Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 5-6 May 2019

May 5

9:35a- stinging pain in back, slight headache

9:50a- No matter how much pain I’m in it tickles my heart pink when the kids come in and make sure they give me hugs. For a brief moment, it eases the pain ever so slightly. ðŸ˜Ž

12:00p- when I got up to go play the invitational, a cramp ensued in my rt leg. I thought I was gonna go down on floor!!! I managed to get to piano without incident. 

1:30p- upper torso really hurts right now…stinging burning pain. Rt hip throbbing. Lft leg lower feels like tourniquit is starting to squeeze. Stuffy nose & congestion. Fingers and hands swollen and achy.  

2:30p- tried to lay down to take nap but pain so bad it made it difficult to fall asleep. When I was finally dozing off, my whole body jerked enough it scared me awake never to doze off again. Ugh! 

 5:30- rt hip really throbbing not able to get comfortable.  Neck hurts. Center of chest aches.   Tailbone hurts. Headache. Used pain roller to ease sciatica pain. 

9:45p- looking for something else (that which I don’t recall presently) I came across article about treatment for pain “reclaiming your life from fibromyalgia pain”. I have almost all of symptoms.

10:50p- pain intense – stinging pain in arms, hands, legs, and feet. Pain in chest increases. Headache same. Muscles feel tight throughout body. If only I could get them to relax, I could sleep. Article very enlightening. Took ibuprofen 800mg & melatonin 3mg. Hope that helps.

11:00p- crazy random hiccups won’t stop

May 6

5:30a- woke to sore throat, muscles spams in rt leg, tailbone throbbing, and headache. Gargled with peppermint mouthwash to ease throat pain. Took rx for pain. Read my Bible and devotional book, and prayed.

7:45a- couldn’t fall back to sleep decided to get up. Washed load of towels. Prepared dinner for crockpot. Mailed pkg.  Working on memoirs for blog.

Stretching my hamstring has eased sciatica pain.

8:57a-  almost forgot to take my morning medicine.  Regimen rx for this week = Edarbyclor 40mg 1/2 pill, alpha lipoic acid 300mg 1 pill, MSM 500mg 1 pill, Propranolol 20mg 1 pill, Dexliant 60mg 1 pill, magnesium 400mg 1pill, 1 tbs Colloidial Silver in glass of Switchel in am

9:00a- going to church today to work on finishing floor in SS room. I know it needs to be done but I’m not looking forward to the pain it’ll cause me later.

11:30p- only able to do half the floor today. My entire body is throbbing worse than toothache. Rt ear hurt. Everything is swollen. Soaked in Epsom Salt bath for long time after dinner. Why does physical exertion cause such pain?  Alternating I’m chilled and feet warm but when I warm up my feet are freezing most of evening. Makes no sense at all. Drank cup of Chamomile tea to soothe muscles and help me sleep. Took pain rx. 

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