He knows us by name

Life is hard. Kindness, courage, and love will help you prosper.
May 13
5:20a- woke don’t know why. Calves cramping. Upper back hurts. Very thirsty. Drank glass of water. Still thirsty. Probably need electrolytes replenished. Rt hip hurts. Hamstrings very tight. Tried to stretch them. Legs cramping more.
Decided to read my Bible. Upper arms hurting. Lower back now hurting.
It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name to His name in the morning we will praise His love…
Psalm 92:1-2
10:16a- couldnt go back to sleep. Decided to get up. Wash load clothes. Made batch of switchel. Finished up 4th quarter grades. Prepared address labels for postcards. Kids helped get stuff ready for beach. On our way for some fun and “grounding”. Spending time together as family for our 24th anniversary. Forgot to put stuff in breadmaker for dinner. Oh well.
9:30p- enjoyed just hanging out with family. Everyone pitched in to make dinner. Chicken alfredo, salad, and homemade bread.
Front bottom of legs, forehead, and front of neck area a little burned.
Worked on graduation present for Jakob’s girlfriend for little while.
10:00p- getting very tired. Going to bed. Joe thinks everything is just catching up with me.
May 14
4:30a- woke just before Joe’s alarm (funny, I don’t ever remember hearing it before). Decided to research how many time I can use thyme leaves.
5:25a- sinuses are amuck. Joe says it’s about that time. I have trouble every couple of months. I thought it was just in Spring & Fall -apparently not. Took Tylenol Sinus. Hope it helps soon, I can hardly breathe with all the mucus and congestion.
6:00a- whole body aches, ankles and wrists throbbing, muscles twitching in left leg, low back throbbing, eyes watery
8:30a- a new friend messaged me that she was praying for me. She used a term that I don’t recall Dr’s using to date. I looked up term. I fit description. I now have something else to shew my Drs. Hopefully, they’ll be receptive.
Article has several medical terms I can relate too that haven’t even been discussed with me…keraunoparalysis, urinary retention, etc.
10:18a- have blister on tip of thumb. I keep hitting it and it hurts! Don’t know how I got it.
10:50a-Praise Jesus! I found black DMC floss!!! Looking for something else trying to get ready for our trip.
11:30a- Thrush continues to baffle. I have to watch what I eat too and not overdo too much to keep flair-ups to minimum. Best we can figure is it has to do with the lightning strike and my immune system.
2:45p- just finished posting week of journal entries to blog. Now have headache. Low back throbbing. Feet freezing. Putting socks on and resting with heating pad.
8:00p- trying to figure out how to shorten t-shirt sleeves. I know I’ve done it before but can’t remember how. Thought I saved tutorial on pintrest but can’t find it. Decided to give it a try. Kind of messed up…now trying to fix my mistake. Ugh! Guess I better take break and try again tomorrow.
10:28p- Been in bed for over an hour. Enjoying talking with Joe. Joe says certain parts of my skin feels hot to the touch like they have fever. It’s weird. He’s now sleeping and I’m wide awake. Guess I’ll write a piece or something.
Low back throbbing. Sciatica and rt hip throbbing. Feet tingly. Rt ear itches. Headache. Lymph node swollen at base of left neck. Lower lft leg feels like tourniquit is tightening.
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