“Engulfed” written by Jodi Sherlin
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 27-28 February 2021
Feb 27
700 woke burning up feeling like I’m on fire. Entire body stinging!!! Not today.
900 on way to church. Car behind us decides to pass us on right almost hitting us!!! Scared me so bad I screamed!!! It was so close I could have reached out window and touch it from inside car. Nerves are tensed up. Ugh! Thank Lord for safety.
I am so stressed and feel cranky. Joe kind enough to say we’ll just go home tonight for me to not he more stressed thsn I am. Too many things for me to focus on right now.
1200p I’m exhausted and need a nap. Nerves stinging in upper back. Headache. Feel like I’m going to crash.
500 birthday party went well though I forgot how to do a snowball fight. Made rules up as I went. Kids had fun.
900 bulletin done but I don’t have energy to print them tonight. Feel like in gonna crash again. Need rest.
Whole body hurts. Eyes watery. Headache slight. Hands ache. Fingers sting. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet nunb & tingly. Brain feels like mush. Vision tunneling and blurred. How is it that my vocabulary is superior but my comprehension is below normal? That’s mind baffling.
Feb 28
600 woke to severe pain in upper body. Entire back throbbing. Both arms and hands numb and tingling. Lights bothersome. Neck throbbing. Feet nunb and tingly. Stinging pain in back and arms. Muscles in legs , ankles, and feet feel like they’re wound tight as a rubber band. Headache mild.
Joe decided to rub my back which feels relaxing.
100 found my clipboard. Left it in mission house. Had my Scripture journaling notes on it too.
600 brain hurts. Eyes blurry. Headache moderate. Hands swollen and throbbing.
Ring finger on rt hand feels like ants are crawling all over it. Keep trying to wipe them off but there’s nothing there. Ugh.
Center of chest hurting. Can tell I quite taking the naproxen.
1000p learned for definite sure that I’m allergic or sensitive to whole milk. Been drinking 1% milk and seem to do okay with it. Decided to drink glass of whole milk tonight. After drinking about half the glass I began choking like my throat was swelling. Sinuses instantly severely congested and sinus cavities hurt. Belly feels swollen and bloated as well. Headache intensified. Drinking water to flush it out.
Took night meds plus 1/2 Benadryl and naproxen rx. Bummer but good to know.
Toes and feet tingly. Eyes watery. Rt ear hurts. Exhausted. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling from mid chin down to ankle. Legs ache. Severely congested. Center of chest throbbing.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 25-26 February 2021
Feb 25
Woke with both arms & hands severely numb and tingly.
Very exhausted. I need a day to rest. Taking the guys back and forth to work is wearing me out. Having trouble waking up. Whole body aches. Center of chest burning. Back of head tingling burning. Neck hurts. Legs and feet throbbing.
♫It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name♫
900 this morning’s juice is Strawberry Juice. Ingredients: 1/2 cup strawberries & 2 apples. No sweetener needed. Tasted sweet. Think I’d rather just eat the strawberries whole. Looked like a lot of pulp wasted in canister.
Strawberries are high in potassium? Who knew?
1000 attempted to start exercising via a Pilates for beginners via YouTube. Couldn’t even complete the first exercise. Did what I could and will try again tomorrow.
200 decided to go to thrift store before picking up Jordon. Walking towards back rows lft eye suddenly became very blurry – like a film was covering eye and I couldn’t see out of it. Scary. Rubbed eye little bit and after a moment it cleared and I could see again. Then got dizzy amd had to stand still for minute or two.
Not able to look through bins like I usually do bc my arms gave out quickly and started burning.
545 can’t push any more need to take a nap to report.
Feb 26
500a woke in extreme pain. Burning pins and needles pain all over with deep bone throbbing as well. Low back throbbing. Skin hypersensitive. Tinny taste in mouth. Bad headache.
700 turned to adjust body rt side went into severe spasm stopping me instantly. Had to readjust to get it to start easing. Extreme sharp stabbing burning pain through body. Taking pain rx and laying down for bit.
Played wholetones music on phone while taking morning nap. It seems to calm my nerves and helps me sleep peacefully. I wonder if there’s a way to play music on phone on a timer?
Starting day off late. Positive note…stepped on scale. I’ve lost 2lbs this week. Yay!
This morning’s juice is Carrot Juice. Ingredients: 3 carrots, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, & 1/4 tsp ground ginger. Tastes good.
Son called into work. Whole day thrown off now. Have to leave in 30 minutes.
No time for exercise this morning. Don’t like being in a rush. Puts my nerves on edge.
Received blessing of unexpected money given to me today. Thank you, Lord.
1041 Drinking Extra Sleepytime Tea before bed. Whole body stinging.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 23-24 February 2021
Feb 23
525 I’m so tired. Woke feeling very hot. Whole body hurts. Low back throbbing. Headache.
700 used the juicer Joe bought us. Made The Energized Juice – 3 carrots, 1/2 lemon, 1 pear, 1 green apple. I forgot about the ginger. Made 2 cups of juice. It tasted pretty good.
827 I’m flat exhausted already and need a nap. Laying down for half hour feel like I’m going to pass out.
936 hearing popping noises in my head
1200 been slowly working on gathering tax info. Finally finishe up mileage info but can’t remember how to enlarge font in excel so it’s legible when printing.
300 went to store to order Dezirae’s cake. Brought knee up to rest leg but hit the basket on the back. Ouch!!! Instant bruise just above knee. That hurts!!!
1035 just dawned on me that I misplaced the meal planner for the week and I cannot remember what was planned for tommorow. Might just do leftovers. Frustrating.
1030 whole body aches. Headache. Low back hurts. Upper back stings. Forearms sting & burn. Hands swollen & throbbing. Legs tingling burning. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness. Feet tingling and burning – lft more than rt. Tired but awake.
Feb 24
500a woke with beginnings of a migraine. Whole body aches. Arms hurt.
Took one Excedrine migraine and laid back down for hour
900a this morning’s juice is Carrot Juice
Ingredients: 2 Carrots, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, 1/8 tsp ground ginger.
1030 finally finished gathering info for taxes to give CPA. Glad that’s done. Now to make apt.
1130 headache
1030p sore all over. Exhausted. Legs ache. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling. Feet freezing.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 21-22 February 2021
Feb 21
700 woke to both arms and hands numbish & tingling. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Sinuses congested. Calves intense aching. Feet ache. Neck hurts. Hurts to move. Tongue looks like war zone.
Saw a commercial earlier in week that show how different ailment resemble…joints stiff and achy had on metal garb like tin man in Wizard of Oz. I feel like all of the people shown in that commercial sometimes all at one time.
It feels nice to wake up in warm house.
950 enjoyed hugs from the kids today.
1030 took spiritual gifts survey in SS. Vision and brain blurring and tunneling. Headache hurts. Not good mix for playing piano.
1130 piano playing was a mess today. Asked to be cameraman today. Discovered I can’t take notes and watch camera at same time. Ugh! Joe is a wiggle worm more than I thought.
Legs are stinging. I’m a wiggle butt this morn too. Can’t get comfortable. It hurts to sit in pews.
Our how our perception of ourselves vary different from others. Recvd complement on my hair and was told it always looks pretty. Earlier I told Jordon I was having a bad hair day bc it was fuzzy and not cooperating.
1230 As I was watching video on making carmel or colored popcorn in oven, I could actually smell the popcorn cooking. Weird.
1250 smelled the rolls were beginning to burn in oven.
627 I get frustrated at times during services bc I have hard time keeping up. Just dawned on me that we live stream. I can go back and watch again to get what I miss.
Oh man, I just realized I misplaced my notebook…probably left it at home.
930 feet are freezing and feel like ice.
1130 freezing sensation moving up legs. Rt foot to ankle. Lft foot up bottom of calf. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling extending with minor numbness and tingling. Headache. Hands throbbing & swollen.
1159 low back stabbing throbbing. Stinging burning pain in both legs. Neck hurts. Stomach hurts.
♫That name is Jesus Sweet Rose of Sharon Spotless and Pure Lamb of God He’s the Waymaker Miracle Worker Peace Maker…That name is Jesus, Sweet Rose of Sharon Spotless and pure Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lion of Judah The promised Emmanuel, God’s Son, Jesus my Lord and Creator Who witnessed and conquered the brave, Jesus this worlds only Savior, Jesus what a wonderful name♫
I’ll fall asleep with His name on my mind.
Feb 22
515a woke burning up like I was running fever but wasn’t. Sore & stiff all over. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Ears ringing. No energy this morning.
800 read Numbers 28-30, Psalm 113:8, 1 Peter 5:8-10
Could’ve slept longer but need to get up. Exhausted.
200 while visiting with friend today, her legs gave out and she fell. Thankfully she didn’t hurt herself too bad but it’s concerning me. Able to tend to cut on arm and though it was a challenge get her up off floor.
400 I’m really feeling picking up friend earlier. Whole body hurts and costochondritis is trying to rear its head. Took Naproxen. Glad I have easy dinner planned – spaghetti.
500p received Dr notes from neuropsychological testing. Notes were intriguing until I got to the part she thinks I’m depressed and needs a therapist. Yet she said I had a good support system. Some of notes seemed contradictory. Apparently I’m still pretty smart even above average in some areas though it perplexed her that my response time, attention, and comprehension is below normal. But I have to keep in mind that they can only compare me to the average of others my age and education level. She verbally admitted I had a TBI but her notes don’t indicate it. Frustrating. Gives some answers but poses more questions.
What part of the brain controls comprehension? Wernicke’s area?
What damage causes regular headaches & migraines?
700 I’m exhausted and hurting. Ended up resting on couch rest of night.
1000 exhausted. Whole body sore like I did hard workout. Arms & hands ache.
“To Be Seen” by Theresa Schwenke!
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 19-20
Feb 19
1000 woah! I must have been tired. Slept 10 hours. Whole body aches deep all over. Upper body & back aches exponetially like I overworked out in a gym. The only thing I did different yday was attempt to vacuum the livingroom. Tis good I was able to do so, but man the pain hurts.
Guy coming today to look at house about possibility of buying it. Not thrilled about moving (mainly the packing part), but curious to see how God is working in our lives.
1022 stepped on scale to check weight. I’m disgusted. Gained back the 6 lbs I just lost. Ugh!
Stopped drinking the juicing from store bc 95% of them have a little bit of banana in them. By weeks end, I almost went into anaphylaxis…throat was quite swollen to point I was having trouble swallowing & sinuses were severely congested. Had to take Benadryl to counteract. If I’m going to do juicing, it has to be on my own terms without bananas.
200 went to run errands for friend. When I got to firehouse, realized my phone was missing. I went into panic state of mind. Quick prayer asking Lord to keep my phone safe and help me find it quickly. Called pharmacy. Front clerk hadn’t seen it. Let her know I was on my way back to retrace steps. Once back at pharmacy, checked with pharmacist. When I was having trouble with paying for the rx, I set my phone on counter and forgot about it. Thankfully, pharmacy clerk put it up for me. I let front clerk know I found it. She remembered me from earlier bc I gave her a gospel tract.
Great article in this weeks Guardian Newspaper which gives a reasonably accurate and non-sensational explanation of the story of someone who was hit by lightning, and the help she got from the LS&ESSI:
930 chilling sensation at base of brain and back of neck. Asked Joe to feel back of neck to see if he could feel it. He said it was chilly to the touch but not bad like my back or chest gets. Told him I was just checking to make sure I was really felling it or not.
Feb 20
Went to church for few hours today to do some sprucing up and install lights at sign , on poats, and replace bulb in security light.
Unable to go out soul winning due to cold weather (29° brrr). High today was upper 50’s.
Joe decided to spend the night in mission house on way home. I got upset because I still had alot to do to get ready let alone pack clothes, makeup, toiletries, three meals, etc. Being thrown off my schedule throws me in a tizzy especially if I feel rushed. It upset Joe. After I completed bulletin and printing it, I calmed down enough to ask Joe to help me get ready. He agreed but was surprised at how much I packed just for one night. Lol
The lights the guys installed look good and certainly brighten up the sign and front yard at night.
Decided to change nail polish. Got frustrated bc it took me several hours and I kept messing up. Feet are freezing bc I painted toenails too.
Slight headache. Chilling sensation at base of neck and top of shoulders. Hands, wrists, & forearms swollen and throbbing. Low back & right hip throbbing. Legs ache. Funny taste in mouth. Tongue white patches. Allergy bumps on top of arms. Feet freezing & tingling. Toes tingling. Tired