Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 16-18 August 2019

August 16

2am- jerked awake. Almost fell out of bed too close to edge.Pain increaseth. Ugh! Took pain rx.

4am- woken by stinging needle pain. Tried to look up how to reduce it so I could get back to sleep but couldnt focus eyes well enough to read. Drank glass of water. Deep breathing. Few PT exercises.

5am- alarm went off. Thought I hit snooze.

5:19a- Joe tells me it’s time to get up. Ugh! Need to take Jordon to work. Stepped wrong getting out of bed and sprained my left foot.

6:19a- home again. Stinging needle pain in upper torso and arms and hands. Laying back down hope to get little more sleep. Rt hip aches. Neck hurts. 

11:27a- Joe calls says son forgot the check to get his twic card for his job. No happy camper. Day thrown off. Have to drive on interstate during busy time into area I’m not familiar with. Not suppose to finish sentence with preposition but unable to think how to reword sentence momentarily. 

Mom calls to ask about coming over to help with upcoming event. Tell her I’m not home. Asks me to call when I get home. 

Accident on exit I get off backing up traffic. Orange juice I drank at breakfast is not agreeing with me. Feel knot in stomach and not feeling too good. 

Joe tried to tell me directions but it’s not registering. Put address in gps but it tells me to turn wrong way off exit. Have to turn around. Almost rear ended three times. Nerves are a muck. Trying to ease nerves by music on radio but songs not helping. Finally make it. 

12:30p- finally make it home. My nerves are tingling all over. Need to sit and rest to ease nerves. Feeling exhausted like I’m going to crash. 

Eat lunch – turkey & cheese rollup. 

2:00p- Joe comes home tells me I need to call my Mom. I forgot to call. 

I text her to let her know I need a nap and I’ll call her in a bit. 

4:00p- knew I was exhausted but wow

5:00p- making cookies for friend who showed kindness recently as a thank you. 

Making dinner. Not able to stand too long at a time without my back pitching a fit. 

10:45p- stomach still upset. Hurting all over. Feels as if I may loose my cookies. Ugh! 

Oh, man I forgot to pkg up cookies for shipping. Not sure if I’ll have time in am but I’ll try. Church activity tomorrow. 

I wish I could have a day to rest from everything. I’m so tired. Headache.

11:15p- holy cow! A cricket is loud when it decides to perch on your night stand and sing. Scared me!

August 17

5:00a- woke to lower back and rt hip throbbing, stinging burning pain in upper back, rt wrist and elbow throbbing like I sprained them. 

12:27p- got to share my praise about getting physical therapy with Pastor Dean Miller. He said it was amazing all the obstacles I’ve overcome already. He thanked me for sharing. Looking forward to hearing him speak in little bit.

1:15p- nerves stinging in arms, hands, and upper back. Took pain rx. Trouble with balance today. Seem to be more dizzy.

10:59- stomach and back cramping, lft lymph node on side of neck swollen, congested stuffy nose, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness, back aches, rt hip throbbing

August 18

6am- tired. Crashed when I went to bed last night. Congested and stuffy. Face itches. Bad taste in mouth. Thirsty. Feet hurt. Low back aches. Rt hip aches. Ears hurt. 

7a- had to use lint roller on blouse. Just doing that cause upper rt arm to cramp and shooting pain in whole arm. Have to rest it a little bit so I can get ready for church.  Used pain roll on.


9:40a- neck popped. Neck hurts. Feeling weird inside my brain. Not sure how to explain. Brain kind of swimming. Dizzy more.

Tripped over my feet and almost fell. Ugh! 

 10:26a- chilling burning sensation in middle of back of head down to center middle of neck and back. Eyes feel very heavy trouble keeping awake. Sleepy all of sudden. Don’t feel right.

1:30p- as I was preparing lunch, had to sit and close my eyes bc I couldn’t go anymore. Having friend for lunch but struggling to be hospitable bc trouble keeping eyes open. Serving lunch it started to rain a little. I wonder if that has anything to do with this disabling feeling oversweeping me.

Crashing oncoming to overcome.  

4:00 Joe came to wake me. Scared me in process as I opened my eyes just as he was coming in room. Wasn’t expecting movement and it startled me. He giggled bc he did exact opposite of what he was trying not to do. Still very tired. Feel drained. Lft arm completely numb when I woke.

 Head hurts, neck hurts. Rt hip & lower back throbbing. Stuffy nose.  

5:30p- slight bloody nose.

6:00p- two kids sat with me during church. Gave them color sheets and crayons with which to color. One of girls decided to add to her page. She leans over and asks me what color I was. I chuckled and asked what color do you think I am? She says she didnt know. The other girl whispers, “silly shes tan!” I chuckled even more and said I’ll take that. Kids crack me up with sillezt things sometimes.

11:35p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Not mentally prepared for school to start tomorrow. 

Mentioned to a lady that school starts tomorrow. Her response was “So your vacation is over.” I’m hoping she didn’t mean it the way it came out but let’s back this train up. What vacation? I’m never on vacation. We’re raising three children. Homeschooling two teens. Wife. Mother. Pastor’s wife. Lightning strike survivor with complex issues of recovery.  Revitalizing a church. Where in there do I have time to be on vacation??? Let alone the money to even afford one??

Lord, please help first day of school to go smoothly. Thank you.  

Freezing. Socks on feet to warm up. Exhausted and hurting all over. Took 1/2 muscle relaxer and pain rx. Need my sleep for tomorrow.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 13-15 August 2019

August 13

5:30a- pain all over body as if I’ve been badly beat up. Eyes watery. Stuffy nose. Toss & turn most of night trying to get comfortable. Random muscle spams thru body. Weird dreams.

10:20a- PT looked at progress so far even with the Costocondritis set back I’m still improving. That’s a relief. Exercises she’s having me do is for core strengthening and to ease the vertigo and headaches. 

10:30a- Praise: My PT (physical therapist) has asked me to be part of a study with some of her students (could be up to 10). Since my case is so unique and complex, it’d be perfect to challenge their brains. 

This is exciting for me because it’s getting the word out in the medical field for lightning survivors and their many complex issues they deal with afterwards. Praying that it’ll trigger medical interest in studying and helping more survivors.

11:50a- at TBI now, pt had me try new exercise. Boy oh boy my lower back is throbbing.

Ron told me he dropped off medical request personally at my old Dr office. He hasn’t heard anything, but when he gets copies of my medical records. He’s going to give me a copy of them. Old Dr office is being burger about releasing my medical records. Ugh!

2:50p- once again I’m stuck in a store bc of thunderstorm. Noticed a pattern. Just minutes prior to storm I get a wave of strange feeling (don’t know how to describe) and feel like I’m about to pass out. This happens before  it’s raining. 

My muscles have tensed up immensely.  When lightning strikes I jump every time. 

Currently sitting on floor behind buggy in front center aisle. Several people have asked if I was okay. Sweet. Explained to 2nd lady I was struck two yrs ago and just waiting storm out.  A store employee asked if I didn’t mind if she asked how it happened.  Told her. She said she wondered if it could do that. I told her it could.

3:40p- finally able to make it home. I need to rest a while. Exhausted. Drinking D.E. to help reduce inflammation plus it has host of other benefits.

5:00p- making dinner (salmon patties, yellow rice, & broccoli) is wearing me out. I ask Jakob to take his sister to vball practice so I can get some rest.

7:05p- While in livingroom, hear odd noise. Got up to investigate. Eventually located  noise coming from bedroom. Alarm went off  but it was seascape noise. It wasn’t very loud either. Don’t know how it got set to 7pm. Hearing is definitely magnified still. Wonder how I would do on a hearing test?

9:30p- I’m exhausted and hurting more. Took  ibuprofen 800mg. 

Took about half hour or so to fall asleep. 

Don’t understand the tourniquet tightening feeling in middle of lower lft leg down to feet. Entire back throbbing especially lower back. Headache. Hands swollen and achy. Sinuses congested. Face hurts. Ringing in ears off and on. 

While in livingroom hear odd noise. 

August 14

7:00a- woke exhausted. Entire body hurts. Gotta work on healing the gutt brain barrier – just not too sure how to on a limited budget. Lord, please provide. 

Entire back throbbing, hands and arms ache, chest aches and is tender to touch, neck hurts, sinuses congested, eyes watery, stomach aches, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness, rt elbow aches, 

Need to make list of things I need to get done today. Gotta do better on that. Working on a system for meal planning to make things simpler and easier for me. Brain gets going. Thinking I have all this to do and gets me overwhelmed bc my pace is much slower than used to be. Still working on finding the right balance for me. Summer slipped away and school begins next week. Oh, so much to do and so little time. Lord, I need thee every hour please help.

11:52p- got quite a bit accomplished today though still not ready for school to start Monday. Told Dezirae that first week we’ll have to work thru the hiccups. 

Tomorrow is Joe’s spiritual bday. I’m surprising him with meatball subs for dinner. He’s been craving them. I don’t like ’em. Not fond of sub bread. It’ll have to be crockpot style bc we eat at church on Thursdays. Also going to have kids help me make peanut butter cake with peanut butter icing. Yum!

Whole body aches though I think the Ibuprofuen regimen and D.E. is helping reduce the inflammation. Chest still sore. Still not able to lift much or extinuate myself too much.

Headache, hands swollen and achy, scheduled apt with physical therapist for student lab sessions, shoulders tight and achy, back throbbing, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling, didn’t get the weird sensation and passing out feeling when it thunderstormed today so that blows that theory out the water,  stomach periodicall had sharp achy pains during day, muscles randomly spazzing thru body all day. Ringing in ears off and on. Chest starting to throb. Feet cold. Thirsty.

Thank you, Lord, for helping get done what was accomplished today. Thank you for reminding me to pay mtg. 

August 15

7:45a- made peanut butter chocolate chip muffins for breakfast. 

8:00a- decided I was craving eggs for breakfast. Cooked 2 eggs for myself. Kids can eat the muffins.

8:30a- went outside to check on tomato plant. Need to transplant it but can’t decide where. Decided to harvest my amaranth. 

9:00a- son asked if I was going to food pantry today. Oh, I totally forgot about it!! 

9:20- left for food pantry. At least I didn’t miss it. Ron (a tbi coordinator) was glad to see me. God provided apples. Dezirae has been asking for apples. Thank you, Lord.

1:00p- Muscles in upper torso feel tight and hurt so much that I feel like I’m crashing. Headache. Neck hurts. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down to rt knee. Toes tingling. Back aches. Muscle feel tight in torso. Hands swollen and achy.

Laying down a bit then need to make Joe’s birthday cake. Heating pad on back for 20 minutes. Took Ibuprofuen 800mg to ease inflammation and pain. I really need to get back on msm. Didn’t realize how much it was helping.

1:30p- printing something for business mtg tonight. Printer not cooperating! Ugh! Dezirae graciously agrees to make cake while I fuss with printer. 

2:30p- made coleslaw for dinner. Had to have Jakob help cut cabbage head in half. Didn’t have enough strength to push knife thru. Using ninja blender to chop cabbage and carrots. 

Poured filtered water into jugs. Rt arm is cramping. Dawns on me left side of brain was struck so my entire rt side is weak. Switch to lft hand to pour water into filter to refill.

Wash few dishes. My rt arm is now throbbing and hurts to move. Low back throbbing from standing too long. 

Asked Dezirae to finish making the peanut butter frosting for cake. We’ll put it on at church to give cake time to cool.

Now need to lay down a piece for muscles to calm so I can keep going. There are days I get frustrated with not being able to do as I could. There are days I am just glad to still be alive.

Trying to teach myself how to type on phone with 2 hands…not doing too well especially with rt hand cramping. Thank the Lord for autocorrect.

 I wonder how one drains the negative effects of lightning strike from the body? Is that such a thing?

6:45p- chatting before service. Mentioned I’m not sure I’m ready for school to start on Monday. Mom surprized Dezirae already has vball game on Monday though co-op doesn’t start til Sept. She tried to scold me for agreeing to start teaching ASL again. It didn’t work. I reminded her that Dr said that TBI patients need to challenge their brains to overcome. She didn’t like that too much. I’m not bothered. No ones going to always agree with what I do or how I do it but as long as my husband is okay with it and I have peace after praying about it – that’s what matterz. Besides, I know my students will be patient with me when I get flustered bc I’m having trouble with my brain to speak syntax. I will also have a mom friend as a helper who has been there for me since my lightning strike. I’ve got confidence my Lord will see me through. (I still have no clue how I made it thru that first year afterwards, but taking this last year off has been a BIG help too.) 

8:30p- husband told me that one of his coworkers had oral surgery today. I thought that was interesting bc I felt God laid that person on my heart this morning so I took time to pray for this person though I didn’t know what going on. Person is doing well and should be able to return to work tomorrow. They said they could feel the prayers and was appreciative of them. 

10:15p- need to have Jordon at work by 6am. I’m exhausted but wide awake. Hurting like crazy all over. Hard to get comfortable. 

Lightning Strike – Journal Entries 10-12 August 2019

August 10

7:30a- fell asleep sometime after midnight. Woke arpubd 4am bc I was almost falling out of bed. Hard time falling back to sleep. Awake again at 7am. 

I hurt horribly all over. Muscles randomly cramping thru body but concentrated in abdomen area. For while it felt like heart was fluttering evertime I took breath. Put hand there to feel muscles fluttering in that area. Severely congested and sneezy. Hurts to breath deep. Neck throbbing. Hands achy and swollen.

Song on heart this morning…

🎶 And Jesus said come to the water stand by my side I know you are thirsty you won’t be denied  I felt every   teardrop when in darkness you cried  and I strove to remind you that for those tears I died.🎶

9:55a- this explains why sleeping on my stomach feels better on my neck though it’s suggested to sleep on my back

Praying for a dishwasher. I can no longer wash dishes as it causes much pain and grief physically. 

9:40- so tired, tummy hurts, ache all over

10:23p- mid lower lft leg numbish and aches, neck aches, rt hip throbbing, low back aches. I’m exhausted. Hope to sleep tonight. 

August 11

Slept about 6 hours.  Feel like I could sleep longer. 

Having trying day. Forgot to make my energy drink. Forgot my church bag at home – it has my Bible and church bulletins. Ugh! Forgot to get grape juice for communion tonight service. Trouble talking. Equilibrium is very …I’m thinking squirrely but I know not rght wrd. Whatever the word my balance if off and my head feels like it’s being tossed to and fro on a stormy sea. 

Forgot paper that I wrote songs I picked for offeratories for this week. I’m struggling to focus on walking and just being here today. I don’t know how to express what’s going on in order for people to understand my dilemma.

Song leader accidentally skips song. Routine thrown off. Flustered.

Forgot to give my husband the tithe check. Once I sit at piano to play, it takes all my energy to focus to play. If my focus gets broken it throws me off. Struggling to keep my dignity (composure)…just want to cry. Joe asks me about check. I answer but there goes my focus.  I need to run hide to refocus but can’t. In middle of service. Ugh!  

I mess up playing offeratory. Attempting to play and sing special today.  Sound system too loud it’s hurting my ears. I say something and continue. I remember my piano teacher’s wisdom if you mess up while playing keep going. I mess up little bc I lost my place in music. I keep going. I want to cry but remain composure.

My neck, lower back, and rt hip throbbing. Nerve endings pins and needles dancing.

(as I read this article, my heart cried because I relate to many of symptoms stemming from the tbi. I know not severity or what part of brain was damage bc tests were not taken. I guess in a way I’m mourning the loss of my old self and struggling to figure new self out).

1:30p- feel crashing on coming.

2:30p- woken by lightning

5:30p- Costocondritis rearing it’s ugly head. Center of chest stabbing pain from from to back. Tried to pop chest…only small pop…still throbbing stabbing pain. Take naproxen. Hope it takes edge off by start of church. No lifting for me for quite a while.

6:30p- didn’t make it thru whole song service. Pain so intense I wanted to yell. Told my husband I couldn’t do it anymore. Quit playing piano in middle of song and walked out of auditorium to nursery. Tried to get chest to pop but couldn’t. Mom came to check on me. Told her it’ll eventually pass but it’ll take time. Need to make Dr apt. May need steroids to reduce inflammation.

August 12

9:00- hurting so bad all over it hurts to move. Back is stinging. Chest pain much thru to back. Rt hip stinging throbbing. 

Call into Dr. Talked with nurse. Waiting to hear if Dr wants to call in script or see me first. 

Lazy day most of day. Had to take time apart to rest due to Costocondritis. Called Dr. Nurse called back. Said she’d put note into Dr to see what he wants to do.  Nurse called back. Said Dr wants me to try Ibuprofen first before the steroids. Rx called in.

Taking Naproxen right now until I can get the Ibuprofuen.   

Need to go pick up Rx & bsnk. Called Publix to see if rx was ready and how much. Rx 11 for 14 pills. Yikes. Can get store brand for 100/$2. Don’t think so. At least I know Dr wants me to try for a week before calling back. 

Son tried to burn tea bags making tea bc he forgot about it. Almost caught them on fire. Came home to smoky house smells like burnt something. Yuck! Made him clean  pan with baking soda and vinegar.   

Mom came over to massage my feet. Area over right ring to was knotted indicating trouble with lungs area. Couple other tender spots but not like lung area.

Simple dinner – tuna casserole with peas and garlic bread. 

I ache all over. Center of chest very tender and sore. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness, legs ache like I tried to workout (I didn’t), feet ache, neck throbbing, stuffy nose, congested.

Started taking D.E. today. It’s suppose to help reduce inflammation. Would rather do it naturally as possible. 

Got word that a friend was finally approved for disability today. Praise the Lord! Don’t know how it all works but happy for him.  

10:00p- went to take pm meds/ vitamins. Accidentally took am ones instead. Ugh! 

Busy for the Lord by Megan Monaghan

Hello Ladies!!! I hope you had a marvelous weekend! This week’s devo is “Busy for the Lord” written by Megan Monaghan. Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us and shares some very needed wisdom! Hope you have a GREAT week!

Busy for the Lord

Every day of our lives we have tasks to accomplish; whether it is as a mother, a wife, a student, or a child. We as Christians must choose to accomplish these tasks with God on our side or with the world. Every day we have to wake up and make a conscious effort to follow God’s will or do things our way. As Christians, it’s so very important to allow God to lead us in our choices. The Bible says in 

Ecclesiastes 9:10

 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;

We are called to do all things “for the glory of God”. (1 Cor 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”). That includes working or anything else good that our “hand finds to do.” We should live this life to the fullest, in the presence of God, filling every minute here on earth with meaningful activity.

In Proverbs 16:27-29 it speaks about how idle hands are the devil’s playground –

This includes tasks such as mindless internet browsing, texting, and even gossip. Many times we don’t think about these areas as potential stumbling blocks.  

Proverbs 16:27-29

27 An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.

28 A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

29 A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good.

We must stay busy and use our time each day productively to His Glory. 

The first part of Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,”

Let’s find good godly things to do.

Christians should be busy. We, as women, have many talents; therefore, many people depend on us and those talents, so we must seek God in all we do and ask Him to guide our daily walk. 

Proverbs 31:24-27

She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.”

To be successful with the things we do in life, we must consider planning our days, scheduling activities, learning time management skills, and learning to multitask but also to be sure not to get in over our heads… it’s ok to say no or to bow out of activities if we are overwhelmed! We are truly only one person ladies!

As Christian women, we are meant to work and take responsibility for what is given to us to steward. 

1. Our skills; we should be willing to use our skills whether it be organizational skills, cleaning, or even a vocal skill for singing. 

2. Able hands; if we have the ability to serve in any capacity, we should want to serve. We should never be too good to do something if it’s to serve the Lord. 

3. Witnessing; we must share this wonderful gift God has given us with others. So many times I, as the wife, leave it up to my husband to speak to someone about the gospel, but I must remember that my experiences in life even before salvation might be what someone needs to hear to draw them to the Lord!

How can we seek God’s will and guidance on the things we do throughout our day? We must abide in him.

The Bible says in John 15:4-5, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.“

If we abide in Christ, then we will have things set before us by God to do for his glory and his purposes. 

So, how can we best abide in God? 

We can abide in Christ through praying and Bible reading. 

Jeremiah 29:13, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

I want to share a story with you about a day in my life where the Lord reminded me that I need to begin my day in His word. That day I adopted Psalm 55:22 as my life verse. 

Psalm 55:22 “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”

This particular day I was in a rush and didn’t take the time to get in my Bible, not even for the verse of the day on my Bible app. My husband and I had a conversation while I was at work, and it didn’t go well. I was upset and discouraged after that conversation. I decided to look up some verses of encouragement to try and get my day back on track. I came across this verse along with others, and it spoke to my heart. Later in the day, the argument arose again but became more heated. I was sobbing and decided to call a friend to seek some advice. She talked to me for a bit and said to me, “Have you been in your Bible today because you know you can give this to God and seek His word and He will help you through this.” I realized I needed to take a moment to get into my Bible and seek His will. When I opened my Bible app to begin my reading, the Verse of the Day was Psalm 55:22, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”

Had I been in my Bible that morning, I would have had this in my heart to start the day. I began to cry and called out to God and said… I hear you; I’m giving it to you. 

God will carry us through our most trying times if we allow Him into our lives, and let Him!

God’s word tells us, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians‬ 4:13‬ 

We all know this verse, but it’s so true! We may struggle doing things on our own but if we seek God, He will help carry the load we are bearing.

Now let’s focus on the second part of the verse:

do it with all thy might.”

Why do anything in a mediocre way? Wise people say, “If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right.” Add to that, “If it is worth doing, it is worth giving your very best.” Some people have a way of rationalizing mediocre work because people in today’s culture are plagued by a sense of entitlement. The thinking of society today is that unless you give me this much reward, I will only give you this much effort. 

But that is not the way God intended His people to operate. If we are to be like Christ, we should seek to be excellent in our efforts, trusting God for the results.

Colossians‬ 3:23-24‬  – “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”

 Be prompt in all things we do. Don’t procrastinate away your life thinking of what you intend to do tomorrow as if that could make up for the laziness or idleness of today. 

Proverbs 13:4 – The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

No one ever served God by doing things tomorrow. If we honour Christ and are blessed, it is by the things which we do today. Throw your whole soul into whatever you do for Christ. Do not give Christ your leftovers, but serve Him with your heart, mind, soul, and strength.

James 4:17 – “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

Let’s choose to stay busy for the Lord and stay in His word so that we can abide in him and live out this verse of the Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might”

Lightning Strike – Journal Entries 7-9 August 2019

August 7

Woke up in pain hurting all over. Overslept. Forgot to set alarm. Didn’t finish pt exercises last night bc I fell asleep in middle of them. I was beyond exhausted.

Need to finish planning school lessons. Prepare for church back 2 school party on Saturday. Pay bills. Now husband wants me to put together flier for next month’s event to send to printer in next couple days. I’m stressing out here but trying not to. 

2pm- It’s starting to thunder here. Nerves on edge. Senses seem hightened. Made Amish All Purpose Cleaner. Have to let it sit overnight.

3pm- it’s storming. Nerves hurt. Low back throbbing with burning. Hands swollen and achy. Feet hurt. Left heel feels bruise. It hurts when I step. Utterly exhausted! Need to lay down a while.

8pm- excruciating pain in center of chest. Feels caught won’t let loose. Joe lifted me up and spine cracked all way up. Laid on chase lounge with heating pad for over an hour. Took naproxen to reduce inflammation. The pain causing tears to leak out my eyes.

9:40p- Joe helped me up to go to bed. I’m overly exhausted. Hope to sleep it off.

August 8

5:30a- woke to cramping in back bad. Feels like I’ve been beat up badly. Neck throbbing. Just want to cry 😭. Don’t know what I did to cause this much pain. 

7:27a- attempting to do am pt exercises…only able to do some…too much pain some causeth. Back cramping & throbbing, neck throbbing, headache, rt hip aches, severely congested, arms hurt, feet hurt, lft ear hurts. Think I need thyme tea this morning.

Today is going to be a rest day but thankful I’m alive.

8:50a- just about every move makes my chest and torso hurt worse. Ugh!  

Decided to try to balance checkbook and pay bills. Not easy task these days. Finished making the All Purpose Cleaner with Thieves. 

10:22- took me almost two hours to figure out mistake I made in checkbook and get it balance. Brain feels blurry and hurts. Vision feels blurred. 

12:00- ate lunch – leftovers. First thing I ate today. Not hungry. I hurt so bad all over. Chest pain increaseth. Exhausted. Taking pain rx. Just want to go back to bed.

1:50p- dinner in crockpot (kielbasa, potatoes, green beans, & red beans). Time to lay down a piece. Hopefully, some rest will ease up pain. Sadly if chest pain doesn’t ease I’m gonna need to gp to Dr’s. Sneaky suspicion I may need steroid to ease up the inflammation. Wonder if there’s a natural remedy?

7:23p- rt hip chilling burning pain, it hurt my hands and arms to play piano tonight, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling and numbish, neck aches, center of chest aches. Realized why I feel chilled in rt hip…my water bottle is behind me. Lol

10:40p- tried to do pm pt exercises. Nope. Made pain increase so I stopped. so wish I could fall asleep as fast as Joe. Big rt toe feeling weird. It’s like electrical pulses are vibrating thru it. Lower left leg just above ankle and down feels numbish and aches, calves ache, buttoxk aches, rt hip throbbing, center of chest hurts, lower back throbbing, headache, neck throbbing, hands ache, tingling sensation traveling randomly in back,  eyes hurt. I’m exhausted. Tired to do night pt exercises. Stopped after second one because it increaseth my chest pain. Frustrating! Must rest a few days.

11:50p- upper back stinging and cramping, center of chest hurting worse

August 9

6:50a- almost 1am before I was able to fall asleep. I hurt so bad I don’t want to get up. I dislike when I hurt this bad bc it’s easy to be grumpy and snappish. I don’t want to be that way towards my family bc they already put up with so much. I hurt all over.  

9:08a- just had funniest thing to me happen. Got robot call reminding me my rx was ready. I started laughing because I had called on it yday and mentioned I hadn’t gotten call yet. When I started laughing, the computer paused. When I was quiet, the computer would start all over again. It repeated about 5xs or so. I needed the laugh. 😄

2:23p- out running errands. No wheelchairs available at walmart. Walk behind buggy. 3/4 way thru pain too much and pooped out. Sitting on floor to rest so I can finish up. Family sweet enough to run get items still needed. Afraid to see bill. Cold feels good on aching body. 

2:30p- started to not feel well…lightheaded & feeling like I’m going to pass out. Few minutes later bottom let loose & it started thunderstorming. Ugh! 

Had to sit down for little bit. Decided to chew gum to see if that’ll help. It helped ease the passing out feeling.

3:00p- So we’re stuck inside Wal-Mart for a while & I’m exhausted due to no wheelchairs. Trying to keep calm in between lightning strikes. I’ve already jumped couple times but so didn’t other people. 

3:45p- rain let up enough to go to car. Son accidentally dumped cupcakes over messing up 80% of them. Ugh! Think they’ll be salvageable but won’t look that pretty. 

4:00p- made it home safe. Able to salvage all but 1 cupcake.  Now resting a piece hoping my nerves will calm down from fight or flight mode. Whole body throbbing, nerves in legs jumping, back throbbing, stinging, neck throbbing, headache, upper back stinging, rt side cramping

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 4-6 August 2019

August 4

12:42p- searching for ways to help my family & friends understand what I’m going thru with the traumatic brain injury.

Article poses more questions. 

*Why didn’t ER Dr test for brain injury? 

*Why didn’t neurologist want to refer rehab when there clearly is rehab for brain injury? 

*Why did pcp think therapy wasn’t necessary when clearly it is?

Hands swollen, achy, and tingly, low back aches, stinging and hurting in middle upper back, cramping on rt side, shoulderz throb, neck throbbing, feet & toes tingly, butt hurts, random muscle twitching thru body, stuffy congested nose, center of chest ach3s. Cramping in neck when yawning. Ouch!

August 5

5:48a- being scared awake to be notified  its currently thunderstorming is not my idea of a wake up. Ugh! 

Whole body tense and throbbing. Don’t want to get up but have to take Joe to work. Down to one car for a bit bc his car in shop. Don’t want to think about it. 

6::30a- decided to make myself a scrambled egg. Ended up making everyone egg burritos for breakfast.

8:00a- Jordon got rained out from work. 

Decided to work some more on planning school. System I wanted to try isn’t going to work. I don’t have enough shelf space. Have to go back to crate system. Tried to find teacher lesson planner for Biology. Spent 30+ minutes looking for it only to realize I had already put it where I wanted it. Frustrating. Decided to organize books better. Never got to planning lessons. Realized I forgot to pull out Dezirae’s math for this year. Dezirae asked about credits. Decided to add one more class. Made me proud she wants to try for High Honors like her brother. She’s come long way from little girl who didn’t like reading nor wanted to learn how to read. Proud mama moment. 

It was noon before I realized it and I had a bad headache for straining brain too much. Need to rest a while.

Jordon made mac n cheese for lunch. Thankful bc I’m not up to it.

6:00p- took Dezirae to volleyball practice. I waited in car. Ended up falling asleep for 30 minutes or so until her coach stepped outside to take call which inadvertantly startled me awake. I could hear the girls serving the ball inside the gym. Weird to me.


Lower left leg just beliw ankle foot is going numb again. Feeling is bothersome but I don’t know what to do about it.

Getting ready for bed. Went to bathroom to wash hair. As my arm gently brushed past hair tie holder, I could feel the hair from hairtie slightly brush my lft arm. Startled me.  Wonder why senses seem hypersensitive since lightning strike?

Neck throbbing, nerves on edge (it’s been storming off and on all day), whole body aches, skin itchy, thirsty, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling & numbish, hands swollen and achy, rt ear hurts, skin seems extra dry, sneezy, sinuses irritaed, low back throbbing, muscles randomly spazzing thru body, trouble swallowing – almost choked on my night meds & realized I forgot to take morning meds.

Following info tell how to cope with hypersensitivity…

August 6

6:30a- I’m so tired and tired of waking to pain.

Fellow survivor asking for help on understanding what’s going on bc her Dr’s don’t get it and don’t believe her. 

So sad medical professionals take a Hippocratic oath to help you get better, but most just deal with symptoms. Trouble is lightning survivors have so many varying symptoms it’s difficult to know which to treat first yet we know the root of cause just not how to heal the damage from the electrical injury from lightning strike.

Following song stuck in head but only part of it…🎶The Lord is my strength and song…🎶 Don’t know name or anymore words. I like the tune though. It’s uplifting.

Whole body aches, nerve endings thru body feel like their pulsating on fire, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling and numbish, low back aches, sinus congestion, hands swollen and achy, rt hip aches (plus side I don’t remember my rt hip aching yday until evening), lower back of neck throbbing

Praying today will be a good day.

Field Trip today to Bellingrath Gardens. It’s founders day.

9:43p- enjoyed the gardens. Took some pretty pictures. Brain overstimulated. I have such a headache! Rt hip throbbing, lower left leg numbish and tourniquit tighten feeling, neck throbbing, exhausted, low back achez, sharp stabbing pain near tailvone, toes hurt, necks feels like its in knots

Going to bed little earlier. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep quickly.

Lightning Strike – Journal Entries 1-3 August 2019

August 1

5:30a- Not sure exactly when I finally fell asleep last time I looked at clock it was after 1am. High pain all over body doesn’t allow me much sleep. Body telling me I did way too much yday.

Need to work on finishing bulletin board at church. Very thirsty right now think I need more water. Took Tylenol.

6:00a-Stinging pain in upper back, whole body hurts, pins & needle pain in legs, hands swollen and throbbing, skin itches, muscles randomly twitching thru body, neck throbbing.

Wrists and ankles stinging.

7:00a- bloody nose

1:00p- feel crashing coming on laying down a while. Only lasted 40 minutes or so bc of text waking me.

4:00p- starting to get headache

4:30p severe thunderstorm warning issued. ugh!

8:30p- talking with Joe. Words not coming out write. Joe not understanding. We ended up arguing. I don’t know how to fix the jumbled speech brain connection. Sometimes it’s just better to stop talking but that doesn’t help either. 

10:26p- thankfully storm blew around us but I still have bad headache. Neck throbbing, upper back stinging, hands swollen and achy, lower left leg numbish and tingly aching, low back hurts, rt hip hurts. I’m utterly exhausted. Trouble swallowing my medz.

August 2

5:00a- woke to stinging needle pain all over. Headache worse.

11:00a- the stinging needle pain is kicking me down. Add to it bad headache, rt hip throbbing, stomach aches, pms. Drank red raspberry leaf tea.

11:57a- I was considering taking an Epsom Salt bath after morning exercises, but I just heard couple of heavy duty thunder rolls. Not getting near it until storm passes now. Ugh!

Pushed through pain to do 1st set of pt exercises about mid day. Took day to rest and relax. 

Pain slowly eased once the thunderstorm passed and with resting.  Stinging needle pain mostly in feet and ankles and little in neck/shoulder region (5) by 11pm for me to do pm exercises. Wholetones music and massage helped too.

August 3

7:00a- whole body aches, hands and wrists tingly, middle of back feels weird…like someone punched into my back and their fist got stuck trying to pull it out. Headache. Neck hurts. Ringing in ears. Upper legs ache and little tingly. Weird dreams. Woke up tired.

9:00- rt hip throbbing, slow moving, painful cycle, headache worsening.  Running late.

10:00a- rt hip at an 8. Ended up staying behind to pray instead of got door knocking. Hurt to move couldn’t get situated or comfortable. 

 11:14a- Joe called. Car died again. Don’t need this. Don’t have extra $ especially with school starting soon. Trusting God to supply the need.

11:26a- Joe called back. Thinks its the battery. Needs to know of we have enough to buy battery. Dad going to drop ladies off at church and then take him to auto store. 

11:35a- not the battery. Need to get it towed. Ugh!

11:51p- eyes watery, neck & shoulders stinging, legs throbbing, rt hip aches, low back aches, scalp itches, feet tinglibg, hands swollen and achy, stinging in left foot 

God is My Super Glue by Dawn Mondt

God is My Super Glue

On June 14th, my youngest Son passed away. He was only 29 years old, the baby of the family. He was a Son, Brother, Grandson, Father, Husband, Friend and so many other things to people. He was funny, intelligent, caring, giving, special and super sweet. He was a 10 year Cancer survivor. That only tells you a few things about him.  To me he was my baby, my sweet boy who made his mom laugh and shared my love of pugs just to name a few things. 

June 14th was a Monday, I was sleeping still when my husband came to wake me up and tell me Johnny was gone.  As is my nature I wanted to run to him but was told no. I remember sitting on the side of my bed feeling like my world had crumbled and all was dark.  The next days were filled with all the things that have to be done and oh so many tears.  I can’t tell you much about those days except to say I felt like I was walking in a daze.

As the days turned into weeks I began to see myself as broken. Broken beyond repair by mans standards. I couldn’t do anything to make myself better. I couldn’t bring my Son back.  I wouldn’t want to do that.  He is finally completely happy, no pain, no sorrow, no tears.  But God can make me better so I talk to the Lord on a constant basis because you see He never left me.  Hebrews 13:5 …..I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  I can tell you that is very true.  It took a while before I could read my Bible without crying but that did not matter because His Word is Hid in My heart.  Psa_119:11  Thy word have I hid in mine heart,….  I can tell you that is true also.  And I turned to the same verse God gave me when Johnny had cancer. Psa_125:2  As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever. 

As I looked at my broken self I began to see that I couldn’t be fixed.  I will never be whole in the way I was before again.  But what I did see is that God does not fix us he fills in the cracks and broken pieces of our heart with Himself.  Kind of like when you crack or break something like a vase and you fix it with super glue.  God fills in those cracks and broken pieces of our heart with Himself just like super glue.  But its better its God Glue!  

I feel like I am living in that Poem “Footprints In The Sand.” God is carrying me as He glues me together. How long will I need to be carried, I don’t know.  Will I be able to stand on my own sometimes.  I think so.

As I go on this journey with my Lord I have been asked by many. “How do I talk to a grieving person?”  The first thing I would tell you is make sure if you really want to ask them how they are doing.  I am a very honest person and not everyone can hear the truth well.  The second is if you do want to ask and really do care say “How are you doing today?”  That last word is very important!  In grief things change quickly.  Sometimes minute by minute.  The truth is I am still in the process and will be for a long time.  I have written this while tears stream down my face.  What the grieving person needs the most are your prayers and your love.

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