Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 20-21 March 2020

March 20

0600 I hurt worse today than yday. Every inch of my body is throbbing and I have headache to boot. Random sharp needle pain in corner of eyes which makes them water.

955 both legs and feet feel like they fell asleep and are waking…extreme pins and needles sensation entire length. Ouchy mamma!


1000 how to heal your gutt video

Notes: it takes 3 months at minimum to get your gutt healthy. Dr. Daniel Fenster believes everyone should be taking a multivitamin, fish oil, & probiotic (10.26). Importance of gutt health is related to mental health.

  1. Take look at your life. What are the stressors. Is there anything you can shift or change? Take time to breath & meditate (17:34). Stop and pause a moment.
  2. Established a daily routine. Get adequate sleep. Wake up & go to bed about same time each day.
  3. The one food you love most. Get rid of bc it generally causes you the most problem (17:55).

Super fulvic minerals

Heal gutt through

Enzyme, microbiome, & detox (22.30)

Gut Repair (26:58)

  1. Remove toxins and infections
  2. Repair
  3. Replace

Probiotic is essential. Fulvic acid provided multiple minerals to aid body in healing. Digestive enzymes needed to help break down food and absorb minerals (30:50).

Fact: 80% of your immune system is in your gut and regulated by beneficial bacteria and microbes.


1000 God’s been good today. Was given a pan of fettuccini, 2 zucchini, 2 squash, 2 onions, 5 heads romaine, 4 heads of iceberg, and case of sliced mushrooms.

Got my car back from shop today. Hefty bill to boot but it needed done.


1135 whole body still aches but not as bad as this morning. Low back throbbing. Headache. Rt hip aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling from ankle to foot. Toes cold. Sinuses congested. No bloody noses today. PtL! Read something today that said nsaids make coronavirus worse. Bloody noses started back up about week ago. Silver lining. I stopped taking the naproxen to see if that’ll help reduce blood flow. I take other non nsaids when pain is unbearable.

Moved wrong and rt side started spasming/cramping. Hands swollen and achy. Raised white patches back on half of tongue. Calves throbbing almost cramping.


March 21

830 rough night. Had trouble breathing. Woke to stinging pain throughout body. Hurts to move.

1030a stinging pain increases. Cannot ignore pain.

Dezirae kind as she helped make brunch this morning.

Told Joe I need an adjustment. He agreed. Asked to make apt with new chiropractor. He agreed. I really want to try Olena Wellness but I’ll have to save $ for that.

1130 Joe inquired if there were mandatory stay home policy put into action do we have enough food for two weeks? I don’t know. Had to De-ice and inventory freezer. Ugh! Not something I was planning on doing.

110p I thought I was hurting before. Oh!!! Must rest a while. Headache. Whole body throbbing. Stomach hurts. Back, arms, hands stinging. Low back throbbing with periodic sharp stabbing stinging. Calves cramping throb. Feet throbbing with toes tingling. Shoulders & upper back stinging throbbing. Ears hurt. Tailbone throbbing. Fingers stinging. Neck hurts to move. In essence, feel like I just received major beat down.


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