Lightning Strikes Journal Entries – September 8-11, 2021

LS Memoirs -Sept 8-11 , 2021

Sept 8, 2021
Woke whole body stiff achy and stinging.
Song on mind Blessings sing by the Clarke family
♫’Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise♫

Ezekiel 28-30, Psalm 43:10,

Decent day. Found out last minute I was taking girls to school. Washed two loads clothes. Folded and put one load away. Wash handful of dishes. Straighten up house a little. Reading ebook that I’m getting tired of. Cleaned few more squares on kitchen floor.
Started to not feel well little after 1pm. Tried to take nap but couldn’t. Head pounding. Face feels hot and looks flushes.
Getting ready for bed realized that I forgot to take morning meds. Bp 127/95. No wonder my head hurts and I feel lousy. Took bp med, Benadryl, and Excedrin. Muscles in body are randomly and periodically spasming making it difficult to get comfortable.


Sept 9, 2021
5:45 rough night. Woke every couple hours. Muscles spasms kept waking me. Do not want to get up this morning, bit I need to help my daughter study.
Arms and hands numbish and stinging tingling. Whole body stiff, aches and stings.
Song on mind: Blessings
♫’Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise♫

Psalm 56:11, Jeremiah 31-33,

After gals left for school, went back to bed. I’m not feeling so well. Feel drained of all energy, weak, and lousy.
Slept till 11am. Decided to work on hanging clothes in closet. Got half of them hung and wore out.
Joe offered to make scrambled eggs and hash browns. I obliged knowing I needed sustenance and hydration. Took C, D, Elderberry, and zinc.  Wore out so back to bed I went.

Finally drug myself out of bed around 8pm to get some more sweat tea and ramen soup. Feel lethargic and weak, but a tiny bit better.
Watched tv with family for little while. Wore out but awake. Muscles in body randomly spasming. Knotted muscle cramp in left inner arm just above my elbow. It hurts like the Dickens. What does that phrase even mean anyways? Googled definition. Interesting. Don’t think I what to use that phrase anymore. I have enough trouble with trials I sure don’t want to call any attention to the devil in any fashion except to resist and tell him to flee in the name of Jesus!


Sept 10, 2021
1218 having difficulty falling asleep. My nerves are all pulsating through my body causing stinging pain pulses. It’s quite irritating as well. My mind is going miles a minute. I try to think of hymns to hum in my mind to no avail. I keep forgetting words or tunes which is irritating me further. Decided to listen to wholetones music thru my earbuds and begin deep breathing while praying for all who come to mind. Hopefully this will calm my nerves enough to fall asleep.
I doze off knowing not for how long. When I come to the music is no longer playing. Take ear bud out, turn it off, put in case and doze back off.
430 wake to severe pain in lower back and nerves stinging all over more than when I fell asleep. I stretch and muscles in rt side immediately begin spasming.
Song running thru my mind is ♫Blessings♫
530 getting up to help Dezirae study for her multiple tests and quizzes today. It’s overwhelming her. Praying she does well.
James 4:8, Ezekiel 34-36,
After she leaves for school, I start working on floor again. Able to do 9 square and wax the small area. Arms ache. Sit to work on blog for a little bit. Order needed vitamins.
It’s amazing how much a specific one helps and do don’t realize how much until you go a period without taking it. My muscles seem to be spasming more often and stronger since I haven’t taken the magnesium complex.
1030a I’ve done what I can for this morning. I’m exhausted and hurting greatly. Eyes watering. Ears ringing.
Need to rest a while.

Looking something else up and came across this article. Though it might be of help.

Nap interrupted. Decided to heat up popcorn chicken.
Feel like I’m going to crash. Need a nap before tonight’s Mtg.
I have horrible headache. Took 2 Excedrin headache. Nerves sting but not as bad as this morning.
Feeling off don’t feel good hope nap helps. Listening to music while I rest

Recvd news about friend in hospital in covid. She is slowly improving. Praise the Lamb! Continuing to pray.
Head still pounding. Switch to sleep music. Spray lavender on pillow. Apply cold pack to head.


Sept 11, 2021
520 whole body stiff and stingy aching. Hurts to move. Headache. Hot. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Tummy aches.
Song on mind: I am determined to live for the King.
Ezekiel 37-39, Psalm 121:1-2, Philippians 1:3-7,

Took shower. Almost fell in shower due to losing my balance. Coughing a lot. Sinuses congested and causing pressure in face. Arms fatigued out and are throbbing. Legs throbbing. Feet burning. Out of breath and exhausted. I don’t look forward to bathing bc it causes so much pain, but the feeling of being clean out weighs the pain.
I lay on bed until nerves, pain, and breathing calm down. Think vertigo is kicking in

800 – 1200 attended Financial Seminar with Joe. Did pretty good keeping up trying to take minimal notes for first half then brain started fatiguing and I couldn’t keep up. Joe started taking pictures of the display pictures (names escapes me right now) to help me with the notes.
Enjoyed catching up with some friends we haven’t seen in a while.
Stepped out on faith and asked a friend if she’d be willing to be my mentor as a Pastor’s wife. She happily agreed and said we could probably teach each other.

Joe helped me shop at grocery store to get items for lunch and dinner. I haven’t been up to shopping this week.
Lunch eaten. I’m exhausted and can feel a crash oncoming.
Need to focus on my college work again starting next week. I want to finish my bachelor’s degree.

Reached out to the Dr who suggested the PEA supplement. Gave him an update and thanked him for his help. He was happy for my progress and asked me to give him a good review on Google and Facebook. I’ll have to think about what to say, bit happy to be of help.
Crashed for 30 minutes until phone dinged.
Got up to work on bulletin for tomorrow.
435 exhausted and have no energy.
Laying back down for another nap to have enough energy to cook dinner.

Why does using my brain drain me of any and all energy?

When I stop to ponder all my husband has done for me and supporting me especially through the past four years, I can’t help but fall in love with him all over again. Starting to learn how to flirt with him again. I think he’s taken back but he likes it.


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