May 15
6:30a- muscles in rt leg twitching woke me, low back throbbing, lower lft leg numbish, rt hip throbbing, lft hand tingly
*I’ll have to think on that one for a bit, but it certainly would be nice to only have to take one pill a day rather than many $35.40/60 capsules.
7:36a- yawned and stretched caused cramping in left side. Ouch!
11:00a- hanging clothes on the line hurts my arms something fierce, it wears me out to near exhaustion. Not feeling my best today.
Upper shoulders and neck burning pain. Need to lay down a piece.
30 min cat nap.
2:29- sewed binding back on Jordon’s blanket. Took a while to figure out.
Folded load of clothes. My hands and arms are throbbing! Not put away yet. Need to rest before I can do something else.
9:48a- upper back stinging needle pain, thighs ache, tourniquit feeling on lft leg just above ankle, very tired
10:07a- apparently I fell asleep on chair…Joe woke me up to go to bed. I’m freezing. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Upper back stinging. Lft lower leg tourniquit tightening feeling stronger. Still have lump just above ankle. Center of chest hurts like I lifted too much today. Headache.
Periods of trouble remembering what I’m suppose to be doing, starting several projects but finishing few…actually not sure if I finished any. Only one load put away others still in basket waiting for me to fold. Tomorrow’s another day. Feel like I’m forgetting something but don’t know what.
Shoulder hurting, neck throbbing, muscle randomly spasming/twitching throughout body. Feet freezing. Hurting all over. Took pain rx. Took night vitamins/meds. Bright lights bothering me.
May 16
5:30a- woke in intense pain all over! Skin oversensitive. Everything touching it hurts. Feel like I must of broke fever over night. Remember freezing and having all covers on me next thing I know I’m burning up and only have top sheet on me. It’s a burning stabbing pain all over body. I dislike hurting this bad. Can I sleep it away? Took 800mg ibuprofuen hopefully that helps. Don’t want ta move.
8:40a- Jordon surprised us with breakfast in bed. He’s such a sweetie. I still hurt but not as intense as earlier. Guess hanging 3 loads of clothes was too much work for my nerves. They’re revolting (Don’t think that’s right word but not thinking what word should be). Wish I knew how to get past this.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Even when we are in the middle of a storm God can give us peace. We all have struggles in our lives that cause us to worry or fear. The best way to combat that is to pray with thanksgiving unto the Lord (Philippians 4:6-7).
Go ahead – tell the Lord what burdens your heart and mind. God cares about you.
Real peace comes when we trust that God knows what’s best and has everything under control. When you start to worry, stop and pray.
7:00p- our family went to church to work on preparing bldg and grounds for Homecoming Sunday. We got a lot done but still a lot to do. I’m exhausted and really hurting but feel like we got things accomplished. Headache. Lots of trouble with speech today – thoughts to words mixed up, saying wrong words, stuttering, etc.