mg for pain.

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