Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 9-11 March 2020
March 9
0800 woke with bad headache.
10.30 able to hang load of clothes online without it causing muscle spasms or too much pain. Yeah!
12.15p I almost forgot about my physical therapy apt today. Don’t want to do that again.
1.30p Blair says this was best pt session yet. I have improved over all inspite of the extra stresses the past few weeks (boys’ accidents, taxes, revival, etc). Adding couple exercises to my regimen and also wants me to increase from 2 reps of 5 to 2 reps of 8 as I can tolerate.
11.59p time for bed but I’m wide awake.
Whole body aches. About a 5/6 on pain scale. Headache has eased but not gone. Upper shoulders & low back stinging. Hands swollen and throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Toes tingling. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Center chest aches.
March 10
0917p if you have TBI or know someone who does, you can reach out for support.
This website can help you find support groups in your area as well as gives list of resources in your state.
1055p thought for sure I posted more today. Extra tired today but pushed through it until I couldn’t. Woke about 430a. Couldn’t get back to sleep though I tried. Read 1 Corinthians 1&2. Prayed a while. Did little research. Played game. Around 6.30 decided to get up and start washing clothes. Planted tomatoes. Prayed over them too as I was planting. Praying for God’s blessings to produce much fruit.
Sneezed alot today. Bad headache…possibly sinuses. Worked on grades til I got brain headache from processing too much info. Had to take long lunch break to rest brain. Ended up falling asleep in chair for half hour or so.
Sinuses congested. Head itches. Tylenol eased headache some. Skin itches. Slight bloody nose. Careful to not blow nose too much to keep from gushing.
Upper shoulders, arms, chest ache. New exercises are a bit much. Will have to start small and gradually add repetitions. Leg muscles periodically spasming. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with tingling in lft foot
Tired but trouble falling asleep. Doing better on water intake.
March 11
0700 I did too much yday. I hurt so much all over. It’s hard to move. Upper body throbbing like toothache. Horrible dreams last night. Scripture came to mind in dream…Isaiah 26:3
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Afterwards my dreams calmed and it was like my brain was reliving my life.
Omega 3s have been known to reverse neurological damage. Lindquist suggested I go see natural doctor – Dr Gaye (Olena Wellness).
Needing to do homework on homeschool covers
3.41p Finally finished balancing checkbook. Headache ensues. (Took me almost 4 hours. Ugh! By God’s grace I’m persevered and got it done. Ptl!)
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