Lightning Strike Journal Entries 9-10 May 2019

May 9

6:30a- fell asleep to Joe rubbing my back. Woke to use restroom. Hard to move. Whole body aches all over. 

Muscles in lft arm spasming. Stuffy nose. Low back throbbing. Tried to stretch hamstring to ease sciatica pain, but it hurt too much. All muscles very tight. Feet throbbing. Neck hurts. Skin itches all over. Throat hurts. Center of chest hurts.

9:00a- Chiropractor apt. Tens unit a little much for me today. One of heat pad fell off tried to reach and rt side started cramping and spazing. Ugh!

Dr suggested I find a stretching class in area to help me. Adjusted well.

10:00a- when I close my eyes all I see is squiggly lines dancing 

10:30- Joe put first coat of clear coat on floor. 2nd coat one hour later.

11:45a- decided to go get lunch. Ended up going to grocery store for mac n cheese with ham cubes. Dezirae cooked lunch while I sorted greeting cards for missions closet.

1:00p- mechanic confirmed it was clutch that went bad. Joe had to go exchange part. Thankfully it had warranty. 

2:00p- Joe put final 2 coats of clear coat on floor for me. Thankful cuz I’m not up to do it. 

3:15p- finally figured out how to print tithing envelopes for church. Videos don’t help me. I have to see instructions in print.

Neck throbbing. Back stinging. Lft lower leg feels like tourniquit is tightning. Rt eye stinging and twitching. 

4:15p- recvd call from Dr office about medication being ready to picked up. Asked what it was (namarzic). Lady told me. Had to explain to her that I had researched it and decided to refuse it bc it would just magnify my symptoms I already deal with and had already left msg about such. She thanked me for letting her know and would notate it in my file.

6:00p- discovered that with extra unexpected expenses we won’t have much $ to spend for vacation. Discouraged but we’ll manage. 

6:27p- it is pouring raining outside

7:20p- really struggled playing piano. Mind not registering tune, viewing keys, and notes to play. Forgot about choosing offeratory humn. Chose hymn quickly. Flubbed that up too. Ugh! 

Brain feels jumbled and fried. Headache.  Eyes blurry. 

9:00p- trying to plan meals for wk but it’s just not coming together. Brain feels blank slated. Just need to give brain a break. It hurts and wants to sleep.

11:00p- rt ear hurts, tired, stuffy nose, skin itches, scalp itches, craving chocolate, feet freezing, lymph nodes on both sides of neck swollen, rt back side of neck and head ache, sciatica rt side aches with pain down rt top leg

May 10

7:00a- woke from strange dreams. Feel clammy as if broke sweat. Rt hip throbbing. Arms numb and tingly. Groggy and unsure of surroundings at first. Thankful don’t need to work on floor today. Need to rest. Muscles spasming/twitching in lft arm. Calves ache.

9:00a- realized that I forgot to prepare for devotional at ladies outing tomorrow. Overwhelmed. I’m emotional basket case this morning. Ugh!

9:58a- trying to find flashdrive I lost. Dezirae asked what was in oven. Told her nothing at first but then realized I put eggshells in oven and forgot about them. Oops! A little extra crispy for the garden. 

10:00- printing devotinal books, filled empty spice jars, prepared chicken enchiladas for slow cooker,  washed dishes I dirtied

1:00p- I found the flashdrive looking for something else!!! PtL!

Discovered bookmarks I had saved on my computer are all gone! Don’t know how that happened or how to get them back! Trouble logging into email. Think I need a break!!!

1141p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Lower left leg numbish and feels squished (its actually cold to the touch), rt hip throbbing, rt ear aches, lower back aches, neck hurts, headache, took pain rx, center of chest aching

Realized I forgot to take morning meds. 

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