May 7
8:00a- Joe accidentally scared me away because I was still sleeping and have TBI mtg at 10:00am. I dislike being frightened it puts my nerve ending on fire for a bit. He apologized and gave me hug.
9:00a- almost forgot to take morning meds. Took pain rx too to help me move a little better.
10:30a- arrived late at TBI. Phone’s been busy this morning.
Told Teresa & Ron about my PT apt at USA. I’m so excited about it. Teresa thanked me for letting me know. Teresa told me about TBI study being done at USA in July for 3 days. She wants me to participate. Lady that’s gonna do my PT will be apart of it. She will let me know more soon. Has conference call about it in next few days. How cool is that!!?
Ron bought me a physical fitness book. Stay FIT For Life by Joshua Kozak. It has many exercises to restore strength and stability. I need to do something special to show appreciation.
Pixie told me that I looked happier than I had been…like I’m not as sad as before. I told her that I am happier bc I feel like I’m finally getting answers or Dr’s willing to listen. I gave brief explanation about what last neurologist suggested. I told her it caused me to be depressed for a couple weeks afterwards.
She said he needs to be held accountable and doesn’t need to be in practice. I told her that my husband stepped in and talked with head Dr of practice and the Dr called to apologize. Joe chewed them both out.
Told her I refused to see him again and told apt nurse why. She scheduled me to see different neurologist first of June. She told me that I need to be up front and honest about why I’m seeing him instead. To tell him that I want to know what’s going on medically.
11:25a- I’m so sore all over and quite swollen. Hands swollen and achy. Wedding ring cutting off circulation in finger had to take off for a bit. Tailbone hurts from sitting on cement floor. All my muscles feel overworked and hurt. Shoulders ache. Legs throbbing. Headache.
2:30p- resting from morning adventure. Muscles in left arm spasming/twitching. Light Headache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Bright lights bothersome. I’m tired. Tailbone aches. Legs ache. Tourniquit feeling on lower left leg. So much to do and I’m ready for a nap. Neck hurts.
3:00p- tried to tell Joe that my butt feels bruised but it came out my brain feels bruised. He giggled and said it sure is because You’ve repeated yourself four times since you’ve been home.
4:30p- hit my head back on head rest in car it felt like I was being stabbed in head on left side. Touch back of head to check and felt nothing. Did it couple more times each time I feel stabbing pain. Joe checked headrest. Nothing there to stab me. Now I have headache. Rt ear now hurts.
Mom called to check on how I faired from yday. She was on car speaker phone. The background noise hurt my ears!!! Hard to register what they were saying.
10:26p- my upper hind quarters feel like they’re bruised. Skin itches crazy like. Rt ear throbbing. Put Vicks rub on cotton ball and put in ear to ease pain. Sounds crazy but it works. Headache. Feet ache. Low back hurts. I’m hot.
May 8
5:30a- woke to my hind quarters throbbing. Read my Bible.
Have to take Joe to work. I do not look forward to driving on hwy. It puts my nerves on edge which inflicts pain. Lord, help.
Lord was good. He kept a bumper clearance between me and other vehicles while on hwy.
9:00a- Made pigs-n-blanket for kids end of school party today. Now attempting to balance checkbook. Not going to well. Discovered I wrote a check for three $ more than I was suppose to. Ugh!
6:20p- Eventful day. Kids had end of year skating party from 10:30-12:30. It was strange feeling like the popular kid.
We then headed to church to try to finish first part of floor in SS room. Now picking up my husband from work.