March 18
645a had to take Joe to work this morning bc mine’s in shop. Very dense fog made it difficult to see. Thankful Rae in car with me. Got bit confused as to where to go. Dodged head-on collision in my lane on Sollie. Big pickup truck turned on Sollie into my lane. Scared me. Missed turning on my road to neighborhood.
Lower lft leg & foot muscles twitching. Feet tingling. Rd hip throbbing with sharp pain in butt region. Headache. Woke to bloody nose. Tired and need to rest.
1100a had to go to co-op to pick up files. Had impulse urge to stop at thrift store to look for file cabinet. Found a four drawer one for $10. Yay! Decided to buy black paint to cover rust marks.
1230 stop at store and morning errand wore me out. Came home. Ate lunch and rested a bit.
230 Decided to try painting file cabinet. Half way through my fingers had trouble cooperating. Took me a bit to get project done.
530 few hours later project is creeping up on me. I’m in much pain. It hurts to move. Headache worsens. If only crying would ease pain I would but it won’t so I’m not. Really could though.
700p Can’t get comfortable so I decide to check on some people to see how they’re doing.
March 19
800 woke in extreme pain. Decided to take pain rx so I can get out of bed. Whole body throbbing. Dr side stomach muscles spasming…feels rather weird…almost like combination of baby kicking violently from inside and hundreds of butterflies fluttering inside stomach.
It hurts to move. Took me an hour to muster up energy to get out of bed.
Nerves stinging through put body. Have to remind myself that pain let’s me know I’m alive.
1000 worked on establishing a daily routine for our house. Maybe that’ll help me feel like I’m getting back to some normalicy.
1150 need to bring home the Christian counselling paces and start them.
Decided to work thru routine. In doing so, folded clothes for Rae to put away on her bed. Started load of laundry. Arms & hands stinging. Short of breath. Exhausted. Resting for a bit.
In studying for ladies devotions and trying to figure out details to incorporate a Titus 2 ministry, thought came to mind. Maybe it’s good thing I’ve forgot how to do a lot of things bc it gives me fresh perspective on how to start establishing daily routines, cleaning chores, etc.?
1000 got Jordon to clear out broken dresser out of his room. Decided to clean & straighten pantry. Finished Rae’s laundry. Wore myself out. Joe decided to send me to bed after dinner so I could rest bc he doesn’t want me to get sick. It irritated me to be secluded from family. Rae came and watched a movie with me