May 30
8:00a- body hurts all over. Hurts to move.
8:50a- bloody nose – only thing different doing is taking flexeril for muscle spasms at night before bed. Ugh! Bp 118/74
9:00a- getting ready (makeup & hair) causes horrible muscle spasms in my rt arm & hand. It’s almost as if it’s stuck in perpetual spasm mode.
1:00p- took kids to Wendy’s for lunch. All the different patterns made me dizzy. Had to hold onto Jordon’s arm to keep me from falling. Upon ordering, I had to have the cashier repeat herself 3 times and I still didn’t understand her verbiage. Had to have Dezirae repeat what she said.
3:00p- tried to go to Payless to get shoes but they already closed permanently. Shoes for kids. Stopped at Goodwill, Dirt Cheap, & Ross’s. Found $100 shoes for Dezirae for $9, but nothing for Jordon yet.
Anxiety kicks in horribly when driving especially on interstate/highways. Have to listen to classical music and pray a protective bubble around us to keep it to minimum. Have to have kids help me bc I don’t have good turning range in neck anymore.
10:24p- I’m exhausted from day but can’t sleep.
May 31
8:30a- rough night. Severe stomach cramping woke me up at 1:45am. Took long time to get back to sleep. Whole body aches and musclez randomly twitching/ spasming throughout body. Need to get up to distract brain from pain.
10:37 headache, neck and shoulders hurt
2:57 – I have no energy today. Pushing myself to wash clothes, went to bank to get register to balance checkbook (that took over an hour) so I can pay month’s end bills. Feel lethargic and weak. Body hurts all over.
Trouble with vision (blurry) and speech (words not coming out I was going to say “why you shaking your head” instead of “hand”?)
It’s been really hard to keep two journals going.
5:24p- making dinner. Most activity brings on pain. Knowing now that I have musculoskeletal problems answers why I hurt but I’m not sure if or how to fix it. I’ll find out more next week. Doesn’t make it any easier.
On days it seems as if everything is a hassle, remember that the sweetest victories come often after the greatest challenges. Lord, help me to listen to You gently whispering, “Don’t quit, my child. Don’t quit now.”
Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us , and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
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