Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 24-25 March 2020
March 24
1159 had to break down an get the chemical lice treatment knowing full well its make me sick – I’m allergic to pestacides – natural treatments not working. Not sure how I got them. Ugh! I just hope it doesn’t set me back especially with the covid going around.
Got sick to stomach half way through treatment and puked in garbage can. Stomach upset. Took vitamin C in addition to night rx plus a Benadryl. Headache. Center chest stabbing, throbbing. Throat swollen a bit. Had trouble swallowing pills. A wee nauseous. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Toes tingle. Hands ache. Tired.
March 25
730 it’s amazing how quickly fake news spreads
1230p Every time I hold the phone to my ear my arm and hand goes numb.
145 people keep asking me health questions as if I’m a doctor or something. No, I’m no expert but am more than willing to share what has helped me endure through the physical ailments and limitations.
- How much magnesium do I need to take to stop muscle cramping?
Answer: It varies from person to person. When I started taking magnesium for cramping, I had to take 1,000mg magnesium a day for a little while. I was able to decrease dosage and am taking 500mg daily now.
Other things that help with muscle cramps: stretching, massaging, apply ice or heat, & hydration (goal should be to drink half your weight in water daily).
- A friend is having significant trouble with constipation. What should he take?
Answer: Have he discussed this with his doctor? Yes. Doctor just suggested over the counter stool softener.
Things I use to help me have regular bowel movements:
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is ideal, but when you are unable.
* Magnesium 500mg daily
* 1 heaping tbs diatomaceous earth (for me it works within couple hours. It has alot of health benefits too.
* Increase your fiber intake
* Vitamin C – daily intake should be around 500mg to 2,000mg (depends on your deficiency)
* Vitamin D3 – between 2,000 IUs – 4,000 IUs daily
* Vitamin B12 – dosage depends in individual. One of the Dr’s I saw suggested I take 2 mg daily.
700 crashed in chair in livingroom for over an hour. Woken by phone call.