Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 19-20

Feb 19

1000 woah! I must have been tired. Slept 10 hours. Whole body aches deep all over. Upper body & back aches exponetially like I overworked out in a gym. The only thing I did different yday was attempt to vacuum the livingroom. Tis good I was able to do so, but man the pain hurts.

Guy coming today to look at house about possibility of buying it. Not thrilled about moving (mainly the packing part), but curious to see how God is working in our lives.

1022 stepped on scale to check weight. I’m disgusted. Gained back the 6 lbs I just lost. Ugh!

Stopped drinking the juicing from store bc 95% of them have a little bit of banana in them. By weeks end, I almost went into anaphylaxis…throat was quite swollen to point I was having trouble swallowing & sinuses were severely congested. Had to take Benadryl to counteract. If I’m going to do juicing, it has to be on my own terms without bananas.

200 went to run errands for friend. When I got to firehouse, realized my phone was missing. I went into panic state of mind. Quick prayer asking Lord to keep my phone safe and help me find it quickly. Called pharmacy. Front clerk hadn’t seen it. Let her know I was on my way back to retrace steps. Once back at pharmacy, checked with pharmacist. When I was having trouble with paying for the rx, I set my phone on counter and forgot about it. Thankfully, pharmacy clerk put it up for me. I let front clerk know I found it. She remembered me from earlier bc I gave her a gospel tract.

Great article in this weeks Guardian Newspaper which gives a reasonably accurate and non-sensational explanation of the story of someone who was hit by lightning, and the help she got from the LS&ESSI:

930 chilling sensation at base of brain and back of neck. Asked Joe to feel back of neck to see if he could feel it. He said it was chilly to the touch but not bad like my back or chest gets. Told him I was just checking to make sure I was really felling it or not.

Feb 20

Went to church for few hours today to do some sprucing up and install lights at sign , on poats, and replace bulb in security light.

Unable to go out soul winning due to cold weather (29° brrr). High today was upper 50’s.

Joe decided to spend the night in mission house on way home. I got upset because I still had alot to do to get ready let alone pack clothes, makeup, toiletries, three meals, etc. Being thrown off my schedule throws me in a tizzy especially if I feel rushed. It upset Joe. After I completed bulletin and printing it, I calmed down enough to ask Joe to help me get ready. He agreed but was surprised at how much I packed just for one night. Lol

The lights the guys installed look good and certainly brighten up the sign and front yard at night.

Decided to change nail polish. Got frustrated bc it took me several hours and I kept messing up. Feet are freezing bc I painted toenails too.

Slight headache. Chilling sensation at base of neck and top of shoulders. Hands, wrists, & forearms swollen and throbbing. Low back & right hip throbbing. Legs ache. Funny taste in mouth. Tongue white patches. Allergy bumps on top of arms. Feet freezing & tingling. Toes tingling. Tired

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