Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 6-7 June 2019

June 6

5:00a- woke up thinking I was late. Ugh! Horrible pain in center of chest. Toe touch didn’t work. Used pain relief roll on and went back to bed.

7:00a- body aches but not as bad as usual. Think possibly exercises that PT gave me are helping.

7:30- decided to play wholetones mucis “open door” for first set of exercises this morning. Did devotions too while playing.

8:30a- weird tingling chilling sensation from neck down spine to middle of back . Need to ask therapist about it next visit.

11:31p- able to get kids end of year grades done and put in mail today. Having meals planned is a stress relief. Remembered to note what items I needed to get done today. 

Started okay playing piano for church but progressively got worse. It was like my brain was too tired to coordinate my hands with my eyes. I wished someone could explain the science of that to me.  

Joe preaching on Holy Spirit tonight. I started reading notes in Bible which made me think of other verses about Holy Spirit. I zoned out for little bit but was embarrassed because Joe called on me to agree with him on something but I didn’t hear what he said so I didn’t give reply he was hoping for. Made for giggles in church.

We discussed it afterwards. Joe was okay with it. 

Relaxing before sleep I’m hurting all over and skin is prickly itchy. Yeast is trying to rear ugly head again though it’s never gone away comepletely. So wish I could find right combination. 

Chest throbbing like toothache. Lifted a box too heavy for me and I felt it immediately. Being restricted in activity is quite a challenge. 

I’m freezing though it’s still about 80 degrees outside. Joe says my skin is hot to the touch. Thighs ache.

June 7

7:00a- first woke early morning dreamt someone was at front door ringing door bell, banging on door trying to get it. It seemed so real! When I came to I listened for doorbell but didn’t hear it anymore. Not sure if I should get up and check it out. I got scared. Decided to pray a protective bubble around us to keep it away.  Fell back asleep praying for everything I could remember needed prayer.

Able to do exercises and devotions before Joe woke. Exercises are making difference already but my muscles are soar. PT said to expect it. 

9:00a- lots to do today. Pay first payment on car. Get insurance. Get tag. Get travel consent papers notarized. Get Joe to Dr for his BP & make apt with for me – changing Drs. I need to for my overall health. Still fighting thrush. 

12:30p- we qualify for discount for medical care at the clinic. Joe has Dr apt at 1:30. I will make apt for future. Everyone has been real friendly. That’s plus for me. Uncaring Dr’s I’ve dealt with over past year or so have made me dread going to Dr. So very thankful God opened door for me to get physical therapy. I know it’ll be tough but worth it even to diminish headaches, regain my balance, combat muscles loss and fatigue. Feel like I lost 2 years of my life, but new doors have been opened and new friendships established I never would’ve considered before. 

254p Praise report-  I’ve been asking my doctor’s for the last two years for phyiscal therapy to no avail. They didn’t think I needed it nor would explain their reasoning. I finally (after horrible experience with neurologist) consulted with the coordinators of my brain injury support group for help. I am so glad I did. They not only were very supportive but were also able to help me get physical therapy thru the local college.

I had second apt this week. This week the therapist showed me four exercises to work on this week. I have already noticed a difference. She said these exercises were actually good for anyone to do.

I also took leap of faith and made apt with a new doctor today. I see him in two weeks.

3:00p- Joe had to see Dr today for his Bp. Joe & I are impressed with Dr’s courtesy and thoroughness. I took leap of faith and made apt with them. I see new Dr in two weeks. 

I’m exhausted and really hurting. Feel like a crash is oncoming. Glad things are looking up in medical field. 

4:00p- low back throbbing, eyes watering, headache bit much, muscles randomly spazzing

8:28p- made twice baked potatoes tonight for dinner. Though they were delicious I’m almost to tears in pain. Scooping the potatoes out caused too much pain!!

11:32p- still wide awake – pain not letting up.  Migraine rx helped ease headache but naproxen not relieve chest pain (Costocondritis). If only I sleep. Tummy hurts too.  Taking 4 Ibuprofuen.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 4-5 June 2019

June 4

Isaiah 51:11
Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion;  and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.

5am- rt hip throbbing and muscle spasming in lower back woke me up

Able to fall back asleep

9:47a- BP 128/87  I’m not sure today’s Dr apt went too well. Dr seemed to have mind made up before entering room. I think my folder is flagged. I didn’t say anything about last apt. Had Dezirae record  apt so Joe can hear what he said. 

He has same approach other Dr  did…wait and gradually get better. Did say he wants to treat one symptom at a time. Won’t write script for physical therapy doesn’t think I need it. He focused on the anxiety issue and wanted to push more medicines. Thinks I need anxiety medicine & counseling for PTSD. Told him I didn’t want anxiety rx. Wrote me 2 new Rx’s. In tears by end of apt. I tried getting him to explain and repeat things but he seemed to get frustrated with me. I will definitely be looking for different route. The check out nurse confirmed that my file has been flagged about bad experience with previous doctor. She hoped today’s visit went better. Told her I wasn’t sure but would have to take time to process what was said first. I was frustrated but I’m not defeated.

I think I’m doing good combating the anxiety. I don’t want to see secular counsellor. 

11:09p – went to preacher’s mtg in Gulfport, MS.  Enjoyed services and got fed dinner too. Pastor Crane sent leftover BBQ pork home with us. PtL!

 I’m exhausted and hurting. Muscles are spasming (they have been spasming a lot more lately). Lord, please direct my steps to the right Dr for me. Amen 

June 5

7:30 – woke up from nightmare. I seem to have them more when I take muscle relaxers. Don’t like it. Need something else. Hence, reason so adamant about not taking anti-depressed drugs. If muscle relaxer does this, how messed up will they make me?

Whole body aches waking up. Neck hurts. Chilling sensation at base of neck to middle of back. Feet hurt. 

12:36p- I messed up. Showed up to my PT apt 1 hour late!! Ugh!! Blair was gracious and worked with me still. Had me fill out questionnaire regarding my chronic pain. She showed me some exercises to help train my body to release the extra tension and one exercise with mutilpe benefits – half squat to chair (strength, endurance, motor control, & balance). 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 1-3 June 2019

June 1

7:30- tired of waking up to hurting all over but need to be thankful I woke up and have one more day to serve the Lord.

9:30- throat & jaw hurt from singing. Ugh! 

June 2

7:00a- whole body aches, trouble getting up bc every move I make inflicts more pain, severely congested, headache

8:45a- keeping journal of all my pains is depressing. Hope I don’t have to do it much longer. 

9:20p- good day overall. Talked with Jakob for while, visitor at church, sweet fellowship at church too

10:30p- I’m exhausted and aching. Feels like I’m gonna crash.

June 3

3:00a- woke to severe stomach cramping…ended up curled up in ball to fall back asleep

5:00a- woke to intense lower back & rt hip throbbing and muscle randomly twitching throughout body…repositioned to ease pain so I could get back to sleep

7:30a- whole body aches

5:14p- been trying to type up notes for Drs next couple days in between chores. 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 30-31 May 2019

May 30

8:00a- body hurts all over. Hurts to move. 

8:50a- bloody nose – only thing different doing is taking flexeril for muscle spasms at night before bed. Ugh! Bp 118/74

9:00a- getting ready (makeup & hair) causes horrible muscle spasms in my rt arm & hand. It’s almost as if it’s stuck in perpetual spasm mode. 

1:00p- took kids to Wendy’s for lunch. All the different patterns made me dizzy. Had to hold onto Jordon’s arm to keep me from falling. Upon ordering, I had to have the cashier repeat herself 3 times and I still didn’t understand her verbiage. Had to have Dezirae repeat what she said. 

3:00p- tried to go to Payless to get shoes but they already closed permanently. Shoes for kids. Stopped at Goodwill, Dirt Cheap, & Ross’s. Found $100 shoes for Dezirae for $9, but nothing for Jordon yet.

Anxiety kicks in horribly when driving especially on interstate/highways. Have to listen to classical music and pray a protective bubble around us to keep it to minimum. Have to have kids help me bc I don’t have good turning range in neck anymore.

10:24p- I’m exhausted from day but can’t sleep.

May 31

8:30a- rough night. Severe stomach cramping woke me up at 1:45am. Took long time to get back to sleep. Whole body aches and musclez randomly twitching/ spasming throughout body. Need to get up to distract brain from pain.

10:37 headache, neck and shoulders hurt

2:57 – I have no energy today. Pushing myself to wash clothes, went to bank to get register to balance checkbook (that took over an hour) so I can pay month’s end bills. Feel lethargic and weak. Body hurts all over.

Trouble with vision (blurry) and speech  (words not coming out I was going to say “why you shaking your head” instead of “hand”?)

It’s been really hard to keep two journals going. 

5:24p- making dinner. Most activity brings on pain. Knowing now that I have musculoskeletal problems answers why I hurt but I’m not sure if or how to fix it. I’ll find out more next week. Doesn’t make it any easier.

On days it seems as if everything is a hassle, remember that the sweetest victories come often after the greatest challenges. Lord, help me to listen to You gently whispering, “Don’t quit, my child. Don’t quit now.”

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us , and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

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Suffer the Little Children…

Thankful that my Heavenly Father cares about the needs of young and old alike. All of us are in need of a Saviour and are capable of receiving His blessings. Let us learn from His example not to count anyone unworthy that is willing to learn and seek after Christ.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 27 – 29 May 2019

May 27

7:00a- rough night – sharp pain in rt hip couldn’t get comfortable. Had Joe rub it – said it felt like it was out of place and swollen

Trouble getting motivated to move – whole body aches

4:23p- kids are bowling

May 28

7:00a- whole body aches feels like I got beat up, don’t want to move. 

Today we return home. I’ll miss my Bubba.

Today is bitterwseet. Enjoyed spending time with Jakob, meeting his girlfriend & her family. Don’t want to leave him behind, but looking forward to getting home.

6:40p- arrived home

9:27p- I’m exhausted and ready to collapse. Every inch of me is throbbing! I’ll have to take pain pill & muscle relaxer to sleep tonight.

May 29

7:20a- whole body hurts, hands numb and tingly left side more than right, neck hurts, muscles twitching randomly throughout, thirsty, nasty taste in mouth, congested, head hurts, stomach muscles hurt, upper back aches, tired.

8:47a- low back throbbing

2:30p- put food in slow cooker (swedish meatballs).

3:00p- migraine ensuing – all lights bothering and hurting eyes, noises hurt too, eyes watery – had kids turn off all lights and close all blinds – need to sleep it off

5:00p- Joe helped me finish dinner once he got home. 

10:00p- managed to wash 5 loads clothes today but had to have help. Got most of clothes put away but had to do it in spurts and have help. 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 25-26 May 2019

May 25

5:48p- sitting outside waiting for table. Rt arm throbbing and cramping. Joe massaged arm to ease pain. Heat getting to me not feeling well.

9:27p- noise inside restaurant too much for me. I couldn’t focus on any one conversation too many loud noises coming at me in all directions and the music was loud.  I wanted to initially run away but didn’t want to ruin meeting for Jakob & Brianna. Not feeling well. Think meeting went well. Jakob & Brianna are offically a couple. 

11:14p- I’m exhausted.  Feet freezing. Having to right down all my pain whay and how I got rid of it is a bit much for me. Low back hurting.

Mary’s Praise
Luke 1:46-47 – And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Mary’s faith allowed her to be joyful in the journey.

May 26

3:00a- woke up suddenly. Got up to use restroom. Stomach hurting. 

7:00a- whole body hurts!!! Trouble having motivation to get up today. Know pain will only ease some if I start moving. 

8:00a- went to bkfast holding Joe’s arm. Forgot to grab cane. Joe was sweet. He seated me at table and got my food. Not hungry but know I can’t take meds/supplements on empty stomach. Held Joe’s arm back to room. Rested a bit before fixing makeup. Arm throbbing. Applied pain roller. Drank green tea to take meds.  Rested arm a few moments.


Sharp pain shooting up forearm from tip of middle finger – sitting in church- not much I can do

Crossing rt leg over lft leg – shoots pain from mid lower leg to top of thigh- subsides after reshift of leg about 10 min

Ankles swollen and throbbing- layibg in bed don’t know reason for bed- guess I’ll have to sleep it off

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 23-24 May 2019

May 23

7:00a- having hard time waking up, Body sore.

8:00a- just found out Yanna’s graduation is today at 9:30. Need to go.

9:30a- made it. Low back throbbing. Headache.   It’s also Jackie’s graduation. Music is loud. I can feel it in my bones.  Sitting on benches hurts tailbone. The longer I sit the more parts of my body hurt- neck, low back, ears, arms, upper legs, stomach, hands, butt, middle back, shoulders, lower legs, ankles, feet, elbows, 

6:28p- rt hip hurts (sitting down. Very upset because floor I worked hard to refinished now has gauge in it bc son not taking his time dropped heater on floor. I want to scream. Tried to talk to husband. Attitude is nonchalant. Ugh!)   

Headache- upset because of floor, Low back pain- bent over to pick up something off floor

8:30p- Rt ear & jaw hurt- sitting in car- 

Low back hurts- standing/walking behind buggy in store

11:10- stresses out trying to finish packing for trip. Brain not cooperating. Stressing Joe & family out. Not trying too…I’m just not getting things (dark blue vs dark pink glasses). 

Rt ear throbbing. Had to replace temp filling. Nerve exposed. Putting Vicks cotton ball in ear to ease pain. Pain rx hasn’t touched it yet.

May 24

5:15a- I’m hurting all over!!! Stress does not suite me all at.  I’m exhausted.

5:30a- Today we’re going to see our son at college. I’m excited but not looking forward to pain trip will cause.

4:06p- made it to hotel safely. Enjoyed a dip in pool. Now relaxing/resting for a bit

11:36p- think I’m fairing well. Ate dinner at Applebee’s. Not impressed though burger tasted good. Shopping and then ice cream at Chick-fil-a. Met Brianna. Jakob’s co-workers seemed nervous to meet us. Now at room. Guys watching weird movie. Think I’m going to try to sleep. Starting to hurt more.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 21-22 May 2019

May 21

 4:30a- woke just before Joe’s alarm (funny, I don’t ever remember hearing it before). Decided to research how many time I can use thyme leaves.

5:25a- sinuses are amuck. Joe says it’s about that time. I have trouble every couple of months. I thought it was just in Spring & Fall -apparently not. Took Tylenol Sinus.  Hope it helps soon, I can hardly breathe with all the mucus and congestion.

6:00a- whole body aches, ankles and wrists throbbing, muscles twitching in left leg, low back throbbing, eyes watery

8:30a- a new friend messaged me that she was praying for me. She used a term that I don’t recall Dr’s using to date. I looked up term. I fit description.  I now have something else to shew my Drs. Hopefully, they’ll be receptive.

Article has several medical terms I can relate too that haven’t even been discussed with me…keraunoparalysis,  urinary retention, etc.

10:18a- have blister on tip of thumb. I keep hitting it and it hurts! Don’t know how I got it.

10:50a-Praise Jesus! I found black DMC floss!!! Looking for something else trying to get ready for our trip.

11:30a- Thrush continues to baffle. I have to watch what I eat to and not overdo too much to keep flair ups to minimum. Best we can figure is it has to do with the lightning strike and my immune system. 

2:45p- just finished posting week of journal entries to blog. Now have headache.  Low back throbbing. Feet freezing. Putting socks on and resting with heating pad. 

8:00p- trying to figure out how to shorten t-shirt sleeves. I know I’ve done it before but can’t remember how. Thought I saved tutorial on Pinterest but can’t find it. Decided to give it a try. Kind of messed up…now trying to fix my mistake. Ugh! Guess I better take break and try again tomorrow. 

10:28p- Been in bed for over an hour. Enjoying talking with Joe. Joe says certain parts of my skin feels hot to the touch like they have fever. It’s weird. He’s now sleeping and I’m wide awake. Guess I’ll write a piece or something.

Low back throbbing. Sciatica and rt hip throbbing. Feet tingly. Rt ear itches. Headache. Lymph node swollen at base of left neck. Lower lft leg feels like tourniquit is tightening.

May 22

10:00a- first mtg with PT. Excited but nervous. 

11:30a- Blair specializes in neurologic physical therapy and teaches at the college. She had two students with her observing and interjecting their thoughts. She may even video some of sessions for training purposes and to gage progress. She did series of tests to check strength, dizziness, muscles, and musculoskeletal issues. It was determined that I have musculoskeletal issues, vertigo, fatigue, gait issues, multitasking issues to start. She has more tests she wants to do but didn’t want to overtax me. She took notes whole time and will put together an action plan to discuss next time. For now, I have homework. 1. Note every pain, what I was doing to cause the pain, & what I did to ease pain. 2. Note every time I get dizzy, what caused it, & what I did to ease it. Whew. I thought my notes were already long.  She said I was very organized with my notes. Wished all her patients were that way.  One of tests I had difficulty on. I had to walk and name different animals as I walked. I couldn’t do it. 3/4 way through I admitted I was embarrassed cuz I couldn’t remember any names of animals. It was so hard to talk and walk. I’m exhausted and need to rest a bit.

3:45 lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling – out running errands (pick up rx), Dizzy, Center of chest hurts, low back hurts, 

10:27- I’m exhausted and wore out. Brain taxed and hurts. Low back aches. Lower left leg squeezing feeling easing. 

Feel like because I didn’t get packed and didn’t take route just right I didn’t do good enough. Frustrating.  

Vestibular Disorders

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