Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 29-31 July 2019

July 29

Numbish & tingly sensation in both arms as I woke – more on rt side. Whole body aches. Rt neck throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spams thru body. Ringing in head. Stuffy nose & congested (thyme & oil of oregano tea will help). Headache.

Neck is clicking while doing marker exercise. Headache worsening. Lft knee clicking while doing half squat exercise. Middle of back hurting. Can hear a watch ticking on other side of room.

Hung load of towels on line. Had someone carry to clothesline area. Half way thru my arms starred burning! Will need to rest a while. Rt ear hurts. Wish I could understand what’s going on.

Realized why I don’t like shopping anymore. Too many colors and noises. Hard to focus. Hurts head. 

8:00p- friend dropped their 4 kids off. We are watching them overnight bc their dad is having cancer surgery tomorrow. Have to be on alert. 

12:29a- exhausted and still awake. Hopefully get some sleep soon. Been deep breathing. So cold. Muscles feel so tight. Neck hurts. Hands & fingers tingly. Pins and needles throbbing in back. 

July 30

6:50a- woke freezing. Covers got knocked off in middle of night.

7:00a- decided to take advantage of peace and quite until kids wake. Drink cup of hot tea while working on piece for my blog. 

8:30- Mom came over to help with kids for while. 

12:00p- Bro Jerry surgery went well. Mom picked kids up.

1:00p- worked on item for blog. Can’t remember how to convert pdf to jpeg. I go through this every month. Need to 1 write myself instructions that I can understand and 2 store in place where I should remember location (hopefully). 

2:15p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Freezing too. Can feel I need a nap. 

5:00p- driving on I-10 makes my nerves go into panic mode. Joe tells me to play on my phone to distract me from traffic. On way to Dr apt in Pensacola.

5:50p- rt torso in cramping mode. Ugh!  

7:00p- Dr apt informative, but I couldn’t repeat what he said. Something about nervous system, spine, nerves, & brain function. Screen was too bright for my eyes so I couldn’t keep eyes on him or screen for very long at a time. The lady showed me my x-rays which prove I have compression in my neck and lower back causing pain. The cost for adjustment plan will be too much for me to pay especially having to travel 1 hour each way. Little disheartened not gonna lie. Current pcp doesn’t want my neck adjusted at this time. I feel if I could it’d relieve some of the pain.

7:30p- stopped at Buckees on way home so Jakob could see. Thanked a veteran for his service which in turn started a conversation with the guys. Could tell by his response he was a little downhearted. I was really hurting and had to sit a little while til it eased. Felt impressed to give him tract. Jordon gave it to him for me. A little later got out to introduce myself so as to not be rude. He shook my hand and introduced himself. Talked for little longer. Found out he has family near us.  As we were leaving, he thanks us for our appreciation and he thanked me for the tract. Made whole trip worth it.

A fellow lightning survivor shared this to group page…

Lightning stroke and neuropsychological impairment information

10:25p- I’m freezing!!! I’m shivering cold. Put jacket on and under blanket. Hands are like ice. I don’t understand why I get this way. 

Neck throbbing, low back throbbing, rt hip hurts, shoulders ache, headache

July 31

Weird dreams. Neck and lower back throbbing. Arms & hands numb and tingly. Headache.

Today was busy day for me. Took Jordon to a job first thing this am. Went to Drs to sign papers. He’s trying to get my medical records from previous Dr. They’re not cooperating.  Came home. Decided to deep clean my half bath. It’s been too long since it was cleaned. Had to take several breaks to rest arms. I feel good that I accomplished a task…almost didn’t bc I got sidetracked with a/c making weird noise that was annoying me. Got the noise to stop for now. 

Started working on prepping school. Got phone call from friend. While on phone, got word from Jordon he was done for day. He worked little over 3 hours today. Went to pick him back up. 

Came home. Ate lunch. Sat and rested a bit. 

Went with kids to mall. Jakob needed tie for a wedding this weekend. Brought wheelchair with me. Makes it easier bc I can never remember where security office is to borrow one. Decided to push it for a little while. Only made it through part of one store. First store employees irritated me bc an employee addressed us and asked if she could help. I replied and told her we needed help finding a tie. She chose to hand us off to another employee which did help but handed us messed up merchandise. It was only one. Chose to move on to next store which was on otherside of mall. Found tie at second store which was on sale. Yay! 

Came home in time to finish up dinner…slow cooker chicken pot pie. 

Sat while to rest… longer I sat more I hurt.

Decided to make homemade brownies. Remembered something about melting cocoa and Crisco on stove. Took while to find receipe. Kids thought I was mixing up memories again. Dezirae doesn’t ever remember me making them this way. I don’t remember how. I just remember they tasted better than box versions. Yumm!!! Batter tastes delicious. Dezirae agrees.

Sat to rest while brownies baked. Longer I sit the worse I feel. Didn’t rest enough today. 

Decided to post scripture journaling for next month to blog. Still can’t remember how to convert pdf to jpeg. Decided to scan print into computer ad pic. It works! Thank you, Lord! 

Now to post Instagram and Facebook. Can’t figure that out either. Ugh! Wifi not cooperating either. Connect to hotspot. Decided to send photo to email and post from phone. Wifi & hotpost taking too long. 

Laying in bed now after pm PT exercises. Whole body aches. Headache. Legs throbbing. Feet & ankles swollen. I’ve done too much today. Upper shoulderz and back throbbing. Neck throbbing. Low back aches. Stomach hurts. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. I’m exhausted but mind wide awake. 

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 27-28 July 2019

July 27

7:45p- feels like my pain increaseth. Not sure about the new rx. Not sure if its not working or it is working and pain rebounds when it wears off.

Nightmare last night. 

Whole body is throbbing. I don’t even want to get out of bed.

10:00a- bad mood. feeling on sleeves today. Joe trying to ask what’s wrong. Tried to tell him but couldn’t get it out right. Didn’t make him happy. Told him I really not want to discuss right now. Hard to have good attitude with much pain and feelings hurt. 

One house we were going to knock door to invite to church…half way down driveway we heard big dogs barking. Couldn’t determine where they were at so I paused my tracks. Heard someone yelling at dogs. I chuckled. Inside my being I was scared to death and wanted to run away, but I pushed myself forward. Few more steps towards house man comes out and yells “We have really bad dogs” I told him “that was okay we were out inviting people to church and showed tract” He replied, ” Maybe some other day.” Ok thank you. (Inside my head I was wanting to yell run away run away. But I knew that wouldn’t set good example. Ugh.)

4:00p- time to lay down a piece. Can feel myself crashing soon. Bread in maker smells good. Beef in slow cooker for dinner.

4:50- sharp pain in chest and muscles spazzing in torso cut nap short. 

8:00- dinner didnt go over too well. Didn’t know I was out of pasta sauce. Improvised with ketchup & bbq sauce. Family didn’t like it. 

Attempted coffee cake muffins for breakfast. Messed that up too. Somehow they overflowed muffin pans mega much. Overflow burning on bottom of oven causing a smokey kitchen. Never happened before. Ugh! Joe came to rescue to help take them out of oven & blow smoke out back door. Hope they at least taste good.

11:00- body hurts from head to toes. Random muscle spams thru body. Headache bad. Hurts to move. Pain rx not helping. Dizziness much today. Trouble tripping over feet. Had to catch myself several times before I fell. Hope tomorrow is better.

Before he falls asleep I apologize for being in grumpy mood today.

July 28

Whole body aches. Muscles fluttering on rt side. Neck & rt hip throbbing. So sleepy trouble waking. Headache.

Neck hurts so much. Feels like if I could just get it adjudted it would feel better. I just don’t understand what’s going on or how to ease up the pain. 

At church, people noticed I wasn’t my cheerful self and asked what was wrong.  I explained best I could about pain and bad day yday. Talina said I make her feel better about herself. I guess cuz it shows I’m human

 I don’t know?

Reni made my day. She came straight to me to give me a hug. That’s precious to me. Even more precious she asked her momma to sit by me all by herself in church. Once I sat in my seat after playing piano (which I struggle to do. Hands and brain don’t seem to want to coordinate well), she snuggled up to me and gave big smile. She made my heart feel better.

Tailbone screaming. Hard to sit still.

-by this article, my autonomic & motor nerves were damage. I know that my peripheral neuropathy isn’t diabetic bc I don’t have diabetes. Yeah! Mine came from trauma – lightning strike.

I know there’s correlation on gut and brain health but didn’t put the two together.

The pain has kicked my butt today. Getting sleepy. Long day tomorrow. Watching kids for church family. The man is having surgery for bladder cancer early Tuesday morning.  

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 24-26 July 2019

July 24

5:30a- woke in severe pain low back, muscled randomly spazzing thru legs, arms tingly, severely congested. Took pain rx. Hope to fall back asleep.

6:30a- still awake. Using heating pad to see if that’ll help. Researching Drivers Ed for school elective. Need an inexpensive route. 

8:45a- sipping thyme and oil of oregano tea with peppermint and copabia oils. One for sinus relief and two for additional pain relief help. Need the Lord’s help for mind over matter to get at least a little done today.

9:10a- called eye dr. Dezirae’s rx on new glasses not right. Need them checked. Apt at 1pm today.

9:30a- checked library card system for driver ed program. They have it in stock. Can’t find my library card. It’s not where I remember keeping it. Ugh! Called library asked about item and explained my dilemma. Lady was so sweet even with the stammering and stuttering.

10am- continuing working on scheduling chemistry lesson plans for Jordon. Sure wish I could afford Jordon to take the Biology Labs this year. Lord, could You provide a way?

12:15p- time to go to eye apt & run errands. 

1:30p- eye rx was way off. Dr office have to order new pair. 2 week wait.

4pm – back home. I’m exhausted and really hurting. Need to rest. Sat in chair in livingroom. Could feel myself about to crash. Went to room to lay down.

6:00p-  Tried to watch a movie with family. I know I’ve watched it before but don’t remember a thing about it. Flashing and quick moving screens bothering eyes. Much background noise making it hard for my brain to process information. Saying I can’t hear is not completely right…my brain having trouble keeping up. Keep asking family too many questions. I’m frustrating them and myself. Main character looks familiar. I remember his voice on Moana. Family tells me who it is. Ugh! I should’ve known that. Don’t remember 2nd bald guys name either. Lose interest in movie after about an hour. It’s hurting my head. Decided to go give the dog a shave. Jordon helps hold dog for me. She does well. By this time, my whole body is throbbing in pain. 

9:00p- decided to go to bed with heating pad. It does nothing. Took night Rx . Took Tylenol. Have to wait 2 hours to take stronger rx due to new rx Dr is trying. Drinking glass of water.

630 Watching movies/tv with brain injury can be quite frustrating at times. The quick flashing scenes hurt the eyes and I have to look away quite often. 

My husband has been kind enough to find a screen mode (theater) that when screen resolution is too bright for me to handle we can switch it to.  

Movies I’ve watched several times before are like watching them again for first time. Sometimes its hard to process words being spoken so I’m constantly asking what’s going on. 

Words I used to know I have to ask what it means. 

I recognize characters but can’t remember names or what other movies they played on. For instance, in the movie GI Joe 2, I recognized the main character but I couldn’t remember his name or where I recognized him. So I ask “Who’s the bald guy? Did he play in Moana?” Family responds, “Yes, Mom. He’s Dwayne Johnson.” I reply, “Oh, okay.”

I recognize the 2nd bald guy but don’t remember him. Good grief! I think he’s from when I was a teen. So I ask, “Who’s the 2nd bald guy?” Family replies,” Bruce Willis.” This is frustrating not only for me but also for my family. Makes it hard to enjoy movie with constant questions.

I decided to shush up for a while. I still don’t understand what’s going on. My nerve endings begin to feel weird and my head starts hurting. Background noises, movies noises make it extremely difficult to concentrate on what’s being said. Sometimes I think what’s the use trying, but a voice in my head tells me to “Never give up!”  I chose to rest my brain and try again momentarily.

Some of the music hurts my ears so I have the sound muted for a while. An hour into movie, I lose interest and decide to do something else.

July 25

Asked to go get lawn mowed at church today. Not what I was planning, but it wasnt raining and it needed to be done. Woke kids up. Kids mowed and weedeated. I trimmed up a rose bush and pulled weeds in flower bed by sign. Had to do sections and rest in between. It’s only a little half circle flower bed. 

9:00p- sitting in livingroom next to Jakob. Pulled feet under me bc they’re getting cold. Jakob begins to wonder why his butt is getting cold. He touches my feet and exclaims my feet are freezing. Lol!

11:00p- went to bed half hour ago. Still awake but tired. Pain all over. I’m freezing and it’s 73° inside house. My feet are like ice cubes though I’ve had socks on for over an hour.  Eyes watery and nose congested. Rt hip throbbing. Headache. Back hurts. Hands hurt. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten and numbish feeling. Lower back aches and throbbing. Feet and ankles freezing

July 26

2:30 woke to use restroom. Lost balance fell into fan and knocked it over. Stomach hurts. Muscles in torso jumping. Back & shoulders hurt. Left ankle on fire where I was bit by ants yday.

Song on mind 🎶“Even in valley God is good.” 🎶

7:30a- awake off and on rest of night. Woke to arms and hands numb and tingling. Low back throbbing. Sharp dull pain in upper lft thigh. Feet throbbing and tingly. Hands swollen and achy. 

9:45p- bridges hurt. Everytime they have caused my back to cramps and chest hurting. Think I need to back off couple days.

Weathering Change by Stephanie Miller

Welcome to the 13th day of September 2021! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! This week’s devotion is “Weathering Change” written by Stephanie Miller! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today! I hope that the Lord blesses you each with an awesome week!!!

Last month when I was asked to write a devotional for the “Helpers of Joy” page, I was beyond surprised. You see, I have only met Amy once in my life. I was going through a very hard time and honestly felt like I was alone and could trust no one outside of my family. I’m not sure if Amy could see this or not but she approached me at a lady’s retreat and told me about her ministry for pastors’ wives and asked for my phone number. I don’t usually give my number out to strangers but for some reason that day I did. The very next weekend I was surprised to see that little bit of encouragement she so faithfully sends out each week pop up on my phone. It was like a breath of fresh air; it was exactly what I needed. Over the last few years, like many of you, I have had the privilege of watching Amy weather the ups and downs of life so gracefully.

As I prayerfully considered what direction the Lord would have me go with this devotional the Lord gently led me to the subject of ‘Change’. I sweetly told the Lord that the subject of change was good, but I was thinking about doing something else. After going back and forth with the Lord a few times and suggesting a few other topics, I decided to settle on the subject of ‘Change.’ Isn’t it amazing how God works! 😊

Change is not something new, it is not something that has come about over the last year and a half simply because of COVID. Although there has been a lot of change for many of us during this time; change is something that happens to each of us whether its expected or unexpected, whether we are prepared or unprepared, whether we are walking close to the Lord or not walking with Him at all.

Sometimes we can do everything in our power to be ready for change but when that change finally comes it often seems to knock the wind out of us. From Adam and Eve to the Apostle Paul, the Bible is full of people who had to weather change in their lives. Today, I simply want to share a few things that I’ve learned over the years about weathering change in my life.

When Weathering Change:


Psalm 77:10-12 KJV “And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High. I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.”

When change comes it is easy to focus on the change itself. The problem is that when we are focused on the change that focus will bring uncertainty, and that uncertainty will bring worry, and that worry often brings fear. But when our focus is on the God of change; that change no longer seems so uncertain and we can rest knowing He is in control.


2 Chronicles 20:3-4 KJV “And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah gathered themselves together, to ask help of the Lord: even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord.”

1 Chronicles 16:10 KJV “Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.”

I found this in the Websters 1828 Dictionary, “To seek God, his name, or his face, in Scripture, is to ask for his favor, direction and assistance.” If we remember to seek the Lord through the change that comes in our lives and leave the results in His hands then we will have cause to rejoice. This sounds so simple, but how often do we try to control the outcome instead of giving the outcome to Christ?


2 Peter 3:9 KJV “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

When we are facing change in our lives it is a comfort to cling to the promises of God’s Word. The Bible is full of promises to cling to, so dig in! With my oldest daughter now at college I have been clinging to this promise.

Psalm 84:11 KJV “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”

How does this apply you may wonder? This verse reminds me that if my daughter seeks the Lord, He will take care of her. He will not withhold any good thing from her. Her life will be a life full of blessings, and I can rest knowing that she is in His hands.

Malachi 3:6 KJV “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

In a world that is full of change, it is a comfort to know that we serve a God that does not change.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 22-23 July 2019

July 22

11:01p- thought I wrote before now. Guess not. 

Had rough night. Up every few hours. Ended up sleeping til 9:20. I hurt so bad it’s hard to move. 

Mom came over about 10am to help me get a room booked for ladies conf. Good thing bc there were only couple rooms left with queen beds. Glad that’s done.

Back to stumbling over words and not being able to speak what I’m thinking. 

Trying to talk to Buddy. Told him to get his ears out of his buds instead of take the earbuds out of your ear. Ugh! We had a good laugh over it at least.

Had to go to bank to get paper notarized so Buddy can get his permit. Got all the way to bank and realized I forgot the paper. Had to go back home to get it. Ugh! 

Decided while out to make couole extra stops just to get out of house a bit. Academy & Bargain Goodwill. I didn’t have strength or energy to sort through the clothing. Arms cramping quickly.

Home in time to cook dinner. Not really up to it. Entire body aches and I’m so tired. Sat to rest a bit to muster up enough energy. 

Joe decided to go for short walk after dinner. Whole family went. That was nice. Rt hip throbbing short ways into it. Glad he cut it short. 

Decided to soak in Epsom Salt bath for a while to ease muscle cramping before bed. It helped some but taking shower has become such a chore. 

Muscles twitching throughout body. Gonna need to take muscle relaxer to get to sleep. Have long day of appointments tomorrow.  

July 23

6:40a- woke myself up at 4am hiccuping. Crazy. Whole body aches. Headache. Tired. 

10:00a- Physical Therapy. Went well. She pushed me harder today. Added to my home exercises. (Deep Breathing, Seated Chin Tuck, Knee Rock, Half Squat to Chair, Clamshells, Bridges, Marker Exercise, X to X exercise adding diagonals, “Psssst” x 5 seconds, Rows with theraband, and Deep Breathing Exercise). I’m tuckered today.

11:00a- TBI mtg. Everyone glad to see us. Teresa chatted with us for a bit. Chose to sit with a newer family bc they were sitting by themselves. Ron (TBI coordinator) asked if there was anything he could help with. I told him about trouble obtaining records from precious Dr office. He’s going to try to help.

1:00p- Started raining on way home. Need to get some things at store. Actually pulled in pkg lot and parked. Thunderstorming and I could feel myself getting ready to crash. Chose to go home instead. Explained what was going on on way home. Dezirae understood. Made it to bed just before crashing. Slept for over an hour.

3:00p- Storm getting worse and heading to Pensacola. Suppose to have follow up apt with Dr to get results from spinal scan and xrays. Joe told me to stay safe to call and reschedule. Upset but called. 

I’m so tired and starting to really hurt. Not doing so hot learning balance of things and causing too much pain. 

7:00p- chose to work for little bit on school planning. Got 4 of 5 core subjects planned for Jordon now. Still not sure on electives. Try to work on 5th subject and electives tomorrow. Once I get Jordon’s done, I’ll do Dezirae’s. 

11:44p- I’m exhausted and really hurting and still wide awake. Ugh! 

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 19-21 July 2019

July 19

1;30a- still wide awake.

9:00a- woke earlier know not what time. Arms and hands tingling. Whole body aching. Fell back asleep till 9am.

Arms and hands still tingling. Lft arm more than right. Middle point of shoulders throbbing. Low back throbbing. Very congested. Slight headache. Eyes watery. Center of chest really hurts when I move. Sore all over. Toes tingling. Musc)es twitching in legs.

9:49a- did morning pt exercises. Muscles in upper back are twitching/spasming. New med is making me dizzy…almost fell getting up to do half squat to chair. Had to grab bed to balance myself. 

10:00a- stepped on scale…I’ve lost 3 pounds this week…total of 8lbs so far! The 16/8 diet plus drinking lemon acv water first thing is working.

Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten numbish feeling. Dizzy. 

2;02p- Joe told me to work on planning homeschool for next year for little bit today. Have 2.5 subjects done for Jordon. My brain is hurting. Need to take break. Still bit dizzy from new rx, but I think I might have minute reduction in pain (time will tell), but I’m exhausted from VBS this week. 

3:00p- crashed on chair in livingroom. Slept about 45 minutes. Upper legs feel like lead today. I’m so tired.

7:00p- decided to play a card game. Joe had to teach me how to play again even though we’ve played it before.  He tried to play it regular way but I got so confused. Had to take extra deck out.

9:33p- legs throbbing, lower lft leg tourniquit and numbish feeling. Rt hip throbbing!!!

10:30p- joe came to kiss me goodnight. Accidentally leaned on rt leg and I about jumped off chair!!!! The pain is excruciating now! I hollered don’t press on my leg my hi is throbbing! He apologized and I just want to cry. Whole rt leg now seriously intense pain!!!


The effects of a traumatic brain injury on a person can be devastating. You just don’t feel right and you’re not the same person you were before the injury occurred. 

Often times it’s difficult to express what you’re actually thinking and you tend to say something totally different than what you meant to say. 

You’re family doesn’t understand the changes and challenges at first either. I’m mean I look like I did prior to the incident. I was struck by lightning while inside on a sunny day nonetheless. 

July 20

7:00a- rt hip pain woke me. Using essential oils pain rub to alleviate pain. Sometime in night I woke freezing and shivering. When I woke this time I was burning up. 

Trying to research info to understand and figure things out.

10:57a- it’s raining today. I wonder if barometric pressure has anything to do with increased pain? Rt hip throbbing, low back aching, rt ear throbbing, neck throbbing, headache, lights bothersome, etc.

12:00p- family went to church to take down VBS decorations and get auditorium put back together for Sunday. It didn’t take too long. Decided to go to Field & Stream. Jordon’s been wanting to look at dart guns for hubting.

I’m so sleepy all of sudden. Can barely keep my eyes open. Feels like I may crash. Decided to go sit in chairs where it’d be safer for me. Ended up passing out sitting in chair until Dezirae came to check on me and accidentally scared me. me.

3:36p- home watching movie with family. Wave of fainting came over me again. Decided to go lay down a little bit.

5:30p- didn’t plan on sleeping that long but I needed it.  

9:00p- I’m so tired not sure if it’s new rx or exhausted and hurting from extra activities this week. Center of chest stabbing pain thru to back. 

11:43p- center of chest excruciating pain. Took 800mg ibuprofen. Now applying heating pad. Brewed chammomile tea. Now I’m certain increased pain from overdoing it. I’m si limited in what I can do without causing much pain, but I’m not going let it stop me. I just have to keep moving forward even if it’s baby steps   

July 21

10:37a- pain is great. Pain rx taken. Neck, center of chest, and back throbbing.

I:11p- just finished with lunch. I’m exhausted and really hurting. Only sleep will help right now. Laying down a while.

2:20p- sleeping felt good.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 17 – 18 July 2019

July 17

6:50a- oh my aching body! Hands and arms numb. Neck & back throbbing. Lower legs throbbing. Butt hurts. Shoulders & neck hurt. Feel like I was beat up. VBS wear me out and makes me hurt worse from extra activity, but it’s worth it to teach kids about Jesus. 

Thankful we have an evangelist come in and help us or I probably wouldn’t even be able to move.

Hands waking up and they’re throbbing. Headache oncoming and I haven’t even gotten up yet.

8:00a- while doing my pt morning exercises, my bones in middle and upper body begin throbbing and I become out of breath. Not had that before (that I recall). Headache worsening. Taking break & Tylenol. Muscles twitching throughout body radomly.

10:30a- making Heavenly Brownies tonight (aka brownies with marshmallows). Put too many marshmallows in first batch. Had to have kids stir mix. I tried but arms started cramping. 

11:45a- Mom came over in time to help with 2nd batch. Used less marshmallows this time. 

1:30p- have to run to store to pick up rx and  few items for church & home (out of milk already). Planned couple of meals while there – spinach rotini alfredo, turkey loaf, and philly cheese steak sandwhiches.

Talked with pharmacist about new rx. Need to start taking it at night. Not to drive until I know how I’m going to react. 

She inquired if Dr’s figured out my tongue situation. Told her best new Dr can figure is my nerves were damaged from lightning and it’s showing in tongue & throat. He’s researching to find answers. 

She told another gal about my lightning strike. That gal said she had a friend in highschool who was struck by lightning but it didn’t affect him. 

Told pharmacist about my interview with AccuWeather. She said she was going to read it. 

Pharmacist bragged about how I’ve come a long way. Said that I used to have much difficulty walking, could barely talk. Made me appreciate the progress I have made. Asked about date. It’ll be two years tomorrow!!!

3:00p- checked brownies…still a bit too gooey. Putting back in warm oven for a bit while I rest. 

Legs are throbbing! I chose to walk behind buggy today for exercise.  Chest lft side stabbing pain. Feels like Costocondritis flair up. I’ll have to do Ibuprofuen regimen until it subsides. Too much activity this week. 

Upper back burning. Headache minimal. Neck throbbing. I’m exhausted.

3:37p- starting to doze off random muscles start jerking. Annoyingly keeping me awake.

3:56p- muscles jumping in legs. Need to get ready for tonight.

4:59p- arrived at Church and realized I forgot the brownies!!! I think I’d lose my head if it wasn’t attached sometimes. Ugh! Thankful able to call Mom to get them and bring with them.

11:21p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Taking Melatonin. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep quickly and stay asleep tonight. Throat hurts. Feels like I got kernel stuck in throat.

July 18

650a- one thing about pain it lets me know I’m alive. Pain increases and causes tears to leak out my eyes.

8:00a- today is two year anniversary of my survival of being struck by lightning. It’s been a tough road for recovery and I still have long way to go. Thankful for the Lord’s mercies and that He is with me all the way.

2:00p- exhausted. Need to rest a while.

9:45p- dislike driving at night now. Bright lights from police cars, & those extra bright headlamps give me automatic headache. Joe kind enough to get me water and two tylenol for my headche. Laying in dark room waiting for it to ease. 

Muscles in legs from hips to toes twitching.

10:15p- upper back burning, feet freezing, hands & forearms achy & swollen, lower back aches, rt hip aches, rt ear aches. Drinking water and choked when swallowing. Took couple minutes to regain composure.

11:00p- starting new med tonight (gabapenibtin) not too sure about it. Don’t like side effects possible. Going to give it a try to see if it’ll help ease nerve pain. Won’t know unless I try.  

Muscles in legs feel like theyre pulsating to same beat as my heart. Feels weird.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 14-16 July 2019

July 14

7:00a- fell asleep sometime after 1am.  Woke in much pain! Sharp stabbing pain in rt side. Hands throbbing  

9:00a- sharp stabbing pain in rt abdomen

6:00p  Day 1- kids 16 adults 15 T 31

11:00p- I’m exhausted and really hurting. Rt side and back cramping. Head throbbing. Took rx waiting fgor it to kick in.  

July 15

6:38a- pain kept me awake until around 3am. I’m so tired. Hopefully, I can fall back to sleep soon.

Discovered “degenerative changes of spine = arthritis in my neck.

6:00 Day- 2 18 kids & 10 adults = 28

11:50p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Hopefuly I’ll sleep 

July 16

6:00a- woke to pain in whole body. Arms and hands numbish. Neck hurts. Rt ear hurts. Slight headache. Low back throbbing. Feet ache. Lower left leg numbish.

9:15a- food pantry. Thankful for help to stretch food budget.

11:00p- gotta take Scion to shop to get tire fixed. Lord please go before me. 

11:20p- guy said it’ll take couple hours. Called Jakob to come get us. Going home to take shower. It’s hot today. Temp on board said it’s 94° already!

12:30p- car is ready. Tire prorated bc warranty almost up. Only cost $40 for new tire. PTL! 

2:00p- sitting down to rest a bit. I can feel myself about to crash. Need to go lay down.

3:15p- I’m so tired. Good thing I set alarm. I probably could’ve slept for hours. No energy. Headache worse. Need to drink D.E. for energy tonight. Taking pain rx for neck pain & headache.

4:00p- gotta pick up couple of Dezirae’s friends for VBS tonight. Running behind.

5:08p- I still beat everyone to church. Thankful for such a helpful daughter. I’m praying God will provide a way for me to get the camera she wants. She’s interested in photography. I’d like to help make that a reality, Lord willing.

My back is cramping from driving Scion. It’s a standard. Can tell I haven’t driven it in a while. Ugh!  

6:30- Day 3 of VBS. 17 kids & 12 adults. Thank you, Lord! 

8:00p- cramping stopped long enough for me to read missionary story tonight. Shh! It’s my favorite part. 

11:20p- I’m hurting more than normal. Sharp stabbing pain in center of chest thru to back. I’m shivering under covers. Chest feels caught. Low back & rt hip throbbing. I didn’t lift anything not sure why chest is throbbing unless the standard aggravated it. Hope I don’t have to drive it again anytime soon. Muscles spazzing in abdomen region. Headache coming back after easing. I’m exhausted. 

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 11-13 July 2019

July 11

5:20a- woke to a strange noise (not sure what it was) decided to get up and sit with Joe a piece before he left for work. 

6:00p- tired. Strange dreams. Forgot about a binder being on lower box in room and hit it with leg just below rt knee. Ouch! That really hurt. Broke skin but not bleeding. That’ll leave a mark. Eyes watering. Upper chest just below chin throbbing. Rt ear pain has eased greatly. Taking a nap now hopefully.

12:45p- getting ready to head to church to work on more VBS decor. Asking son to turn light on (switch is going). Instead said, “Yes, I can have my turn light on.” Ugh! If only, it would come out the way I’m thinking it.

4:59p- oh my aching back! Got the welcome sign up, Dez cut out the decor I printed and hung them up, Jordon put the time machine together, Dez taking care of decorating time machine. I’m exhausted and really hurting. Need to rest a while.

Talked with Jakob. After some coaxing, he’s coming home tonight ahead of storm (suppose to be Cat 1 Hurricane by landfall)

11:47p- I so do not like storms. The barometric pressure drops and pain in my whole body increaseth so much my eyes are watering. Hands throbbing, low back throbbing, neck hurts, scalp itches, legs hurt more than normal like a stinging, burning pain, center of chest achy, skin cold, feet cold (even with socks on), calvez ache, tired extremely, 

Stomach hurts, arms stinging

July 12

Bp 118/81 hr 73 w198

Dr was pleased with my bloodwork. 

Xrays of sinus cavities look good. Xrays of neck showed minimal multilevel degenerative changes, vertebral body endplate sclerosis, intervertebral disc space narrowing.

My best understanding the spaces in between my cartlidge is degenerating causing the space to narrow and several layers have developing bone spurs which could be causing some of the pain. Dr is adding one more rx (gabapenibtin – for nerve pain). He wants me to try it to see if it will help. Not too sure about it, but I guess I can at least give it a try. 

Dr was actually apologetic for not being able to do more bc previous Dr hasn’t forwarded medical records yet. I offered to call the office about getting them forwarded.  After discussing it, we figured out that since all my testings were at same hospital they could request records directly from hospital too.  Dr wants to see info on MRI findings to know how to properly refer me to see a neurologist. Wants to find me one I’ll like. 

Due to problems in my neck, Dr doesn’t want my neck adjusted roughly. Can cause further problems.

Need to look for natural ways to heal.

Throat culture didn’t grow anything. Dr is perplexed about my tongue issues. Only thing he can think may be cause is nerve endings in my mouth were damaged too causing the white patches and bumps in back of throat. Told him I’ve gotten used to discoloration but what bothers me at times mostly is when the bumps become painful and my throat feels swollen making it difficult to swallow.

Dr apologized he wasn’t able to do more. I assured him that he’s done more for me in short time than all the time at other place.  Dr has been very thorough and is really concerned how to help. For that, I’m grateful.

July 13

10:00a- finally fell asleep after 1am. Woke around 7am thinking I overslept.  I’m in so much pain all over. Don’t want to get up but must. 

12:00p- took me 1 1/2 hours to make biscuits n gravy with help. Showed daughter how to do it while making it.  Feel strongly that I need to start Ladies Bible Study & Home Ec classes at church. Need to decided on name & day & time. I know what Bible study to start. God will give the answer.

1:00p- I just know we had some med left over from my husbands fingers injury but I can’t for life of me remember where I put it. Searched for couple hours cleaning as I go but no such finding. Ugh! Wish I could remember things better.

4:45p just worked on preparing missionary story for VBS week coming. Scanned in story part to print so I can read it while showing pictures.  Need to fix dinner.

5:55p- dinner ended up being spaghetti. What I thought was turkey pieces ended up being turkey bones with pcs for soup or stew. Need to plan meals better so I can keep pantry stocked properly. 

6:00p- exhausted and really hurting. Laying down a piece so I can do bulletin for church tomorrow.    

8:30p- remembered needed to return movie. Also need milk and something for breakfast. 

10:00p- finally finished bulletin for tomorrow. I can go to bed. Yeah! I’m not hurting as bad as I did this morning but still hurt something fierce all over. Be glad when Barry dissipates.

Whole body throbbing. Hands hurt. Neck hurts. Back hurts. Calves throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Feet and toes hurt. Center of chest aches. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Slight headache. 

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 8-10 July 2019

July 8

6:00p- woke sometime in night (didn’t get up or check time) bc muscles were spasming thruout body

Joe said Jordon’s been sick all night. I heard nothing. Poor baby.

12:30p- Joe came home early from work sick. Lord please help I need strength and calmness to endure

11:16p- think a/c is not working properly or it was xtra hot outside today. Phone temp says it’s still 83° outside with possible t-storms at midnight. 

Whole body aches. Rt side throbbing. Headache. Took Tylenol. Neck hurts. I’m exhausted. Thankful I had potato corn chowder on menu today. Tasted good too. Cancelled apts for tomorrow. Will reschedule when bug has passed. 

July 9

10:29p- can’t believe I forgot to journal anything today. Decent day thpugh 2nd day of taking care of sickies. 

Rough night last night – woke around 4am – broken sleep rest of night filled with terrifying nightmares that seemed real!!! Woke feeling like I had been in battle all night. Exhausted and whole body ached.

Woke to phone call from Dr office I  left msg with day prior about needing to rescheduled due to sickness. Only remember asking to call them back.

Mom made homemade chicken noodle soup for us for lunch. It was delicious. Guys ate it for dinner too. Dezirae & I had leftover potato corn chowder. 

Kids went with me to store to pick up a few items we were out of. Short time wore me out. Got caught in rain. Thought at least it’s not thundering. Just as I finished my thought it did thunder. Ugh! Able to beat rain home. Once in doors bottom let out.  Started getting bad headache on way home.

Around 7:30, I received message from a stranger thanking me for sharing my story. I didn’t even know it was public yet.  I looked it up. Read article to Joe. Read thank you msg to my husband (though I still haven’t registered it all yet). I was going to go back to it but now I can’t find it. Weird.

Center of chest hurts, rt side aches, feet ache, rt hip hurts, calves throbbing, neck hurtz, headache, got dizzy during exercises had to grab bed for balance, washing few dishes caused lower back to throb, skin itches, muscles feel tight, random hiccups of and on during day, muscles randomly twitching thru body, upper back burning at times, trouble thinking, forgot several times what I was doing, forgot what day it was, lft arm shaking

July 10

8:00a- rough night woke at 4am then up and down. Bad dreams. Woke with my brain feeling like it’s on a – cannot think of name but can see it on playground. Those circle things that spin real fast – merry go round (had to google it). So tired.

9:30a- must run errand to Sam’s club for church. Only wheelchair available is a dead one. Decided to eat lunch first. Kids found plug to let wheelchair charge while we were eating. Charge lasted just long enough for shopping venture. I’m tired. Time to go home and rest a bit.

11:57a- lady from Ala Head Injury Foundation contacted me. She asked if she could share my story on their Facebook page and possibly their website. Wow! I said yes.

1:00p- decided to make cowboy cookies. Asked for help stirring batter bc arms hurt. They didn’t turn out so good. Had to have help removing them from cookie sheets. Arms wearing out.

2:00p- resting a bit

3:00p- working on finishing items for VBS next week. 

5:00p- Joe asked what I was making. Told him I tried to make cowboy cookies but they didn’t turn out right. He assured me they weren’t suppose to be symmetrical. I said I guess I did alright bc they’re nice and ugly looking. Haha.

5:30p- time to make dinner. Struggling to open things. Don’t seem to have enough grip or strength to open jars. Cooked meat and started rice. Daughter volunteered to finish it up for me. Sweet of her. My rt ear is throbbing like toothache!

8:00p- son called to talk. While talking with him, my rt ear began throbbing and my eyes started watering (I wasn’t crying). Daughter asked, “Are you crying Mom?” I replied, “No. Lately whenever my pain level increases, my eyes automatically begin watering though I’m not crying. It’s strange I know.”  

11:12p- lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some with numbness, rt ear still throbbing, bones keep cracking when I move -ouch!, hands swollen and achy, rt hip aches, low back aches, skin itchez. Need to get a vicks cotton ball for ear.

11:30p- headache getting worse, neck hurts

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