Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 7-9 April 2020

April 7

0500 got up to use restroom. Calves still throbbing. Legs very weak I almost fell. Very wobbly. Whole body hurts.

800 really don’t feel like getting up today. I hurt so much all over and I’m anxious about my Dr apt not bc of the covid19 junk but bc my last apt with her didn’t go well and I had to write a letter and submit lightning strike documentation requesting she be willing to work with me.

Verse pops to mind “Be anxious for nothing”…oops it actually states…”Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” I confess my fault to God and decide I must have faith that God will protect me and He will answer my prayer. I also ask God to help us find hair ties to make the face masks.

936 finally remembered to call bluehost regarding my website renewal. Had difficulty trying to verbalize what I was asking and why. Finally had to explain I’m working thru tbi due to LS 2.5 yrs ago. Guy was very courteous and understanding. Call took over thirty minutes just to ask two questions. Able to renew for two years at discounted price. Thank you, Lord. Please help me to learn what I need to start earning money to help our income and to honor and glorify You.

200 Oh my brain hurts! Been trying to help Rae with music class today to finish up for the year. I also typed up my symptoms & rxs for the Dr apt. So much info swirling in my head.

430 huge praise!!! Dr apt went well. Dr.seemed to have new attitude towards my being LS. She listened and asked questions. Given steroid shot for the costochondritis flair up. Wt 205, temp 98.4, BP 107/77? Glad she left that alone.

Able to run few errands afterwards. Exhausted and hurting by time got home. Had to rest a while. Thankful Rae cooking dinner tonight.

1000p managed to sew couple of face masks for couple of Joe’s co-workers.

1150 got new character trait posted. Back side is very sore where I received shot. Lower back muscles tensing up in hyperdrive as if it was injured all over again. Domino effect causing upper back band shoulders to burn. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling strengthens as does the numbing & tingling in leg & foot. Rt foot & toes tingling ascwel. Hands swollen and throbbing. Neck hurts. Headache. Sinus cavities in face hurt.

Pain rx taken with night meds.


April 8

103 pain thru body keeping me awake. If don’t fall asleep soon will have to take something. Homeschool summit online to view tomorrow morning. Hoping steroid kicks in soon too.

450 fell asleep for a couple hours at least. been awake for a while. Must have been moaning bc Joe started gently rubbing my back to help ease the pain. Hurting all over as if rain is coming. I purposely don’t watch weather reports closely bc I refuse to keep myself in state of panic.

500 read Psalm

700 Decided to get up because I can’t go back to sleep. Ugh! Might as well use my time wisely.

800 kids working on research papers for English today. Oh, I wish I could remember half the stuff I learned in HS. I am starting to remember more things since I started taking fish oil again.

1200 face starting to feel heated and flushed like cheeks are on fire . I forgot about this side effect. Hoping it doesn’t last long.

1.30p brain hurts and headache has worsened. Been trying to watch homeschool summit online. Easily distracted. Started trying to figure out next year’s curriculum. Found biblical character trait studies for free. I like free. Value was over $400. Going to use them as morning devotionals before starting the day.

400p from watching/listening to videos it dawned on me that it’s my responsibility to teach our children the biblical character and principles to be instilled in our children. The atmosphere in the home emulates from my attitude. That’s a big responsibility.

500 Jordon made dinner tonight. That was nice. So glad my kids are old enough to help more around house.

730 took cat nap in my chair.

1100 went to bed at same time Joe did tonight just to be near him. He talked my ear off until he fell asleep. I enjoyed it tonight. Some days I miss him more than others. Today was one of those days.

Whole body deeply aches. Headache. Low back throbbing. Exhausted.


April 9

0900 whole body throbbing. It hurts to move. Mouth dry. Tired. Feel like I could sleep all day.

1030 Rae listen to audio book for her English class. Oddly it’s giving me headache.

1100 decided to try to balance checkbook

257 still trying to find my error! Found part of it but not all of it. Ugh! Giving myself more of headache and blurry vision. So frustrating!

320 finally found the error. Checkbook balanced! Things like this have been so difficult to continue to do post LS. I used to love math and numbers…niw they are such a chore. Yet with God as my helper I will continue to persevere!!

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 4-6 April 2020

April 4

1155p forgot to set alarm and overslept. Slept pretty good though. Woke hurting all over.

This Stay at home mandate for Alabama had us trying to rethink how we’re going to keep services going.

Ran errands for church with family in afternoon. Chose to walk behind buggy in store. Electric wheelchairs don’t look like they’re being disinfected much. Wore me out.

Had to crash for half hour around 8pm so I could have energy to finish up bulletins for tomorrow.

Received phone call from my sister. Pleasant surprise.

I’m exhausted. Whole body aches. As long as I don’t try to lift anything my chest pain is less. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Feet freezing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling.


April 5

800 very rough night. Kept waking to lft leg & both arms numb and tingly. Calves cramping burning. Joe’s arm on me felt like ton of bricks. Fighting for covers. I’m exhausted.

100p rough morning trying to work out all the kinks for live streaming services. I don’t.handle off the cuff changes well any more. It throws my whole world out of kilter. Joe tried to get me to talk and I wouldn’t. I didn’t want to add to already chaotic morning. We made it through okay. We’ll learn as we go through it.

200 brain is fried from this morning. Need to take nap to rest and recharge for tonight.

500p able to work for little bit in mission closet organizing the clothing. Before arms started giving out.55

655 chest center starting to throb. Ugh. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Headache.

1115p attempting to go to bed. Lower rt leg tourniquet feeling. Feetb& toes tingly with random stabbing pain in let heel. Calves ache. Center chest hurts. Hands tingly. Tummy hurts deep within. Exhausted.


April 6

700 legs cramping & throbbing. Whole body hurts. Nose stuffy. Center of chest hurts. Hurts to move. Headache.

515p Nothing like an unexpected 2 hour detour and an impromptu auto maintenance teaching lesson for your daughter when your car decides to die and you need to get a new battery while at Walmart.

Thankfully, I was able to ask one of the managers for help. He had an employee help us exchange old battery for new one and installed it.  Thankful for God’s provision and protection.

Thankful that though I needed a cart to lean on I was able to push myself through the hurdle. This mama is one wore out cookie now. Legs & body are throbbing like a toothache. I haven’t even walked that many steps since my LS. I will be resting rest of day. Lol!

630p rested little bit before making dinner. Once dinner was made and eaten I fell asleep in my chair for about an hour.

Twas reminded that I needed to make face mask for Joe for his job. I really don’t like like doing it but his health and our health is important. Took me a while to figure how to make his masks due to not having elastic. Stores are sold out.

1159p finally in bed though not sleeping. I’m exhausted. My whole body throbbing. Headache. Shoulders throbbing. Chest center throbbing. Lord, I’m not looking forward ton Drv apt tomorrow. Please help Dr be understanding and kind. Help her to have compassion for my particular need

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 1-3 April 2020

April 1

700a woke just before alarm went off. Whole body stiff and achy. Low back throbbing.

1045 been trying to grade papers and write a quiz…now have headache, vision blurring, and feet are cold. Need to rest brain and warm up.

1200 headache eased. Ended up taking nap.

630p hospitals giving coronavirus patients 1500mg Vitamin C 3 – 4 times daily

Up to 3 grams daily. (3g =3,000mg = 500mg =1000mg 3xs daily) 

850 rt ankle front feels like someone drug stinging nettles plants across my skin. It’s stinging burning! I’ve only been sitting for past half hour or so. Lft knee throbbing. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Hands ache.

1000p Jordon asked me to cut his hair for summer cut. I accidentally went too short. He looks almost bald on sides. Trouble with coordination of holding comb and clippers but worked through it. Arms started cramping and fatiguing out half way through. Had to take short breaks to push through.

1130 blew nose and it started bleeding. Ugh! Frustrating. Only bled about a minute this time.


April 2

630a been awake since around 5am. Woke to my arms, hands, and back of neck throbbing with needle sensation almost as if they had fallen asleep and were waking up. Not a good feeling to wake to. Legs very sensitive. Sheets feel like pins poking them.

Couldn’t get back to sleep so I chose to read my Bible, devotinal, and pray. Finished writing Character Trait to post in a bit.

Going to start physical therapy exercises back up to see if it’ll ease some pain. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness.

710 attempted to turn bed around so guys can attach footboard. Whew! That was a workout. Intense throbbing in back and arms. Short of breath. Arms cramping & throbbing. Scrapped skin off lower left leg not bleeding thankfully but throbbing like it was hit by hammer. Need to rest a bit.

900 went to local fabric store to pick up more material to make face masks for hospital. Store has changed hours again. Don’t have time to wait 1 hour and they’ll only allow 10 people in store at a time. Does that include employees too? I know we’re suppose to be cautious but this is crazy.

716 th side throbbing. Calves throbbing. I’m really sleepy.

1043p I’m exhausted and  hurting all over. Toes cold. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Calves ache. Lower back severely throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Headache. Rt arm  throbbing and cramping. Feels bruised when I moved it. Utterly exhausted. Pain too much to bear. Pain rx taken.


April 3

745 wow slept pretty good last night. Nose stuffy. Mouth dry. Arms & hands slightly numb upon waking. Eyes blurry and feel crusty (they’re not just feel that way). Low back throbbing. Hands tingly upon sitting up. Rt hip hurting. Neck stiff. Upon turning neck to stretch it shoots sharp pains down torso to and on both sides.

Song in head: It’s amazing what praising can do, hallelujah!

Need to formulate idea for Easter goodie bags for kids at church. Can’t let this virus stuff keep us down. Need to think outside the box.

800a got up had bloody nose.

315p sharp pains in chest!!! That’s what I get for taking the bulletin board down by myself. Ugh! Hurts to move.

Decided to try to lay back flat on pew to see if that’ll help to ease pain. Deep breaths too. Oh pain is sharp!

Joe thinks my bloody noses are partly due to all the heavy pollen right now. I totally forgot about the environmental allergies. Duh!

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 30-31 March 2020

March 30

3:30a woke think I was late and back throbbing

800 back throbbing & I’m tired.

810 Decided to take a shower. It’s like a work out for me now. Arms cramp and burn when I try to wash my hair. I have to take multiple breaks just to get that done. Low back starts hurting more by time I get finished with shower. Out of breath and need to rest for a while before tackling next task. Hopefully one day this task won’t be such a challenge. But thank God I can still do it.

1043 feel like I’m about to pass out. Ugh! Why am I so tired? How can I fix this? Feet freezing. Under blanket but need to put socks on. Going to lay down for 30 minutes or so.

5:30 very tired. Fell asleep in chair in Lr for 30 minutes or so.

900 figured out partly why I’m tired. Been working on next month’s scripture journaling and devotional. Not finding much commentaries on gentleness. Harder than I expected. Wears my brain and back out quickly.

Thinking and focusing tasks make my head hurt. It’s like it takes all my energy to try to get a task done. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish tomorrow. Worked on it in spurts off and on all day.

1050 Decided to braid my hair. Whew! Not quite ready to do that yet again. Out of breath. Arms burning & cramping. Hands & fingers burning, throbbing. Upper back throbbing. Stinging in lower back. Wore out.


March 31

745 very rough night. Fell asleep sometime after 1am the woke around 3am with legs cramping and throbbing. I hurt so bad all over.

Slept till 7:45a.

820a Jakob having trouble calling in for classes. Something about being charged for conference call. Joe called carrier. Told most carriers don’t have contracts with them anymore so you’ll get charged. Ugh. Took a bit but he finally figured it out.

In midst of this upheaval, Joe discovered I forgot to pay phone bill. Ugh! I thought for sure I did. Frustrated. Spent next while trying to locate receipt to no avail. At least I had it already deducted in checkbook.

No energy today. Fleeting thoughts to do stuff but no motivation or ump to move. Seasonal allergies kicking my butt.

Joe getting on my nerves being home with this quarantine.

My cough is getting more frequent. It’s annoying more than anything. Trying to keep hydrated to keep mouth moist. Lots of post nasal drip due to seasonal allergies. Pollen bad this year.

1000p wrote character trait devotional. Finished chowing verses for scripture journaling. Hopefully will work on putting it all together tomorrow.

1138p whole body aches. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Exhausted. Praying I fall asleep soon.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 28-29 March 2020

March 28

Rae & I decided to help make face masks for local hospitals for the coronavirus pandemic. It took us a bit to figure out how to make them. Mom decided to help us. Together we made 17.

I also had to do the sewing in periods because it hurt my back to sit in hard chair for long periods of time.

By time guys got home it had taken all day to get them made. Thankful that Joe decided to cook the ribs on grill bc I wasn’t up to it.

I was down for rest of night. I’m hurting to almost tears. Whole body aches. Headache. Shoulders, arms, hands?, entire back, rt hip throbbing like toothache. Feet cold. Center of chest aches.

My spirit wants to do more but my body will need to rest a couple days.


March 29

715 woke to burning sensation in legs and feet below knees. Low back throbbing.

921 struggling this morning. Very lethargic feeling. Pushing myself to get going. Feeling bit nauseous.

1000 We had to back up an punt due to the coronavirus. Our church has been meeting only Sunday mornings (we’re a small church), but with new restrictions we are attempting to set up for drive in church this morning. This is all new to us and additional stresses take quite a toll on me post LS.

1030 Bro told me he was realling enjoying the soup I made him though he didn’t know what kind it was. I told him it was homemade cream of mushroom. Said he was able to make three meals out of it and still has more. That really blessed my heart. I’m glad God provides so I can share with those in need.

1230p Service went well. Family pitched in to help set up and everyone pitched in to take it all down. I had to wear earplugs to play the keyboard (ears are sensitive to loud noises) due to having to have it loud enough. We also did services live on Facebook. God gave me grace and though I’m wore out I’m not hurting more than usual right now.

100 Jakob offered to help with lunch. I’m so wore out went and laid down until lunch was ready.

200 back to laying down. Twill take an hour nap and then need to deliver face masks we made for local hospitals

330 took while to fall asleep. Took hour or so nap.

400 Decided to deliver the masks back to Joann’s. Ladies were surprised we were able to make 12 masks out of 1 yard of fabric. Said most are only getting 10. She was even more happy when I told her we were able to add 5 more masks.

530 just as we were getting prepared to head to parent’s house for dinner my nose started bleeding unexpectedly. I really dislike not knowing underlying cause. I haven’t taken Benadryl or naproxen in couple weeks. Bled for about 5 minutes.

900 Jordon helped me transplant the pepper plants and water them. Hopefully this year our garden will be fruitful. Tomato plants are looking good. Cucumbers still look good. I think I also want to try squash but I’ll need another bucket/tote. We’ll see.

1030 low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. I’m exhausted and hot. Eyes watery. Mom not feeling good. Praying God’s healing hand upon her. Hands swollen and achy. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling mid calf to ankle. Toes tingly. Skin feels prickly (like you accidentally squeezed stinging nettles plant. Ouch?!). Eyes beginning to feel blurry. Very tired. Stomach feels bloated.

1143 legs burning, nose runny, center chest hurting. Lord please heal Bro Chuck, Pastor Baldwin and others who are sick.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 26-27 March 2020

March 26

8.00a headache minimal. Upper torso (chest, shoulders, neck) throbbing & hurts to move. Congested & have cough. Rt ear ringing. Calves ache. Hands swollen and aching. Upper back hurts. Tired. Feet chilly. Muscles feel really tight.

It’s really hard to get motivated to move when you hurt horribly. Tears are leaking out my eyes .

900a pushed through to do my physical therapy exercises. I don’t feel like moving now. I really hurt. Want to go back to bed but need to make sure kids are doing their assigned schoolwork for today.

1100a gave kids their extra chore for tpday: deep clean living room together. This ought to be fun.

Decided my extra chore is transferring files from crate to file cabinet. Took me about an hour due multiple distractions & breaks. Low back & rt hip throbbing awful now.

12:14p I forgot to put dinner in crockpot and it’s already lunch time! Laying down til back pain eased a bit and I’ll have to do that next.

100 stomach pain sharp. Ugh!

130 just had to use restroom and stomach pain eased up. Whew! Now if only my chest pain would ease up.

1050 my heart is heavy. I want to minister to our people but I don’t really know how without putting myself in harm’s way due to my low immunity. I know I can pray  but I want to do more. I’ve made soup for one of our elderly (that’s what he likes to eat) but we weren’t able to go deliver it today.

I pray we can tomorrow maybe.

Also, not sure if Jakob’s coming home or not. His college is not resuming in person classes until after April 20th, but will resume telephone classes March 31st. He has good job and doesn’t want to risk losing it to come home for 3+ weeks due to this junk.

I’m really hurting all over and center of chest is really throbbing. I need to take a pain pill to ease it but In just got my nose to stop bleeding when I need to blow it (which has been a lot due to all the pollen). I’m exhausted and didn’t (couldn’t) hardly do anything today, as I was hurting a bunch. I hurt from head to toe and feel like crying . Hey, these emojis popping up when I type are cute and comical.

Symptoms: headache, neck hurts & muscles feel stiff, shoulders stinging, calves burning & cramping, butt cramping, low back aches, rt hip throbbing, hands swollen & achy, center of chest throbbing, icy burning sensation, heals hurt, feet ache, toes throbbing, exhausted.


March 27

1100 able to take Bro his soup today and check on him. He was excited to have company. We kept safe distance. Ended up climbing two sets of stairs. Wore me out.

1230 Joe & Jordon left to go help Jakob. My Uncle was gracious enough to help him get his breaks fixed, but Jakob still wanted his dad to come up. He won’t lose his job and has a job here when he gets home.

300 crashed for two hours. I’m still really exhausted. Chest is throbbing. Eyes watery. Arms hurt.

1125 parents had us over for dinner. Three bean casserole. I couldn’t eat it all.

Rae & I watched hallmarks once back home.

Center of chest throbbing with stabbing pain periodic. I hurt so much.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 24-25 March 2020

March 24

1159 had to break down an get the chemical lice treatment knowing full well its make me sick – I’m allergic to pestacides – natural treatments not working. Not sure how I got them. Ugh! I just hope it doesn’t set me back especially with the covid going around.

Got sick to stomach half way through treatment and puked in garbage can. Stomach upset. Took vitamin C in addition to night rx plus a Benadryl. Headache. Center chest stabbing, throbbing. Throat swollen a bit. Had trouble swallowing pills. A wee nauseous. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Toes tingle. Hands ache. Tired.


March 25

730 it’s amazing how quickly fake news spreads

1230p Every time I hold the phone to my ear my arm and hand goes numb.

145 people keep asking me health questions as if I’m a doctor or something. No, I’m no expert but am more than willing to share what has helped me endure through the physical ailments and limitations.


  1. How much magnesium do I need to take to stop muscle cramping?

Answer:  It varies from person to person. When I started taking magnesium for cramping, I had to take 1,000mg magnesium a day for a little while. I was able to decrease dosage and am taking 500mg daily now.

Other things that help with muscle cramps: stretching, massaging, apply ice or heat, & hydration (goal should be to drink half your weight in water daily).



  1. A friend is having significant trouble with constipation. What should he take?

Answer: Have he discussed this with his doctor? Yes. Doctor just suggested over the counter stool softener.

Things I use to help me have regular bowel movements:

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is ideal, but when you are unable.

* Magnesium 500mg daily

* 1 heaping tbs diatomaceous earth (for me it works within couple hours. It has alot of health benefits too.     

* Increase your fiber intake

* Vitamin C – daily intake should be around 500mg to 2,000mg (depends on your deficiency)

* Vitamin D3 – between 2,000 IUs – 4,000 IUs daily

* Vitamin B12 – dosage depends in individual. One of the Dr’s I saw suggested I take 2 mg daily.


700 crashed in chair in livingroom for over an hour. Woken by phone call.


Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 22-23 March 2020

March 22

253 church gave me card for pastor wives appreciation. I didn’t suspect anything until Joe said we all have to be at church tomorrow whether I’m feeling good or not. Saw Mom with a card. When they presented the card, Joe said that they were planning a big day to show their appreciation but it got partially cancelled due to the coronavirus. Lol ! The church people signed the card. It was nice to be appreciated anyways.

305p went to use restroom. Something red caught my eye on Joe’s night stand. I was having difficulty focusing on item to see what it was ended up tripping and falling into the bathroom sink and bruised my left forearm. Told Joe in case I wonder later why my arm is bruised.

I really hate this memory trouble issue. It makes me feel like I lie (tell false truths because I honestly don’t recall things).

1129 amount of people having covid19 seemingly rising. Rumors that President Trump will issue nationwide are at home order to protect Americans. Three states already on lockdown (NY, CA, & WA). LA will be on lockdown as of 5pm tomorrow. Jakob still in KY. Joe may have to go up and get him. Rumors that nationwide lock down could last as long as 10-12 weeks. Nice. Guess that means I’ll have to homeschool using only curriculum I have on hand. Really wanted Jordon to do the astronomy class next year. It’s expensive so I was waiting to see it go on sale. Praying for God’s wisdom and protection. I definitely don’t have 12 weeks of food stored up.

Upper back and neck stinging throbbing. Arms and hands tingly. Arms & shoulders sore. Low back throbbing. Center of chest throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Stinging in rt foot periodically to point it make foot jump. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness. Lft foot burning. Toes tingling.


March 23

640a low back throbbing. Calves crampy. Headache. Hurts to move.

800 pain easing as I move to do few things around house.

Today’s chores: wash our clothes, make homemade cream mushroom soup, make homemade bread. Also packed up one box of Jakob’s stuff. That’s enough for me. Whew!?

1015 received word that Wal-Mart had some bread. Limiting it to one per person. I’m over it. Called mom. She was getting ready to go to Costco and asked me to go with her. pray ok my have good night sleep. I’m utterly exhausted

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