Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 14-15 March 2020

March 14

1005pm  tough night. Woke several times due to abdominal pain. It got worse when I tried to move. It eased by morning but cramping spans would flair if I moved too much. Took me a bit to be able to get up this morning.

Stayed home to rest from soul winning today. I hated doing so but I could hardly move. Joe ended up cancelling it anyways due to this Coronavirus scare. Media hyping up more than needed.

People need the Lord. I cannot imagine living in that much fear that your afraid to run out of toilet paper. Taking some precautions is good but some people go overboard. I wonder how much media would hype it up if it wasn’t an election year.


March 15

1208a I’m wide awake. Congested. Need to blow nose but afraid it’ll bleed again. Not sure what’s cause this tome. Not using benadryl. Stopped using naproxen. I hurt for it too. Tylenol only helps ease headache a smidge. Frustrating.

Hands swollen and throbbing. Eyes watery. Headache. Low back aches. Rt hip aches. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Feet tingly.

Praying for Rae as she’s not feeling good. Went to bed early. Sore throat. Headache. Chills. I wonder if there’s a symptom checker.?

630 set alarm to take shower this am. Tried to move to get out of bed and rt side cramp horrobily.

730 read 1 Corinthians 3 &4

1053 home with Rae sick today. Trouble with bloody nose lft side. Can’t figure it out. Feeling quite weak now.

500 took two hour nap. Not feeling so good. Exhausted. Bad dreams kinds of. It’s like my brain is working through all the traumatic events in my life and working them out…maybe it’s God helping my brain to transfer them from muscle memory to brain memory. I know it sounds crazy. Most recent was my first love in college. After we were talking about getting married, I was devastated when I found out the news I did and we weren’t getting married. My brain scanned to loving husband I’m married to today and Jeremiah 29:11. My brain was okay that my past turned out the way it did.

Dezirae starting to feel better. We’ll see how she’s feeling tomorrow. May have to take her to Drs. Current regimine 1500mg Vitamin C, elderberry 2 capsules, and zinc 3xs day. I’m doing same.

1000 feeling quite lousy about now. Whole body aches differently than normal. Center of chest hurts. Headache has been dull most of day. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some travelling numbness and tingling to foot. Periodix abdominal cramping thru day. Muscles hyperactive spam mode…not sure cause of sudden frequency. If I turn just so sides start spasming and I have to sit still and/or double over until they subside. Coughing. Bloody nose lft nostril all day off and on. Finally found a nasal saline spray to moisten nasal passage to see if that’ll help.




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