April 4
1155p forgot to set alarm and overslept. Slept pretty good though. Woke hurting all over.
This Stay at home mandate for Alabama had us trying to rethink how we’re going to keep services going.
Ran errands for church with family in afternoon. Chose to walk behind buggy in store. Electric wheelchairs don’t look like they’re being disinfected much. Wore me out.
Had to crash for half hour around 8pm so I could have energy to finish up bulletins for tomorrow.
Received phone call from my sister. Pleasant surprise.
I’m exhausted. Whole body aches. As long as I don’t try to lift anything my chest pain is less. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Feet freezing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling.
April 5
800 very rough night. Kept waking to lft leg & both arms numb and tingly. Calves cramping burning. Joe’s arm on me felt like ton of bricks. Fighting for covers. I’m exhausted.
100p rough morning trying to work out all the kinks for live streaming services. I don’t.handle off the cuff changes well any more. It throws my whole world out of kilter. Joe tried to get me to talk and I wouldn’t. I didn’t want to add to already chaotic morning. We made it through okay. We’ll learn as we go through it.
200 brain is fried from this morning. Need to take nap to rest and recharge for tonight.
500p able to work for little bit in mission closet organizing the clothing. Before arms started giving out.55
655 chest center starting to throb. Ugh. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Headache.
1115p attempting to go to bed. Lower rt leg tourniquet feeling. Feetb& toes tingly with random stabbing pain in let heel. Calves ache. Center chest hurts. Hands tingly. Tummy hurts deep within. Exhausted.
April 6
700 legs cramping & throbbing. Whole body hurts. Nose stuffy. Center of chest hurts. Hurts to move. Headache.
515p Nothing like an unexpected 2 hour detour and an impromptu auto maintenance teaching lesson for your daughter when your car decides to die and you need to get a new battery while at Walmart.
Thankfully, I was able to ask one of the managers for help. He had an employee help us exchange old battery for new one and installed it. Thankful for God’s provision and protection.
Thankful that though I needed a cart to lean on I was able to push myself through the hurdle. This mama is one wore out cookie now. Legs & body are throbbing like a toothache. I haven’t even walked that many steps since my LS. I will be resting rest of day. Lol!
630p rested little bit before making dinner. Once dinner was made and eaten I fell asleep in my chair for about an hour.
Twas reminded that I needed to make face mask for Joe for his job. I really don’t like like doing it but his health and our health is important. Took me a while to figure how to make his masks due to not having elastic. Stores are sold out.
1159p finally in bed though not sleeping. I’m exhausted. My whole body throbbing. Headache. Shoulders throbbing. Chest center throbbing. Lord, I’m not looking forward ton Drv apt tomorrow. Please help Dr be understanding and kind. Help her to have compassion for my particular need