Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 16-18 April 2020
April 16
730 woke to every inch of me in pain! My left lip stinging as if being zapped by an electrical charge of sorts. I hit snooze hoping in few minutes it would cease. Alarm goes off in 5 minutes. Nope now I have headache.
830 still hurting from head to toes with headache increasing in severity. Rt ear hurting. Get up to use restroom and almost fall back down. Legs feel like Jello and feet sting standing on them.
900 moving kind of slow this morn. I’m painfully sore all over as if recovering from being beat up or an intense rigorous workout. Never experienced either just know I hurt.
915 today’s goal is to figure out how to convert mp4 to wma for CD player. Trying to get sermons recorded for shut-ins due to this Coronavirus junk. I’ve been trying for two weeks.
After trying to figure it out & with a little help from friends, I finally figured out how to convert an mp4 to CD for an elderly man in our church so he can listen to the sermons. Thank you, Lord!
Time to go rest my brain for a bit. I’m tired. Head pounding. Vision blurred. Decided to play “The Key of David” wholetones while laying down. Had to get Jakob to help me figure out how. I may be technically challenged at times but not going to let it stop me.
1159 whole body aches, rt hipn& low back throb, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling, center chest achrs, arms hurt and sore
April 17
930a Slept in late. Joe’s BP elevated and migraine. Rough night. Hurt all over. Woke to both arms being numb and tingling. Rt hip hurts.
100p Took kids to Lowe’s with me to help get the rocks to finish my flower garden out. Surprised how many people at Lowe’s getting supplies for home projects. Had to get kids to push buggy to car. All that weight hurt pushing.
300p met M Puryear at church. Rest of life jackets have come in. She asked if we were still willing to paint name on them. Excited to have small part in their preparations for the mission field.
She asked how I’ve been doing with the storms that came thru. Told her thankfully we just had some winds but I could feel them in my body. She was amazed. Can’t explain but I feel on coming storms deeply in my bones. Maybe something to do with the barametric pressure change. We jokingly said I could be a weather girl bc my body can feel it. Lol.
400p delivered first preaching CD to Bro. Sure hope I can remember how to do the next one. He seemed happy to see us.
930p Frustrating that pushing cart and finishing flower garden has made my chest hurt again. Rt hip throbbing. Hands hurt. Tired. Legs ache.
1020 weather forecasts storms next couple days. I can feel it deep in my bones. It’s a deep achy throbbing pain. Currently feel it from neck to toes.
1144 oops just found out forgot to take my morning meds. Other than deep muscle bone pain & chest throbbing…I feel okay. Sounds funny reading it back but it’s the new “normal” for me – in constant pain. Some days I hurt more than others. Every day I have a choice to wallow in self pity or to rise above and ask God to help me do the tasks I can handle and look for ways to be a blessing to others. Today I chose to take care of my husband. Love him bunches.
April 18
530 Joe accidentally woke me early. Tried not to be grumpy but it felt like I had just fallen asleep. Didn’t fall asleep until after 1am sometime. He apologized and told me to him back to sleep. Took me a bit but woke later around 9am. I loathe sleeping in that late. I’m trying to stay on some kind of schedule so I can sleep better at night. Not doing so hot lately.
Tried to work on my computer for little bit to get CD drive back working to no avail. Frustrating bc I’m trying to burn preaching CDs. Ugh! Called PC guy but they’re apparently closed today. Will have to try Monday.
Had to get out of house today. Decided to go get few items at the store. It was crazy there as if everyone else had same idea! Took me two hours. By time I got home I was in much pain from all the walking behind the buggy and needed to rest.
Joe gracious and cooked dinner. He experimented by trying to air fry the fish and shrimp. Wasn’t his best dish but I was thankful all the same.
Been having periodic sharp stabbing chest pain on rt side of chest since around 7:30p. Decided to increase my Vitamin C intake as well as drink V8 juice with hot sauce. Later applied pain balm to chest area and took naproxen 500mg. Chest is quite swollen especially on rt side. Will have to take it easy for few days.
My whole body seems to be throbbing. Feels like major thunderstorm brewing. Deep bone throb. Headache is minimal thankfully for now. Neck aches. Hands swollen and throbbing. Elbows feel bruised. Back throbbing. Shoulders stinging. Low back & rt hip burning throbbing. Legs ache. Lower lft tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness. Feet stinging and tingling. Sharp periodic stabbing pain in rt side chest. Feet freezing. Putting feet next to Joe to warm up. It’ll probably wake him. Lol.