Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 1-3 April 2020

April 1

700a woke just before alarm went off. Whole body stiff and achy. Low back throbbing.

1045 been trying to grade papers and write a quiz…now have headache, vision blurring, and feet are cold. Need to rest brain and warm up.

1200 headache eased. Ended up taking nap.

630p hospitals giving coronavirus patients 1500mg Vitamin C 3 – 4 times daily

Up to 3 grams daily. (3g =3,000mg = 500mg =1000mg 3xs daily) 

850 rt ankle front feels like someone drug stinging nettles plants across my skin. It’s stinging burning! I’ve only been sitting for past half hour or so. Lft knee throbbing. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Hands ache.

1000p Jordon asked me to cut his hair for summer cut. I accidentally went too short. He looks almost bald on sides. Trouble with coordination of holding comb and clippers but worked through it. Arms started cramping and fatiguing out half way through. Had to take short breaks to push through.

1130 blew nose and it started bleeding. Ugh! Frustrating. Only bled about a minute this time.


April 2

630a been awake since around 5am. Woke to my arms, hands, and back of neck throbbing with needle sensation almost as if they had fallen asleep and were waking up. Not a good feeling to wake to. Legs very sensitive. Sheets feel like pins poking them.

Couldn’t get back to sleep so I chose to read my Bible, devotinal, and pray. Finished writing Character Trait to post in a bit.

Going to start physical therapy exercises back up to see if it’ll ease some pain. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness.

710 attempted to turn bed around so guys can attach footboard. Whew! That was a workout. Intense throbbing in back and arms. Short of breath. Arms cramping & throbbing. Scrapped skin off lower left leg not bleeding thankfully but throbbing like it was hit by hammer. Need to rest a bit.

900 went to local fabric store to pick up more material to make face masks for hospital. Store has changed hours again. Don’t have time to wait 1 hour and they’ll only allow 10 people in store at a time. Does that include employees too? I know we’re suppose to be cautious but this is crazy.

716 th side throbbing. Calves throbbing. I’m really sleepy.

1043p I’m exhausted and  hurting all over. Toes cold. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Calves ache. Lower back severely throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Headache. Rt arm  throbbing and cramping. Feels bruised when I moved it. Utterly exhausted. Pain too much to bear. Pain rx taken.


April 3

745 wow slept pretty good last night. Nose stuffy. Mouth dry. Arms & hands slightly numb upon waking. Eyes blurry and feel crusty (they’re not just feel that way). Low back throbbing. Hands tingly upon sitting up. Rt hip hurting. Neck stiff. Upon turning neck to stretch it shoots sharp pains down torso to and on both sides.

Song in head: It’s amazing what praising can do, hallelujah!

Need to formulate idea for Easter goodie bags for kids at church. Can’t let this virus stuff keep us down. Need to think outside the box.

800a got up had bloody nose.

315p sharp pains in chest!!! That’s what I get for taking the bulletin board down by myself. Ugh! Hurts to move.

Decided to try to lay back flat on pew to see if that’ll help to ease pain. Deep breaths too. Oh pain is sharp!

Joe thinks my bloody noses are partly due to all the heavy pollen right now. I totally forgot about the environmental allergies. Duh!

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